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Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 18:48:16  120012897  
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Official. Nocturnal. Yours.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 18:49:44  120013088
All official English threads are labeled with the British Yoba Quality Mark. Beware of imitations!
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 18:51:58  120013400
BUMP 1/10
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 18:56:58  120013984
BUMP 2/10
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:00:43  120014469
BUMP 3/10
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:03:37  120014798
BUMP 4/10
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:14:06  120016055
BUMP 5/10
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:16:18  120016315
BUMP 6/10
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:16:34  120016344
sup 2ch
purr purr purr purr
i'm a bulby qt
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:17:41  120016496
I was going for a 10 combo and you broke it faggot
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:17:51  120016517
Gott strafe England.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:18:05  120016544
2ch cannot into eng
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:18:12  120016557
Nope u r faggot
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:18:28  120016589
Gott mit uns
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:22:15  120017066
BUMP 7/10
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:23:23  120017209
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:23:37  120017241
I can't into your moms vagina because it's hidden too deep under those fat folds.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:24:19  120017322
>5:25 PM
what are you, brain damaged?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:25:42  120017490
Time zones, motherfucker, you heard of them?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:26:03  120017535
Time zones maybe?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:26:48  120017636
Oh. My bad.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:27:56  120017796
Sit down on a bottle, russian pig.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:28:13  120017839
Helou dir frents! Hauar uoy? Mi fayn))
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:29:37  120018010
Do you live in Chukotka if it's night time at your place?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:32:06  120018325
I come from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. It's 4:32 here now.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:34:23  120018601
Sankt-Peterburg-kun here.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:36:18  120018833
>>120012897 (OP)
sOsI pIsOs
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:36:57  120018909
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:37:43  120018990
>>120012897 (OP)
Почему здесь всё на английском? Это же русский сайт.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:39:06  120019151
Because we can.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:45:45  120019905
BUMP 7/10
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:52:00  120020672
Sorry, i don't think we'll make it. The board's not nocturnal enough. Try later?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:54:53  120021015
I can't later
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 19:56:47  120021229
Well i'd try then. If i woudln't forget. I guess i will though.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:09:35  120022721
Usually after half an hour of bumping enough anons gather in the thread and the discussion starts. But today something's wrong
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:10:41  120022840
The London is capital great britain
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:11:50  120022993
Told ya, it's not nocturnal enough.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:16:02  120023554
Nocturnal-schmocturnal, it don't matter
I've created a few threads in the daytime and they took off were successful anyways
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:17:13  120023699
I rolled the USA in the 'in the next life u will be born in...'-thread. Congrats me.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:17:53  120023790
>>120012897 (OP)
Идите нахуй пидоры, объявляю это россиюшки тред, патриуты все сюда, мочи пидоров!!!!
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:19:27  120023997
My english is vanderful
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:21:39  120024269
уймись, хохол
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:21:40  120024273
BUMP 8/10

I'm running out of bumps!
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:22:55  120024427
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:25:26  120024727
Do you guys really think it's funny?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:27:11  120024954
OK, ryske, I'm gonna teach you.
anon from LA
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:27:56  120025058
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Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:30:25  120025371
Gentlemen, what are you thinking about accents in English? I've gat American accent
anon from LA
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:30:41  120025403
14579766413970.png (192Кб, 942x416)
Go ahead
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:30:48  120025423
Any proofs?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:31:58  120025564
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:32:09  120025596
Coulsd you convert this shit into TOEFL scale, please?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:33:58  120025821
Nope. Too lazy for that shit. But as you might see, the picture says it's C2 in CERF.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:36:47  120026175
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Something else?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:38:40  120026420
>online test
It doesn't mean a thing. Those test only check elementary grammar and you can score 100 out of 100 points and still speak very poor English. And if you scored 75, you're not proficient. If you don't know how to make a sentence, what level of knowledge can you even have?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:39:52  120026585
You're right, but who said i can't make a sentence?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:40:32  120026679
Seems legit. How'd you manage to leave Pidorussia?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:42:09  120026876
I was born in France. I'm surname is Demidov. My grannies escaped from USSR in 1917.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:42:22  120026914
If you didn't score 100/100 on a grammar test then you're bad at grammar and so you can't make a more or less complicated sentence.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:42:25  120026920
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:43:12  120027005
How good are you at Russian?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:44:39  120027189
Довольно хорошо, но я говорю с сильным акцентом, но не испытываю трудностей в написании и тому подобном. Родители в детстве капали на мозг происхождением, а потом отправили в Америку.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:45:46  120027316
It's not just grammar test, it contains a listening module and other stuff that checks your comprehension skill. If it was a grammar test, the questions would be more like "choose the sentence with conditional clause" or "which one has a subjunctive mood".
And i don't even want to discuss the "if you didn't score 100/100, you're bad" thing.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:46:23  120027381
Hi all
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:47:06  120027468
Hlo bro
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:47:07  120027473
Hey, mate
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:47:39  120027555
As long as you're compehensible and your grammar isn't substandard, I don't care what sort of accent you have. And no, AAVE and Jamaican English are not comprehensible.
I hope I'm not late for the thread though.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:48:06  120027622
What the hell is AAVE?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:49:06  120027746
Как же иронично это звучит. Прям как "мои родители капали мне на мозг антикапиталистическими, веганскими и зоозащитными идеями, а потом построили скотобойню"
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:49:21  120027782
African American Vernacular English, aka Ebonics. That stereotypical "nigger English" that most black American rappers talk and write their lyrics in.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:49:38  120027812
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:49:41  120027818
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:50:47  120027956
ok, so what's going on?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:50:47  120027958
Действительно, они всеми силами ненавидят Россию, хотя никогда в ней не были, тем не менее дома говорят на русском и меня заставляли, указывая на какое-то знатное происхождение с Урала знать, ага.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:51:24  120028045
London - is the capital of Great Британ.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:51:27  120028054
Вроде ошибок нет (кроме повторения "но"), но всё равно как-то не по-нашенски звучит, не пишут так русские.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:51:42  120028077
Don't know, I've only just arrived ITT. Anything you need to get off your chest, Anon?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:53:18  120028259
Я просто никогда по русски не говорил, а вся моя практика сводится к 'общению' здесь и на ещё паре мелких форумов.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:54:00  120028329
Hey, guys, want to hear some jokes?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:54:45  120028413
What is 150+150?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:55:05  120028453
No, sure. You want it?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:55:22  120028493
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:55:37  120028519
A mathematical expression.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:55:39  120028522
What "no"? Just tell me what is 150+150
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:56:10  120028589
three hundred
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:56:19  120028610
Suck a tractor driver's dick!
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:56:56  120028682
If you don't want to hear my jokes just say
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:58:36  120028883
I don't wanna read that shit again.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:58:38  120028885
>>120012897 (OP)
IELTS 7.0 fag rolled in.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:59:04  120028947
Well I do. I want to hear your jokes. Come on
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 20:59:23  120028983
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:00:01  120029057
Wait a bit. I will either find my certificate and check my score or piss on your face.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:00:25  120029113
Any real perks that come with it, or is it just a self-esteem booster?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:02:07  120029325
What do you call a three humped camel?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:02:48  120029398
I was prepairing to study abroad couple of years ago but our National Leader suddenly decided that Crimea is our rightful clay so Russian currency is fucked up now and I don't have enough money to pay tution fees.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:02:52  120029415
You can find a good job even if it's not related to English or languages as such. Your employer knows if you can master a foreign language then you're not a douchebag.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:03:29  120029490
wow, sounds cool
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:03:54  120029529
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:04:39  120029617
What a pity
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:05:15  120029677

Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:06:04  120029772
Yay politics. My condolences, nyasha. Your English still needs polishing though, unless "prepairing" and "tution" are just typos.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:09:09  120030119
Yep, sometimes it is necesary to know. Once I was passing online english level test and in the last level the system wanted you to answer for this kind of jokes and idioms. Of course I failed this level.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:09:47  120030193
Dude, did you heared this joke before? Why did you answered? I hoped nobody answers this question and writes something like "I don't know". But youruined all my hopes. start crying
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:10:50  120030319
there there
I just googled it
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:14:29  120030751
BUMP 9/10
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:14:43  120030778
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Unfortunately my certificate is at mother's home but I have picrelated.
Yeah, that sucks.

>Your English still needs polishing though
Can't argue with that. Lack of practice and nigger mentality makes me a bit retarded when it comes to English communication. I just don't give a fuck about grammar sometimes.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:16:58  120031036
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>>120012897 (OP)
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:17:49  120031128
>>120012897 (OP)
Rolled in, guys how long will it take to learn English at a level suitable for a job? Will be 2 years enough?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:18:29  120031213
Your current level is horrible. I recommend you to take an English course.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:21:01  120031536
Most of native speakers doesn't, actually. I tried to ask a few people about some hard things in grammar i couldn't get, they had no idea. It's just that they know how to say it right, but they've no clue why exactly is it right.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:21:57  120031644
Yeah that's a common thing even among Russians speaking Russian as their native language.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:22:57  120031756
And the main cause of my butthurts during Russian classes in school.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:24:40  120031955
>Why did you answered?

something is wrong, isnt it?

Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:25:42  120032078
A language is just a tool me. If you understand me, the goal is riched. But anyway you didnt answer on my question about 2 years.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:26:37  120032197
So "did you heared" and numerous tense mistakes haven't confused you, have they?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:27:03  120032258
How do I get rid of a hideous pidorahian accent?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:27:54  120032368
There is no way. Deal with your blood.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:28:09  120032408
It really depends on intensity of your learning process. I know a girl who lived in Scotland for 2 years and she speaks like a god. She seemed to pick up a peculiar Scottish accent, too.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:28:41  120032468
I did. I don't know how, though. But just know, that there's hope for you too. Be strong!
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:28:59  120032502
I was studying English since my 5th class in high school, than 3 years more at the university and I thought that it was enough. But during my first day in USA I realized that all these years were spent in vain - I wasnt able to speak with local people at all.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:29:46  120032598
Russian accent is god-tier, don't be shy.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:29:53  120032615
>I was studying
Stopped reading here
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:32:13  120032907
your use of perfect is not so right either
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:32:58  120033005
can you put a correct name of the tense used there?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:33:27  120033057
I never claimed to have a top-tier English grammar
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:33:51  120033110
the one in my post?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:35:53  120033359
No, there, in green color -> >>120031955
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:36:58  120033488

Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:37:24  120033549
what's wrong?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:37:35  120033577
Um, if it was "Why did you answer", it would be Past Indefinite aka Past Simple
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:40:18  120033919
Have been studying*
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:40:43  120033973
it should be "I (had) studied"
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:41:08  120034034
don't listen to this fag >>120033919
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:43:20  120034329
Haha I was merely pretending BTFO nigger
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:44:50  120034531

>BTFO nigger

lol wut?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:45:40  120034628
I'm not that guy, but maybe he meant "bail the fuck out"? I guess...
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:46:16  120034723
Those are called memes, learn them unless you want to be a proof.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:46:17  120034726
mistyped for GTFO, obvious zhe
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:46:35  120034771
You are retarded. BTFO goes for blown the fuck out.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:47:17  120034855
no idea how it fits here
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:47:46  120034927
Dudes,how to don't mix up ass like a donkey and ass like part of body.Please,help a retard
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:48:41  120035047
What the actual fuck?..
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:50:04  120035230
No one uses the word "ass" in that sense, where did you even get that shit from?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:50:18  120035255
ass can mean осёл or задница. he asks how to distinguish them
if you mean donkey say donkey. that's the only way
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:50:49  120035324
Homonyms, bro. Ass can mean either "donkey" or "butt." He's trying to figure out how to avoid mixing them up. Speaking of which, no one calls donkeys "asses" anymore, it's not the 19th century.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:52:04  120035491
I know, but... Uhhh, i could as well ask "guys, how do i tell the "pussy" beaver from actual beaver? i'm totally lost!"
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:52:34  120035560
Tips to avoid sounding Runglish #19
Never say "mix up", say "confuse" instead.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:53:45  120035699
Thanks, bro.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:53:46  120035701
Woah, i guess i missed the previous 18. Where can i take a look at them?
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:54:24  120035793
I'm pretty sure he just made that one up. Doesn't mean it doesn't apply though.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:54:59  120035868
I know lol, it was irony.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:55:01  120035873
Since I just read english literature and saw this word in meaning donkey.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:56:54  120036100
Well there's merely a chance you'll encounter any "ass" asses in the literature with "donkey" asses
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 21:59:00  120036353
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 22:01:37  120036668
>>120012897 (OP)
ПОЯСНИТЕ ЗА СЛОВО !GET! постоянно ставит в тупик, как будто это слово может обозначать все на свете
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 22:02:10  120036737
Так и есть.
Аноним 14/03/16 Пнд 22:04:32  120037058
What are you gettin' at? It does mean everything, how come you ain't got it yet?

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