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Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 17:54:47  122977537  
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Da Rules:
1. You do not write anything in Russian
2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
3. If you do write something in commie speak, you get your face pissed on immediately
4. Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to. If you do, you get your... y'know what'll happen
5. Gibberish like "sasai pindos obama chmo" is not welcomed. Who cares though
6. Don't put "though" at the end of your every last sentence thinking it makes you sound less runglishy. It doesn't, though
7. There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want
8. Rolls aren't forbidden
9. This is the most retarded thread on /b/
0. You're welcome
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 17:58:18  122977898
bump 1 out a 10
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 17:59:49  122978048
Oh, shit, i'm sorry
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:00:08  122978091
>>122977537 (OP)
Greetings, motherfuckers.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:01:49  122978247
Day, m'lord. How fare you?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:01:50  122978251
'Sup muh niggaz, how ya doin'?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:02:31  122978308
What the fuck is wrong with you, OP?
Bamp this shit.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:04:07  122978459
Like shit. There is something wrong with my meaningless life.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:04:35  122978502
Well, everyone in this thread should fuck themselves.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:06:07  122978667
Including you?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:08:16  122978855
I've masturbated last evening already. Enough.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:09:51  122979020
This time let's get beyond "hi how r u" small talk, won't we?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:12:10  122979222
Any suggestions? I mean I'd like to discuss something interesting, but I don't know what.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:15:04  122979489
14603013041260.png (10Кб, 400x400)
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:15:44  122979554
Well, this thread is dead
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:16:00  122979587
хули ни па русски все?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:16:40  122979651
The same things you discuss in other threads but in English
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:17:07  122979684
Cuz your mam is being fucked right now.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:19:42  122979922
прости, не понимаю по пидорски)
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:20:21  122979980
I don't discuss anything here. It's fucked up thing to do to discuss something important with assholes living here.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:21:11  122980059
Cease your Bawdry, sir, for this Thread is merely for the Nobles.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:21:26  122980073
Of course you don't. You are to stupid to learn it.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:22:27  122980180
>>122977537 (OP)
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:22:43  122980211
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:23:04  122980235
I create futuristic masturbator on arduino and manipulator with vibrator. I write programm "jamk" for controlls on computer.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:23:38  122980296
"to" is fine to
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:23:43  122980309
А я вот сама тян; маленькая, рыжая, худенькая и в очках. Ирл ко мне подкатывают только тупые бабуинистые ерохи, которые кроме быдлокачалки и тачек ничем не интересуются. А я хочу себе лампового кунчика-айтишника, тихого, скромного, который живет с мамой и целыми днями играет в игры.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:24:49  122980428
во ебать наши люди
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:25:58  122980559
Че эти пидоры тута опять собрались? Где алкотред? Где Леха?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:27:27  122980713
Leha is here. What the fuck do you want?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:27:57  122980768
Oh, retards have already started shitposting. This is sad.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:28:15  122980812
Лена, иди впизду, а то опять по ебалу получишь.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:30:05  122981029
4chan, USA, democracy
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:30:45  122981104
They'll get tired soon
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:31:41  122981234
работаю в international company, каждый день speak in english с коллегами. Problems?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:32:24  122981315
Бочку делаешь?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:33:12  122981410
no, I don't
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:33:30  122981452
На нах епта
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:39:56  122982178
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>> This is the most retarded thread on /b/
>> You're welcome
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:40:40  122982253
Укатывайся нахуй, подпиндоха.
Аноним # OP  10/04/16 Вск 18:57:30  122983963
OP, do I have to bump for you?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 18:59:15  122984121
ахах людька смотри на етово дибила))) ЭЙ ПОДПИНДОХА! ТЫ ОБОСРАЛСЯ! ЗЫРЬ СЮДА!

Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:03:16  122984522
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Спалилсо запятой.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:03:41  122984564
Я просто русский учил, прости.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:11:02  122985265
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:11:49  122985341
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:15:24  122985680
>>122977537 (OP)
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:15:48  122985709
Fuck yeah, I am welcome.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:16:25  122985776
Ахуеный коврик, у меня псина на нево ссыт)))
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:18:17  122985979
Another asshole with a fucking dog. Get outta 'ere
Аноним # OP  10/04/16 Вск 19:19:49  122986154
The thread's not going too well I see.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:20:17  122986208
Я тебе за псину ебасос набью, либерашка
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:23:30  122986556
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Cool down and start to learn english. Maybe you will become something more, than just a bydlo.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:26:53  122986894
Поссал на либераху.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:28:17  122987036
Pissed in your month, check out.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:29:33  122987182
За щеку тебе проверил, проверяй.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:34:44  122987688
тхис тхреад ис булщит
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:38:55  122988117
Make it better leave
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:46:16  122988906
I was learning english watching tv series and movies and also reading technical articles. Now I'm able to understand native speakers more or less, but when I'm trying to speak or write anything in english, I get total shit I think its obvious :3
What should I do next to improve my skills?
Please, feel free to correct the shit out of me :3
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:49:07  122989227
Second most asked question in English threads.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:49:46  122989298
You can use Duolingo, totally free application helping learning english.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:50:41  122989402
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:56:45  122990040
What's the first though?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:56:53  122990056
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 19:59:05  122990262
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:00:03  122990362
"Do you suck dicks" I guess.
People posting here are mainly not very smart, though.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:03:33  122990685
Yo, fuckers. What's your english level?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:04:25  122990770
От жопы мерять?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:04:39  122990792
There is no subpindoses in this thread, there is only anons, who wants some english practice.

Also, there is some vatnik scum sees an EVIL FOES OF GREAT RUSSIA everywhere.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:05:07  122990835
От дачи.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:05:27  122990872
ot dachi
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:05:31  122990879
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:06:03  122990934
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:06:26  122990968
Это от дачи или от жопы?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:12:25  122991557
От лобка.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:13:17  122991635
Нормас, уважуха.
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:16:04  122991918
Ok, then I ask third most asketd question - is my english skills that bad as I thik, or its not that terrible?
I realise, that if I manage somehow to get to the country, where people speak english, I won't stay hungry or homeless, but what will people think of me? "Fucking commyscum!" or "he has strange accent, but he's kinda ok"?
Аноним 10/04/16 Вск 20:16:58  122992007
А че за шнурки у тебя такие?

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