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Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:15:03  122587687  
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ENGLISH THREAD опять это говно

Da Rules:
1. You do not write anything in Russian
2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
3. If you do write something in commie speak, you get your face pissed on immediately
4. Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to. If you do, you get your... y'know what'll happen
5. Gibberish like "sasai pindos obama chmo" is not welcomed. Who cares though
6. Don't put "though" at the end of your every last sentence thinking it makes you sound less runglishly. It doesn't, though
7. There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want
8. Rolls aren't forbidden
9. This is the most retarded thread on /b/
0. You're welcome
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:16:48  122587900
bump1 out of 100
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:30:23  122589459
bump 6 out of 100
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:31:00  122589522
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:31:19  122589557
bump 7 out of 100
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:31:59  122589641
bump 9 out of 100
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:35:21  122590037
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:35:52  122590100
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Запостите рулеточек
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:36:38  122590178
14599713982080.jpg (39Кб, 294x400)
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:52:20  122592070
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 22:54:32  122592313
14599724729050.png (230Кб, 803x688)
Moi, miten nummin päivä meni?
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:17:20  122594884
My dog used to chase people on a bike a lot. It got so bad, finally I had to take his bike away.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:17:53  122594949
- What is the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman?
- Snowballs.

Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:18:51  122595067
Why is it a bad idea for two butt cheeks to get married?
Because they part for every little shit.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:20:10  122595237
>>122587687 (OP)
А шо второй пункт значит? Я по-лондонски не базарю
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:23:05  122595540
I’ve no home, I haven’t got control, I can’t see any escape. Way past the time I got a new keyboard.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:28:52  122596146
Why don‘t cannibals eat divorced women?
Because they’re bitter.

Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:29:15  122596197
I asked my North Korean friend how it was to live in North Korea. He said he can't complain.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:30:21  122596293
>>122587687 (OP)
Nun sprechen wir in diesem IDF Faden nichts als Deutsch.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:31:04  122596378
- What do you get if you crossbreed a sheep and a kangaroo?
- A woolly jumper.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:32:11  122596474
Leckst du meine Arschloch, Krankeschweinehund.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:35:25  122596785
‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I apologize’ generally mean the same thing – except at funerals.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:35:43  122596816
Which bees produce milk? The boo-bees!
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:38:15  122597123
Dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:39:32  122597256
Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one - and let the other one off.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:41:22  122597423
There's two fish in a tank, and one says ''How do you drive this thing?''
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:42:27  122597511
Slept like a log last night........ Woke up in the fireplace.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:43:36  122597614
A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says ''Sorry we don't serve food in here''
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:44:56  122597713
A man bought a hat — and it fits him perfectly.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:45:55  122597813
Why do you make this threads? For practice?
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:46:04  122597833
I backed a horse last week at ten to one. It came in at quarter past four.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:46:49  122597887
For an amusement.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:48:15  122598005
A lorry-load of tortoises crashed into a trainload of terrapins. What a turtle disaster!
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:49:15  122598113
>For an amusement
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:49:28  122598131
sage to the shitthread
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:49:53  122598174
>tfw you get none of the puns posted above
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:50:45  122598256
>yfw when you have no face
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:51:02  122598281
Can you can a can without a can?
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:51:39  122598337
A baby seal walks into a club...
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:53:52  122598532
Why'd I need a can to can another can?
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:55:10  122598661
Has anyone been in English speaking countries?
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:55:37  122598710
Тюленёнок заходит в клуб... и в чём сложность данного прекола?
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:55:54  122598738
You obviously haven't.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:56:06  122598758
14599761664730.jpg (8Кб, 130x127)
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:56:30  122598796
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if woodchucks could chuck wood?
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:56:59  122598845
What do you call a flying Jew? Smoke.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:57:21  122598885
It's 4 different words.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:58:00  122598947
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:58:02  122598951
>>122587687 (OP)
Explain to me, why the fuck would you create this thread over and over again when one can simply go to 4chan or krautchan?
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:58:15  122598970
'Amusement' is a noun, JFYI.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:59:04  122599057
In that sentence it is uncountable and has no article, faggot.
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:59:10  122599069
Пагади, давай на русиче кароч

can -
1) мочь (модальник)
2) закатывать банки (глагол)
3) консервная банка (сущ)
4 - ?
Аноним 06/04/16 Срд 23:59:52  122599138
Nice joke mate. How is it going?
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:00:58  122599254
>>122587687 (OP)
> 1. You do not write anything in Russian
> 2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
Нет, ну ты, блять, серьезно?
> If you do write something in commie speak, you get your face pissed on immediately
Ну ахуеть теперь.
> Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to. If you do, you get your... y'know what'll happen
И этот неграмотный пидор что-то еще кудахтает?
> Gibberish like "sasai pindos obama chmo" is not welcomed. Who cares though
Ты не ахуел ли? Еще будешь указывать мне, что писать, а что - нет? Сасай пиндос.
> Don't put "though" at the end of your every last sentence thinking it makes you sound less runglishly. It doesn't, though
У тебя просто шиза, не пей больше эти таблетки.
> There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want
Ты реально поехавший.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:02:01  122599362
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:02:59  122599447
Definition of club
1: a heavy usually wooden stick used as a weapon
2: a stick or bat used to hit a ball in various games <golf club>
3: a group of people associated because of a shared interest
4: the meeting place of a club

Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:05:45  122599725
4 - машинка для консервирования
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:06:11  122599780
I'm a bit insecure about my level of English, so I can't bring myself to talk to people who have spoken this language all their lives.
Unaware of my foreigness, they'd see my posts full of mistakes and think I have some kind of a language disorder or am just retarded. Then they'd be like "wtf is this shit" and simply scroll on.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:06:21  122599797
Are you looking for a hookup tonight?
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:07:02  122599870
nigga plz
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:07:31  122599919
I though it'd be called, like, "a canner."
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:08:54  122600071
Тюленёнок заходит в дубинку?
я знал о секретных значения club
Этот прекол is beyond me.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:10:30  122600267
You are retarded but not because you are feel "insecure" and because you are think you have to say perfectly every time when you are speak or write.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:10:31  122600272
Тюленят мочат дубинками в промышленных масштабах ради меха.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:13:12  122600554
>you are feel
>say perfectly
>you are think
>you are speak
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:15:18  122600761
'You followed my prescription, haven't you?'
'Well, doctor, I didn't, for I would have broken my neck.'
'Broken your neck?'
'Yes, for I dropped your prescription out of a third floor window.'
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:15:20  122600768
>ради смеха
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:17:11  122600958
How do police know that princess Diana had dandruff?
They found her head and shoulders under the steering wheel.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:18:04  122601048
England doesn't have a kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:19:02  122601140
Why were the two whores travelling in London pissed off?
Because they found out that Big Ben was a clock!
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:19:47  122601221
What time was it when the monster ate the British prime minister?
Eight P.M.

Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:20:06  122601256
What's the difference between Princess Diana and Elton John?
Princess Diana never became a queen of England
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:20:41  122601307
What do Pink Floyd and Princess Diana have in common?
Their first big hit was the wall!
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:21:19  122601358
What do you call a Scotsman with diarrhea?
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:21:24  122601370
Изюминка в "восьмой премьер-министр" или "восемь после " ?
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:22:05  122601426
Why wasn't Jesus born in England?
He couldn't find 3 wise men or a virgin.

Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:22:14  122601440
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:22:55  122601503
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:23:00  122601512
eight p.m.
ate p.m. (premier minister)
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:23:59  122601612
PM - частое и общеупотребляемое сокращение от премьер-министр.
Так что восемь вечера и съел премьера на анлгийском звучат почти одинаково.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:24:02  122601616
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:25:11  122601743
С eight/ate проебался, спасибо.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:29:14  122602058
Britain has invented a new missile. It's called the civil servant - it doesn't work and it can't be fired.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:29:41  122602093
They say an Englishman laughs three times at a joke. The first time when everybody gets it, the second a week later when he thinks he gets it, the third time a month later when somebody explains it to him.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:32:18  122602325
Why do cows have bells?
Because their horns don't work.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:32:45  122602353
What is the longest word in the English language? 'Smiles'. Because there is a mile between its first and last letters.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:32:54  122602370
don't get this one
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:33:01  122602384
Why did the bald man paint rabbits on his head? Because from a distance they looked like hares.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:33:42  122602434
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:35:25  122602588
What government agency is responsible for finding lost vicars? The Bureau of Missing Parsons.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:35:47  122602619
Do I have to watch the fucking movie to get one single joke?
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:36:07  122602643
Last night a man fell into a barrel of beer and drowned - he came to a bitter end.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:38:43  122602862
What the cosmic effect?
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:39:07  122602898
Nope. You just have to know the name and have a vague idea of what it was about. And the movie is pretty wellknown, so you might been living under some kind of a stone to never heard of it.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:41:14  122603087
1. Having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
2. Feeling or showing anger, hurt, or resentment because of bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment.

Am I the only one who knows 'bout online dictionaries?
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:41:55  122603150
Did you hear about the man who was convicted of stealing luggage from the airport? He asked for twenty other cases to be taken into account.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:43:06  122603250
14599789869930.jpg (16Кб, 320x320)
Ебать, на каком языке вы тут общаетесь? Это типа новый мемасик? Поясните посону!
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:43:43  122603319
>>122587687 (OP)
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:45:05  122603438
There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:45:40  122603491
There was a man who entered a local newspaper's pun contest.

He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win.

Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

ахаха нувыпонили))) типа no pun intended)) лолл)
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:48:46  122603786
14599793266390.jpg (281Кб, 780x999)
No picture has had me top as many keks.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:50:11  122603928
If lawyers are disbarred, and clergymen defrocked, does it not follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged , models deposed, or drycleaners depressed?

Laundry workers could decrease, eventually becoming depressed and depleted.

Even more, bed makers could be debunked, baseball players debased, landscapers deflowered, software engineers detested, underwear manufacturers debriefed, and even musical composers will eventually decompose.

On a different note though, perhaps we can hope that some politicians will be devoted.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:52:45  122604172
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:57:10  122604574
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:58:18  122604667
I lost my virginity very late. When it finally happened, I wasn’t so much deflowered as deadheaded.

Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 00:58:40  122604697
>Unaware of my foreigness, they'd see my posts full of mistakes and think
You're fucking retarded.
>implying native speakers never make mistakes and thinking one should care about random guys' reaction to one's posts.
Xo xo.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:00:46  122604882
It's amazing, isn't it?
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:04:04  122605160
I’m in a same-sex marriage… the sex is always the same.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:08:01  122605457
'Why is television called a medium? Because it is neither rare nor well done.'

Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:08:31  122605496
I wouldn't know, would I?
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:10:32  122605653
Patient: Doctor, please can you help me out?
Doctor: Yes, you may make your way out the same way you come in.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:11:28  122605726
Can a leopard hide anywhere?
No, he is always spotted!
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:12:35  122605822
What do you to do to make notes of stone?
Just rearrange the letters.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:12:56  122605858
What is the standard greeting of the lion to the other animals?
Am pleased to eat you!
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:13:54  122605937
Is it better to write on a full or an empty stomach?
Writing on paper works the best.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:14:26  122605978
What happens when you eat alphabet soup?
You swallow your words.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:15:59  122606120
What do you get when a hen lays an egg on the roof?
You get an eggroll.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:18:02  122606260
Which is the healthiest water?
Well water, obviously.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:20:09  122606403
I never wanted to believe that my Dad was stealing from his job as a road worker. But when I got home, all the signs were there.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:21:13  122606489
Well, I once heard a story of the past, the present, and the future walking into a bar.
I am sad to say that it was tense.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:23:38  122606683
What’s the difference between a cat and a comma?
One has claws at the end of its paws and the other is a pause and the end of a clause.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 01:28:02  122607000
Man walks into a tavern... oh you won’t get it, it’s an Inn joke.
Аноним 07/04/16 Чтв 02:14:10  122609580

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