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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:04:33  122152853  
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Da Rules:
1. You do not write anything in Russian
2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
3. If you do write something in commie speak, you get your face pissed on immediately
4. Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to. If you do, you get your... y'know what'll happen
5. Gibberish like "sasai pindos obama chmo" is not welcomed. Who cares though
6. Don't put "though" at the end of your every last sentence thinking it makes you sound less runglishly. It doesn't, though
7. There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want

The previous thread is on its deathbed here >>122078694 (OP)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:07:47  122153219
>>122152853 (OP)
I have a very good advice I'd like to share with you guys. When you are engaging in fellatio, don't neglect the balls.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:09:31  122153412
Alright,then it would be ENGLISH_PORN_THREAD
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:09:34  122153419
>a very good advice
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:09:40  122153428
It's the greatiest thred in this month for me. Thank you OP
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:09:43  122153438
Thanks, very useful, i'm going to tell it to your mom next time i see her.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:10:50  122153553
I think our life is a game
She's name is 'fame or shame'
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:11:38  122153638
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:13:11  122153822
But it is! I had to learn that simple truth the hard way unfortunately.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:13:13  122153826
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He tald that Matrix has you.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:13:58  122153907
>>122152853 (OP)
This thread free from schoolboys. It's WIN!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:15:04  122154029
Neo, loggin in.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:15:13  122154044
Guys I don't know many words, but I want to speak and to right all night with you. Cause you are the best guys!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:15:33  122154084
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:16:18  122154157
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:16:38  122154199
>Matrix has you.
the phrase of Trinity ^3
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:16:45  122154215
Fuck off.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:16:57  122154235
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:17:14  122154274
advice is uncountable lol
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:17:21  122154287
Are you a bad cop?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:18:17  122154374
Trinity has your mom
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:19:12  122154453
Good to know.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:19:24  122154476
Is it 4chan branch? London is da capital of great britain
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:19:40  122154505
I'm a your daddy.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:20:10  122154550
Lol :3
OK guys, I go to sleap. bb!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:21:49  122154716
>>122152853 (OP)
Why do you create that thread, OP? Is this has sense at 4chan, because there are international imageboard, but not 2ch.

inb4: ошибки
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:22:46  122154801
He crated it because people enjoy it.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:22:57  122154825
did you creaded

Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:23:21  122154863
You've made it even worse.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:24:12  122154935
awwww shiet nigga wach ya doin
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:26:38  122155181
>>122152853 (OP)
Schoolboys can't speak english and so in this thread no people. 2ch RIP.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:27:23  122155249
>>122152853 (OP)
OP - faggot
Thread - cesspool.
Where are you from op? Age? Name?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:30:20  122155518
I'm from a small and peaceful town called "Fuck Off".
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:30:22  122155523
I came from USA. Hahhahaha, you guys you assholes ;p
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:31:25  122155636
English threads on 4chan, are you serious? Any thread on 4chan is English, lol.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:32:22  122155728
It's me.
OK, age? Country?
How did you get info about this cesspool2ch?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:32:26  122155732
I meant another language like german, spanish, etc.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:32:57  122155797
I'm sexy and anknown fucking ducking wathing and.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:33:25  122155833
But I want English.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:33:45  122155863
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:34:32  122155963
I'm so jealous of you cunts, you don't have to try learning English because you're surrounded by it. I have to go out of my way to learn your shitty language.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:34:49  122155997
Children building fry street under until backwood Afghan serf.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:35:00  122156015
i don't trust you enough to give information so personal.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:35:27  122156057
> to give you
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:35:56  122156098
Wut? At 4chan 98% threads in english, dude.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:36:55  122156208
1: The HDMI is fucking overprice standart.
DisplayPort is one goto 1.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:36:57  122156215
Hello gays, i'm tyan. No proof
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:37:26  122156269
care of Shuriken!!!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:37:51  122156313
Tyan not shit in your pizda.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:37:59  122156322
Well, I am actually gay so I don't give a fuck if you're a tyan. Why would I when I'm surrounded by so many dicks.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:38:45  122156394
Let's create the biggest orgy in the world! In oil! And with cats!!! It'll be cool!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:38:50  122156402
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My life is very boring. Today i fap all day. How change myself and be very cool guy?And else, guys, i started lerning English few months ago, so i cant speak very well. Sorry for my grammar mystakes.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:39:22  122156448
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:39:45  122156497
OP - faggot.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:39:59  122156515
I love you blow big dicks
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:40:32  122156575
Speed internet?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:41:05  122156627
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:41:22  122156648
There seems to be nobody ITT who can say anything more complicated than "hi gays i tyan no proof" shit.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:41:30  122156656
Думаете установили правила и все будут им следовать?
Не писать на русском и бла-бла-бла..
Нахуй правила!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:41:47  122156682
Hey faggots, I'm going to Poland by a bus. What are you doing?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:42:01  122156706
For starters, stop fapping all day and go get a breath of fresh air.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:42:03  122156709
Well, yours ain't as shitty as mine!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:42:08  122156716
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:42:13  122156723
Yes. Im agree with you. How we organise orgy?When and where?It is lgbt orgy or geterosexual?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:42:16  122156734
Russian bydlo, please. #FreeSavchenko
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:42:19  122156741
What's the point of making this thread?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:42:29  122156761
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:42:52  122156791
How about you suck my dick for starters and say hi to your mom!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:43:00  122156806
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:43:09  122156819
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:43:18  122156834
Слава Україні! Як ся маєте?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:43:34  122156859
Wow-wow. Ghana try setting GV_gravity -3455.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:43:37  122156865
>for starters
Stop using this idiom. It annoys me.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:43:50  122156887
i hate your fucking language

but I must learn it

why all the different fucking endings and shit for words
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:43:53  122156892
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:43:56  122156896
end pomnite ni slova po russki
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:44:01  122156902
Я не из России.
Свободу Савченко!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:44:10  122156916
How to colonization Mars?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:44:33  122156951
И не из Украины.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:44:45  122156965
>ne parler pas francais
Quoix aujerard ton mantis aux d'amons le futs?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:45:19  122157020
eto kak kartoshka free? tolko freeSavchenko? moschno mne dve s soboi ?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:45:23  122157027
Allah Akbar!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:45:49  122157074
O tempora, o mores!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:45:53  122157083
I hate fucking russian. I know what mean " rusnya". It is best name for ruasian pig.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:46:12  122157106
>all the different fucking endings
>-s for third person singular, -ing for gerund/participle, -ed for past tense/passive voice
>all the different fucking endings
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:46:16  122157113
Da, nyasho.
To /pol/
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:46:19  122157120
vo istinu Akbar!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:46:36  122157140
Whats russian to "go get a breath of fresh air"?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:46:46  122157153
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:46:53  122157171
and not from Poland.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:47:19  122157216
>not cosmopolitan
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:47:37  122157240
mersi , now i kan use you asshole or not?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:48:04  122157274
"выйди пробздись"
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:48:50  122157345
> why all the different fucking endings and shit for words
says a cocksucking slav who conjugates the fuck out of everything, lol
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:49:02  122157361
My dick is a cosmopolitan in your mom.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:49:19  122157392
Thanx, bro.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:49:32  122157411
dunmensha m8
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:49:41  122157426
It's "keep sucking on my dick, little bitch".
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:49:41  122157427
Бля,снобы тупые,вы блядь,предложение построить правильно не можете.Какой вам,сука,английски?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:50:10  122157473
ne bombi naysh
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:50:28  122157503
I know whis is pain for your. Be the russian man. It like be the stupid orc.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:50:29  122157504
How to say "Капрал капризно поменял юнгу на корабле. Президент Украины тогда ещё был капралом. Позже он стал пятым президентом."?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:50:40  122157533
Your all faggots :3
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:51:13  122157590
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Grammar nazi in your thread.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:51:14  122157595
That is not true at all. I can say and I've saying things that are way more complicated than "hi gays i tyan no proof". For example, institutionalism in political science concentrates on studying political institutes of a society since, according to institutionalims, their vector of development determines the development of society as a whole while also setting rules and norms for poilitical process as well as political actors.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:51:35  122157617
And I should care why?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:51:39  122157625
>Капрал капризно поменял юнгу на корабле. Президент Украины тогда ещё был капралом. Позже он стал пятым президентом
Corporal capriciously changed the cabin boy on a ship . Yushchenko then was still a corporal . Later, he became the fifth president
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:51:51  122157647
Jesus, this grammar and typos are blinding my eyes
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:52:28  122157712
> I've been saying
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:52:39  122157727
Привет всем!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:52:42  122157737
Hi, my friend.
How to feel my dick in you ass?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:52:52  122157749
your eyes bleed ?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:52:57  122157759
Go fuck out.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:53:02  122157766
Privet faggot.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:53:09  122157778
My dick is long.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:53:25  122157800
It is joke without funny for me. You are so terrible man, becouse you are joking about my mam. Im cry ;(
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:53:46  122157832
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:53:47  122157838
No. It been my dick.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:53:48  122157841
pretty much, I guess
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:53:57  122157859
Хохол у тріді .
Задавайте свої відповіді
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:54:13  122157884
Что он сказал?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:54:20  122157896
asked your mon , she know this feel
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:54:32  122157918
My dick is longer, than your dick. HA-HA.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:54:39  122157928
Your russian dick in your mom?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:54:43  122157938
Do you Dutch?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:54:44  122157941
Cry, cry. I'll wash your penis your tears
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:54:55  122157959
як ся маешь хихил?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:55:00  122157966
яйцо = singular
яйца = plural

картошка = singular
картошки = plural

Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:55:02  122157970
Хохол їбав цей трід
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:55:18  122157993
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:55:23  122158001
But I haven't Mon faggot.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:55:40  122158027
British detected.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:56:13  122158078
Хлопці, та я свердлив вчора ваших неньок .
Ох як же їм сподобалось))))
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:57:21  122158183
Fuck you fat ass.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:57:30  122158198
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Слава Україні.
Хохол продовжує їбати цей трід
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:58:16  122158282
> puck
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:58:23  122158296
Дурник, навчись викормстовувати мову англійців)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:58:55  122158353
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Хех. Спiймав хохiла.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:59:25  122158405
Дякую боже, що я не москаль
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:59:45  122158435
No, nigga, no!!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:59:51  122158448
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:59:56  122158456
>>122152853 (OP)
Завали їбало
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:00:42  122158535
How to say "EOT" in English?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:00:53  122158551
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:01:19  122158593
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:02:20  122158699
Hot Have one tian
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:02:32  122158726
London is the capital city of Great Britain.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:02:35  122158727
>>122152853 (OP)
Cyka blayt
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:02:48  122158749
You are fucking lier
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:02:53  122158755
>>122152853 (OP)
дайте перевод правил пиндосы
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:03:43  122158835
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:03:44  122158837
there's an actual term for it, "crush"
it's not imageboard-related but has the same meaning as EOT
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:03:50  122158854
1. You always are faggot. Is it correctly?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:03:54  122158864
> Boy
But boy can't be a gilfriend.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:04:07  122158886
Не писать по русски
Не быть руссней
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:04:32  122158931
I can be whatever you want me to be, sweetie.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:04:52  122158976
не понимаю
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:05:07  122159011
How ro say "Семён", "голубцы"?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:05:14  122159033
что значить though?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:05:30  122159053
>>122152853 (OP)
сажи филиалу форча
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:05:33  122159061
There is nothing about being russian. But yeah, not writing in russian is crucial for the well-being of this thread.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:06:44  122159179
I cant, becouse rules speaking to me dont make that.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:06:54  122159198
Semen, guys.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:06:57  122159204
2 пункт тут 80% руссни и 20% хахлов
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:07:10  122159227
How to say "YOBA", "колобок"?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:07:42  122159280
Echidny sharic
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:07:45  122159287
Господа, если вы не можете в английский хотя бы на начальном уровне, то этот тред не для вас. Два первых правила гласят "не писать на русском", и это важно, потому иначе теряется весь смысл этого треда. Либо пишите на английском, либо, если не моежете, просто пройдите мимо. Не о многом просим ведь.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:07:56  122159314
мысль вродь
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:08:32  122159377
как guys переводится ? это что с половой ориентацие связано ? gay=gyu или нет ?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:08:33  122159381
Something you put here and there to come off as American.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:08:34  122159386
I spik english veri vell))
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:08:38  122159391
зачем добавлять мысль в конце?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:08:38  122159392
>>122152853 (OP)
Лет ми спик фром май харт.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:09:16  122159459
I see.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:09:31  122159484
translit you're post in english pls
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:10:04  122159537
How I do know my level in English? I can write some words like a google translate, but can't write hmm...
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:10:05  122159539
though is not thought, though
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:10:13  122159553
How to translate to russian "Grudgingly frying DVD Nguyen chloroform returned frugallity boy"?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:10:19  122159560
Btw, you dad suck our diks.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:10:40  122159599
There is one changirl.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:10:41  122159603
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:10:43  122159605
Слава Украiне
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:11:09  122159645
Go fuck your self
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:11:23  122159669
It don't give me shit me lil nig'
I always thought my dad is a feggit
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:11:26  122159676
God bless America!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:11:38  122159700
Moskhal is not fat, he is stupid.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:11:43  122159711
I beliave your level is basic.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:11:57  122159735
Earth! Earth! Earth! Cosmopolitism.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:12:15  122159762
- WHY?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:12:29  122159796
1. You are always a faggot Is this correct?

you gotta lotta work on tbh
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:12:54  122159836
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Semen pls
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:13:12  122159861
Everyone's level is basic here. Except mine.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:13:21  122159881
14596208014580.jpg (61Кб, 610x565)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:13:27  122159891
> tbn
What is it?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:13:42  122159912
Gentlemen, if you can't speak english on even the most basic level, then this thread is not for you. The first two rules say "don't use russian", which is important because otherwise having this thread is completely pointless. Either use engilsh to express your thoughts or just pass by. We're not asking for much.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:13:42  122159915
You're detected, now get the fuck outta here.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:13:47  122159927
What is your mean "basic"?Maybe elementary or beginner?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:13:50  122159933
14596208306030.png (441Кб, 504x512)
Мне похуй на закон! Анша абдуль, маслята!

Кара вечная!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:14:18  122159967
My too.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:14:55  122160021
Go fuck yourself.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:15:00  122160033
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:15:16  122160053

Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:15:36  122160078
No, basic.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:16:30  122160160
Sounds fishy.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:16:48  122160187
I already am
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:16:55  122160199
Whats differrent between basic, beginner and elementary?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:17:48  122160288
I believe there's none.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:19:39  122160455
i'm just kidding, i've mistaken.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:21:08  122160591
Not bad m8. Best English ITT so far.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:22:18  122160702
Should we sing something on vocaroo in English to determine the best and the ugliest accent?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:23:22  122160813
Thank you.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:23:43  122160848
I'd like to. Too bad I don't got no mic.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:24:49  122160961
Where the fuck did you study english? What "don't got no" means? Are you in the fucking Harlem?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:25:22  122161019
>>122152853 (OP)
Where's that guy from yesterday, who was really annoyed by these threads and spoke only in Russian? He worked as QA or something as I remember.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:26:07  122161094
What do ya have 'gains da HARLEM, u snowflake?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:26:12  122161102
He's fking your mom dawg
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:27:38  122161232
Yo fuk u man don be messin wit me homeboy ima slap yo face so hard u'll forget where u live at nigga.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:29:53  122161478
Chill bro, it's just slang.
Sure thing I could of said "I don't have a mic" but I wanted to spice it up a little, that's it.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:30:29  122161529
Wow, my mom's dawg will have puppies!!! I'll call them Fluffy, Barkley, Chewey and Fred.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:30:42  122161546
And none of you niggas noticed a simple grammar mistake..
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:30:55  122161568
Awwww, boys. Your mistakes are so fucking pathetic and eye-bleeding, I can't bear this shit
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:31:16  122161608
> Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:31:28  122161629
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:31:51  122161670
>no rules at all, actually
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:32:07  122161702
Well, then why are you still here?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:32:33  122161750
Ehh, please dick to i'm mom
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:32:47  122161775
Yeaahh this "could of" shit. American pidorashka's sland, nothing more. I see you wanna look cool, but i really advice you to not use this shit in a real converstion.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:32:48  122161776
He was a complete asshole. Hope he's not coming at all.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:32:50  122161781
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:32:55  122161788
Fool i don need all dat white academic bullshit nigga i got street knowledge.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:33:02  122161809
>>122152853 (OP)
Guys, tell me about "Dvachevsk". What is it?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:33:19  122161837
Just came in, thought I might have some fun talking to somebody who KNOWS. But this kind of folk is kinda rare ITT.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:33:23  122161845
Obey rules on internet. Omega.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:34:16  122161920
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:34:17  122161921
I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:34:30  122161933
See at least 2 mistakes in this sentence. Pidor
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:35:01  122161996
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:35:05  122162004
Thank me for not writing "to bad" instead of "too bad." That would of definately blown you're mind.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:35:36  122162057
Guys, how the fuck kan I make myself go to bathroom? I sit here and read and stuff, and I'm about to explode right under myself. Does anybody ever have the same problem?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:36:01  122162092
Read this shit/ got bored before getting even half through/
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:36:02  122162093
Naah... Holy Bible. Or he just played that japanese "Xenogears" game.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:36:14  122162112
sasai pindos obama chmo
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:36:23  122162124
Use bottles / A4 sheets to avoid having to use the bathroom.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:36:39  122162151
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:36:46  122162162
Pee your pants.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:36:58  122162179
"your" you mean nigga?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:39:10  122162412
Do you guy?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:39:27  122162443
Obama is not a chmo!!!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:40:07  122162511
Obama is nigga
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:40:10  122162520
Prove it
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:40:41  122162576
Aren't they the same?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:43:05  122162844
What you wrote means "you are" dawg. Basic shit nigga
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:44:15  122162964
bat nigga is it u
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:45:37  122163092
Ha has an american passport. Holders of american passport can't be "chmo".
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:46:47  122163208
They can.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:47:03  122163229
Typical pidorashka's thinking.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:47:06  122163232
Uncle Lao is in this thread! China strong! Little ducky from yesterday, are you here? Me hungry!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:47:45  122163305
Prove it.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:47:58  122163324
Obama is proof
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:49:08  122163449
14596229480530.jpg (31Кб, 496x302)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:51:24  122163662
That looks like that "Egg-Chicken" dilemma, or "How to get a work without a work experience" one.

Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:52:32  122163784
Я ёб ваших мам. В чём суть правил?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:53:16  122163854
To get some "experience" by your self may be? At least an attempt, then you sell it to HR fucking managers.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:53:35  122163886
>There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:54:37  122163993
We'll call you back. But... just an advice... We need someone... more experienced in English.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:55:34  122164083
How is your post related to the one you replied to?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:55:51  122164108
>an advice
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:56:11  122164137
14596233719740.jpg (17Кб, 300x215)
> by your self may be?
Not Bad.

Yes, I violated some rules, I know, but I'ma dog, dawgs, bow-wow, bow-wow-wow, bow-wow-wow-chiki-wow-chiki-wow.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:56:53  122164192
And? What's wrong in here?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:57:28  122164253
Hellou Ingliw mans
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:57:49  122164285
What did you try to say manya? My english skills are in top 5% among russians.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:58:04  122164300
advice is uncountable
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:58:27  122164328
I'm shit, mother.
I'm sorry :'c
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:58:49  122164365
Sheit too many spaces. Happens
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 21:59:48  122164445
Are you okay? You're talking complete nonsense.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:00:24  122164484
This fucker was correct, refresh your articles knowldge
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:00:28  122164489
Wow, you just said you're less shittier than shit!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:00:58  122164540
Fuck you dog, don't make me crazy/
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:00:59  122164542
14596236594480.gif (472Кб, 500x281)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:01:57  122164627
Nope brah I just said that you suck cocks/
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:02:06  122164639
I got the stead in abroad company without any knowledge in English, mostly it's not important, if you working in Russia and you are suitable as a professional
didn't read thread
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:02:52  122164695
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:03:44  122164773
foreign company, the thread, of english, if you work/
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:03:48  122164784
and no I'm not a cleaner
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:04:18  122164836
No you didn't. Actually, cou could't. With that big cock of mine in youh mouth, you just could't say anything!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:04:30  122164852
14596238704520.jpg (97Кб, 484x331)
Refreshed behind your cheek, check.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:04:35  122164858
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:05:14  122164923
Sure thing, you're CLEANING MANAGER.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:05:44  122164963
Thank you it's my first experience in English lol
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:06:01  122164988
Programmer-Sucess-kun-400k, is dat u??? I want children from you!!!!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:06:06  122164993
Turns out your cock isn't that big, faggot/
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:07:29  122165144
Well, it's mainly because dicks are usually get smaller after they shoot some semen, and mine just did that 5 seconds ago, check behind your cheek.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:08:01  122165189
Hello guys! How are you?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:08:11  122165210
Hey gays. I job ticher of inglish in murica. Ask mi yu kveshons.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:09:01  122165301
I got a nice advice from your mom yesterday. The advice was: do not abuse sweets if you don't want to be a fat faggot like my son... she said.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:09:28  122165337
We are fine, thank you. How was your day?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:09:33  122165344
Now find a mistake there.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:09:44  122165359
Murrica strong?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:09:56  122165378
I have very good advice I'd like to share with you. When you are engaging in fellatio, don't neglect the balls.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:10:11  122165409
I does my homejob. When i go for walk?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:10:22  122165431
Your whole message is one big mistake as well as you
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:10:26  122165443
Murica is veri strong kantri
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:10:59  122165496
Nothing. There is your dad nearby with something white coming out of his mouth though.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:11:07  122165510
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:11:51  122165566
Typical faggot) Got nothing useful to say, uh?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:12:01  122165582
Same as always - like groundhog day.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:12:31  122165624
Hello! Is it Yoba speaking?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:13:23  122165702
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:14:00  122165754
It's seriously, I'm junior engineer, just I'm an autistic slightly and I never studied English
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:14:11  122165770
Battling moles again and again? Damn moles, they get stronger and stronger, if nothing will change mighty Groundhog tribe will be doomed. Dammit!!!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:14:14  122165776
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Why are you still a virgin, Anon?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:14:41  122165812
The indefinite article is not used for mass nouns when they are used as mass nouns, but almost all mass nouns can be used in a context where they become countable—then they will take an article.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:14:56  122165833
В треде пидоры. Слава Украине.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:15:12  122165857
Causing I guy.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:15:30  122165885
I can't think of a context where "advice" would be countable. Can you?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:15:48  122165915
Сосать рабы системы
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:16:00  122165937
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:17:48  122166125
Why not, though?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:18:15  122166172
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:18:26  122166194
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:18:58  122166252
>>122152853 (OP)
Go to the cock, pee door ear.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:19:25  122166305
Don't be a dipshit
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:19:48  122166343
Dick in pussy
and ass

▲ ▲
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:21:22  122166506
'cause I'm not very clever and I've a some problems in communication. And you? Open your heart bro!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:21:59  122166563
Why so mad, though?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:23:09  122166677
He h8 U, Bro.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:23:51  122166750
Hard load on face
and tits
▲ ▲
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:25:15  122166875
Surprise behind your cheek.
Check it now.

▲ ▲

Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:26:18  122166984
Camshow gone wild
and sexy
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:28:38  122167257
By the way, what about 4chan? Is there a life? I meen, are they intellegant and with a sense of humor or they are dumb worse then we are there?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:29:29  122167338
idk but he was annoying cunt
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:29:59  122167385
>I meen, are they intellegant and with a sense of humor
>or they are dumb worse then we are there
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:30:55  122167479
...is fuckin' trash!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:31:37  122167565
No they are smarter.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:32:30  122167658
I've been there. Actually, their /b is far more retarded than ours.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:32:36  122167665
i't pity.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:33:20  122167744
How often?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:33:49  122167801
Every day
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:34:31  122167874

I go there once in a couple of months to check if things become better. There's been no progress so far.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:35:49  122168016
14596257495600.jpg (66Кб, 460x1039)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:36:39  122168109
Lol. I loosed.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:37:34  122168209
14596258548680.png (466Кб, 780x584)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:37:46  122168230
"We don't give a fuck about the lower creations", a tiny voice resounded somewhere from the latrine corner.
The guys, as ever, paid no attention to these strident sounds. Let him scream on, what else could he yield?
A pansy is not human, and he's fixing to have a really tough night. Throughout the last eighteen months it's been this way, and now his anus is stretched so wide it can easily hold a can of condensed milk inside.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:38:19  122168283
14596258995710.png (100Кб, 890x256)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:39:53  122168447
14596259938800.png (222Кб, 1920x1200)
14596259938851.png (245Кб, 1920x1200)
Some proofpics of their /b.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:40:15  122168483
14596260157850.png (317Кб, 1439x1377)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:40:53  122168544
Что это? Чему они радуются?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:41:44  122168628
Maybe they are not as smart as we are, but they really have a freedom.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:41:45  122168633
Такая же параша как и у нас. Подрочить-поржать, первичные инстинкты.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:41:50  122168640
Наверное рандом им имена выдаёт, и у человека попался Коррине Хаус (Что созвучно с фильмом, который указан на пике)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:42:36  122168711
nice meme xD
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:43:00  122168754
Тому, что они не русские.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:43:19  122168787
actually, today i saw a porn with threesome teens and omg her anus started bleeding and it slides off a little. It was a little tore and there WERE some space for a big can (from the pineaples) then my dick has fallen on my legs
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:43:23  122168798
How do you think, can the seating in that board be good practice and give me a motivation to learn the language?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:45:15  122168988
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:45:24  122169000
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:46:04  122169060
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:46:59  122169147
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:47:39  122169204
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:47:40  122169209
nice meme xD
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:48:49  122169306
14596265295470.png (88Кб, 720x674)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:51:06  122169524
to see how shit is going down in russia and then dream about California
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:51:08  122169527
Stop posting this shit NOW.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:51:58  122169618
Then they seem to misuse their freedom.
I can even aprove of adult gay pr0n, but shotacon is something truely disgusting, IMHO.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:54:06  122169826
I think all of you should give me memes with cat.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:54:07  122169832
How many of us are here? Let's count off.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:54:40  122169898
ой переведите шуточку
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:55:28  122169977
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:56:45  122170090
Кто-нибудь пробовал?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:58:28  122170269
>>122152853 (OP)
Good afternoon, i'm currently practicing my english language, feel free to correct me whenever i make a mistake
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:58:43  122170299
I understand nothing.

That's funny. It don't look too stupid, it's just like "prove me God no exist"-threads. It is intresting to move brains and funny.

Thanks. Looks common, as for me.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 22:59:54  122170406
Вопрос :"Как ты думаешь, сколько людей на тебя мастурбировали, анон?"
Ответ :"Я не очень привлекательный, но в средней школе девушка из моего класса сказала, что у неё был сон, как она ебалась со мной. Это было неожиданным для меня, поэтому всё, что я смог сказать :"Это был кошмарный сон?"
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:00:48  122170495

I'm bydlo, sorry
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:01:15  122170529
Как ты думаешь, анон, сколько людей на тебя мастурбировало?
Я не очень привлекательный, но когда-то в колледже одна девушка сказала мне, что ей приснилось, как я ее отъебал. Я настолько удивился, что все что я мог сказать было "Это был ночной кошмар?"
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:01:16  122170532
combo breaker!!!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:02:13  122170622
14596273339660.png (62Кб, 610x188)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:02:16  122170630
two tea for this gentelman
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:02:20  122170636
i've got a secret
it's on a tip of my tongue
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:03:12  122170725
-Анон, как много людей, по твоему мнению, фапают на тебя?
- Я не очень привлекательный, но в старшей школе одна девчонка из моего класса однажды рассказала мне про сон, где мы с ней ебались. Это было неожиданно, и все что я смог тогда сказать: "Это был ночной кошмар?"

хуевая шутейка в общем.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:03:17  122170733
Same for me when i've studied German lol
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:04:07  122170811
Поправочка: ей приснилось, что ОНА выебала того анона, а не он её.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:04:53  122170894
Yeah, didnt noticed that, much obliged
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:05:13  122170924
Для них, вроде как, не имеет разницы, кто кого ебёт, и это всё равно гетеросекс.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:05:46  122170981
tip of my tongue, back of my lungs and!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:06:37  122171062
Ich lieben Dich Deutchland
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:06:50  122171084
semen please log in
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:06:50  122171087
переведите это пожалуйста
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:07:06  122171118
I have already knew about shit, but what about idea of learning?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:09:14  122171311
14596277547510.png (816Кб, 1194x1100)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:10:49  122171476
You're welcome, sir!
Ну, исходя из текста можно пофантазировать про то, как та тян во сне поимела его страпоном в пердак.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:11:23  122171544
You are mistake. Die immidiatly. You are wellcome/
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:11:59  122171608
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:12:06  122171618
Can you treeforce?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:12:29  122171662
No problem m8
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:12:50  122171690
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:13:57  122171792
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:14:28  122171837
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:17:17  122172088
ну я же только учу а там шуточки. не надо бло постить. знали же что кто-то захочет прочитать
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:17:52  122172140
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:18:01  122172147
for me it's a dream about living and working in Canada (after i will finally get a fcking green card!!!) but you, only YOU need to find YOUR idea for learning foreign language, though.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:19:17  122172252
Да кому ты нахуй сдался там, русня тупая
А ну быстро обратно в загон!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:21:36  122172439
Heh. And aaall fucking life like this. Where is my god now?
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:22:07  122172483
Если дрочить на futa porn (членодевки, но нарисованные), то это гейство на 25%, а если на обычное порно - то 50%, потому что порно состоит из парня и девушки. А членодевка - мужик наполовину, потому 25%. Можно порпобовать сделать 0% смотря порно с двумя девушками, но две девушки - это лезбиянство, что делает порно 100% гейским.

Суть в этом, дословно не переводил.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:22:35  122172522
14596285557390.gif (437Кб, 400x400)
Если выпадет дабл, то ваши матери шлюхи
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:23:07  122172564
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:23:07  122172565
Stop speaking on allien language please! Only English, sir!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:23:46  122172630
ay lmao
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:24:23  122172685
Говно залупа пенис хер блядина
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:24:31  122172693
Proff or never been
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:25:01  122172728
14596287017360.jpg (58Кб, 560x546)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:25:38  122172786
Оксимиронщики и здесь насрали.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:27:10  122172937
Я просто пишу это в каждом бургер-треде
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:27:35  122172970
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:28:28  122173038
really awful
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:28:40  122173057
14596289206010.jpg (40Кб, 499x483)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:28:48  122173068
Зато все пиндосы разбежались.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:29:53  122173152
>>122152853 (OP)
Sup guys i have started learning english a long ago but still not able to speak it
What to do
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:30:19  122173190
kill self ur hopeless
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:30:44  122173229
14596290449280.jpg (29Кб, 540x537)
so fast now
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:30:59  122173249
You can talk to yourself, record your own voice, listen to your spelling and improve very quick
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:31:01  122173251
try barrel
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:31:06  122173265
фак ю буш
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:31:11  122173270
14596290716910.jpg (64Кб, 700x527)
Ты арестован!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:31:19  122173281
It's "mum", you're stupid yankee ass.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:32:08  122173339
So how are you, gentlemen? I'm actually newbie itt, so hello.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:32:29  122173372
i give up! Don't shoot!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:32:51  122173412
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:33:04  122173430
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:33:05  122173433
Get the fuck outta here u retarded slav asshead bastard
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:33:52  122173498
I spell normal, but still don't know English.
another guy
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:33:57  122173505
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:34:22  122173543

i meant not only voice but language at all
poor vocabluary and shit tbh the only thing i was doing for last 5 yers is lurking on 4chan in readonly mod
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:34:53  122173592
look again, it's actually "mom"
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:35:52  122173674
Hi there
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:37:01  122173771
>been scrolling 4chan for 5 years
>dat grammar
I hate to tell you this but you're really retarded.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:37:47  122173861
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:40:57  122174155
sorry but not every person here is fucking geninias as you
but you can show me the clue to sucsess
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:42:38  122174318
14596297586870.jpg (40Кб, 564x540)
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:47:26  122174785
You can't master language without talking to people, so practice makes perfect. Chat with everybody, translate and learn unknown words and use them as much as possible in your speech
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:49:28  122174971
Двачую вот этого адекватного бургера
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:50:39  122175088
but i cant talt to the people even in real world how i supposed to do it with foreighners
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:51:06  122175132
А варг-то д1.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:51:22  122175157
I'm sorry wrong thread.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:51:40  122175182
and me
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:52:22  122175252
And my hammer!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:52:46  122175292
Last time i wonder how i lean russian actually.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:53:10  122175316
And my big 4 inches cock
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:54:00  122175384
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:54:18  122175412
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:54:54  122175455
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:55:08  122175470
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:55:11  122175480
Welcome to the ENGLISH THREAD Mr. Saloed
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:55:43  122175528
14596305439940.jpg (61Кб, 695x559)
По пизди мне ещё на петушином,говно
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:55:58  122175548
No soot without burning!
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:56:18  122175577
bb all
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:56:23  122175588
Иди нахуй с инглишем своим блять
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:56:40  122175611
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:56:48  122175626
Alas, talking to people in real world is quickest way, but you can try to chat with people in games, practicing your social skills as well
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:57:06  122175651
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:57:36  122175686
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:57:54  122175712
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:58:11  122175727
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:58:28  122175757
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:58:46  122175787
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:59:48  122175883
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:59:56  122175892
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Oxxxi is fag like all his fans
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:00:37  122175954
>>122152853 (OP)
А что еслі я напішу чото на росіянском?*
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:01:08  122176013
>>122152853 (OP)
Нихера не понятно в оп-посте. Переведите плиз
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:01:11  122176020
Two, please. One for my cunt, and another - for my ass. Oh, wait, the third for my throat, of course.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:03:10  122176178
Pustite v e
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:04:36  122176299
What do if I'm too shy to talk? Even on the fucking Internet, yeah.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:05:00  122176333
I'm not playing also. Yea, i'm just vegetable, sorry. I try to read book, but, i'm afraid, it's very long way.

the same another guy
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:10:02  122176798
> my accent

Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:12:49  122177084
I'm a cute girl. I need a littele bit of blood. Give me your miserable lifes, please.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:16:59  122177508
You've got to work on yourself, train confidence and calmness. Just don't be afraid to talk with people.
Then you can watch movies or popular TV shows with subtitles, a movie with english subtitles would be awesome, training both hearing and vocabulary.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:19:49  122177783
Prove with your panties. They doesn't have to be on you.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:20:29  122177859
как дела?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:21:43  122177988
Oh nvm, read
>cute little girl
for some reason.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:27:29  122178565
Ломаю тред
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:27:38  122178577
>You've got to work on yourself
I don't want to. I can't stand people.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:28:15  122178642
Анус ты себе ломаешь, даун.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:28:47  122178693
breaked behind your cheek, check
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:29:28  122178754
Broke your head with my cheek, check.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:30:15  122178825
>for some reason
Is it because I am black?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:30:23  122178838
broke is obsolete
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:31:26  122178943
Your brains are obsolete.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:31:27  122178944
Shittiest thread on /b/. Can't wait till it gets 500 posts and drowns forever.
Аноним # OP  03/04/16 Вск 00:32:29  122179039
I'll make a new one then.
Аноним # OP  03/04/16 Вск 00:33:57  122179170
Four English threads in a row - that's a new record!
Will we go for a fifth?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:34:16  122179203
подстилки пендосские
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:36:01  122179365
What? Sorry, I don't understand the language of pidarahas
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:36:17  122179396
Why are you so angry? The exit is on the top.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:37:10  122179466
Thanks for the tip, I've left this thread already.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:41:37  122179684
Woop woop woop.
Now, Exile! Embrace the Future.
I played PoE today for 8 hours or smth. Ask ur answers.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:43:12  122179810
Played LoL for 34 hours atm. Ask your answers.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:43:51  122179866
Where's ur life, no-lifer?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:44:21  122179896
How many sm do you have?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:44:54  122179932
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:45:35  122179988
There is no life, there is only slow dying.
SM? Soulmemory? About 32kk on my main character.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:49:28  122180293
How long the way from your belt to the end of your "tail" is? it's hard to me say thins like this.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:51:19  122180436
OK, OK, cm, don't hit.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:51:35  122180465
Oh you mean cm. 20.
Аноним # OP  03/04/16 Вск 00:52:01  122180490
where perekat
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:52:36  122180532
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14596339561003.jpg (40Кб, 704x613)
Перевод молю аноны
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:53:20  122180579
i'm empty
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:53:56  122180634
Abt 43 cm, im a 270/150-freelancer, making serious dosh at the rate of $3000/sec.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:55:03  122180742
v golos s poslednei chet
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:58:55  122181056
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:05:34  122181582
Перевод плес
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:06:04  122181619
Nietzsche in the thread, everyone welcome to a furnace.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:07:54  122181777
the third made me lmao
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:08:16  122181801
>когда работодатель требует, чтобы у тебя было 10 лет опыта к 22 годам.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:14:10  122182278
Anyone here?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:37:17  122184121
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:38:06  122184194
Oh, that seems like dead thread, i came too late :c
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:50:22  122185146
1 и 2 молюю переваод
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 02:08:16  122186457
Интервьюер: Итак, кем вы себя видите в будущем?
Я: пик
Я: Угадай что
пикча с солдатами в самолете, похожи на мурриканских
Мама: Ты возвращаешься домой???77
Я: С первым апреля
Мама: Ебанушка

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