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03/04/16 - Набор в модераторы 03.04 по 8.04
26/03/16 - Конкурс: Помоги гомункулу обрести семью!
15/10/15 - Набор в модераторы 15.10 по 17.10

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Аноним 16/04/16 Суб 21:42:44  123619440  
14608321642160.jpg (75Кб, 420x174)
Надо репортить, пожалуй.
Но почитать комменты было задорно.

Oh man, I will never forget this (because it still happens).

My two year old daughter had an orgasm. Right in front of me. From grinding her little vagina on the corner of her toddler sized ottoman.

SO here's the full story:

When my daughter was about four months old, I was giving her a bath in her baby bath, which came with a spa whirlpool attachment. One day, I put her in the bath, and the whirlpool was facing her feet


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