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03/04/16 - Набор в модераторы 03.04 по 8.04
26/03/16 - Конкурс: Помоги гомункулу обрести семью!
15/10/15 - Набор в модераторы 15.10 по 17.10

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Аноним 16/04/16 Суб 15:04:27  123579699  
14608082679510.jpg (131Кб, 400x399)
When I was 15 years old and I went to shit Dad all the time, as it were accidentally spun near the shock, and all asked, what are you calmed down, why you do not hear? The first time I did not answer, so he began to break in the door and yell, what are you so quiet, what's wrong? began to swear and say that all door hinges lift, also, Dad swore if I shit and do not wash off, and not just vkontse shit, and immediately after vylezanija shit, motivated by the fact that it stinks, and he then told me: so I Kaknau and wash off, and so do you! I once to shit sat down, and I heard Dad somewhere near the door stood in the distance, well, I'm an ass wipe, and the floor nakarachiki sat down, and then the gap is very wide from the bottom at the door, well, I'm in the gap and I look, and there Dad on Karachik He sits and looks in the slot, and said to me: you are what? fucked? Che are you doing there? Dad all the time the way some herb drink, to shit so often srёt to 5 times a day, and then says that ass burns, and even fart it. fucking short! real story. I am not a troll
Аноним 16/04/16 Суб 15:07:17  123579929

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