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Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:06:38  125228789  
14621439984760.jpg (109Кб, 816x542)

Nocturnal. Official. Yours.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:07:00  125228811
instant bump
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:07:59  125228875
Hello there
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:08:50  125228931
Word fam, whatcha been up to?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:09:32  125228966
>>125228789 (OP)
well, well, well, what do we have there? english thread hahaha finally
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:11:32  125229071
Where are da rules, though?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:11:46  125229085
not much, chillin, drinking tea. u?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:14:44  125229249
seems that it's difficult to find english-speaking lads at night
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:15:36  125229287
what makes you think so?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:16:19  125229312
the little number of posters right now
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:16:27  125229317
Drinkin' vodka wit' my tame bear Dimitry.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:17:48  125229380
Keep the thread up on the zero page for some time, English-speaking anons will come eventually and we'll have a nice discussion
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:17:54  125229385
its just the beggining of the thread, its going to get better, trust me
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:18:15  125229402
>>125228789 (OP)
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:18:52  125229427
>a nice discussion
if I only could speak english fluently
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:19:11  125229450
>>125228789 (OP)

What's the point opbro? Can't we just open 4chan in another tab if we want to speak English that bad?

Is it some sort if intfags meeting point? Anyway, they're mostly boring (apart from the Aussies, but we don't have the flags here so you'll never know).
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:20:33  125229513
sounds hopefully, thanks
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:21:27  125229554
I'm living in UK atm. I will be pleased to answer your questions, if you've got any.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:22:31  125229610
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:22:54  125229627
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:23:31  125229664

You misuse the word. Hopefully is what you use in a phrase 'hopefully my mom's not a whore'. You meant reassuring, inspiring or some other positive shit didn't you?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:23:43  125229672
i'm not that guy who asked, but let me guess...dick! top kek
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:23:48  125229676
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:24:14  125229694
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:24:40  125229719
Fuck sake broth, I was just getting ready to go to sleep innit, now gotta stay herw
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:25:09  125229743
Айм юрс всех фак в рот, кокс
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:25:53  125229775

Why? Does it taste good or something? I'm in relationship with a cab driver now and I did suck his but it's nothing special. How would a tractor driver be different?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:26:06  125229784
Well, right now it's too dark outside, so you would not be able to see anything anyway. I can take a photo of my tobacco package, if you will consider it as a proof.
Is it so hard to trust a random person on this website in the first place?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:26:41  125229811
it should be "suck a tracktor driver's dick"
work on your articles bruh
inb4 worked behind your cheek, check
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:26:44  125229816
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:27:11  125229830

Oyster or gtfo. No one is curious about anything but London so there.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:27:14  125229835
Я правильно написал?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:27:24  125229839
is the capital
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:28:00  125229862
Take a photo of your keyboard, if there are no Russian letters on it, it would be enough
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:29:06  125229907
easy. hold on a sec.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:29:16  125229918
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:29:22  125229926
your mother has been fucked by me, stupid grammar nazi
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:30:49  125229985
14621454493000.jpg (159Кб, 960x716)
14621454493011.jpg (71Кб, 716x960)
i've just realised that a socket can come as a proof as well.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:31:09  125229999
Как вам перевод?

Квесты, которые, на ваш взгляд, не доработаны или неправильно кончаются
За всю игру я видел несколько квестов, которые произвели впечатление недоработанности или вызвали недоумение развитием событий.

Quests which, in your opinion, have poor endings or ones that are to be improved.
During the game I've seen some quests which made an impression of incompleteness or ones with confusing story line.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:31:32  125230024

How retarded is that? Poor bastard probably does not even touch type and had to buy the fucking cyr stickers.

Anyway, having a contract in the UK is not that unusual (the question is do you really want one with the fucking daycare charges and fucked in the head medicine).
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:32:06  125230044
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:32:40  125230078
Корзинка, пошла нахуй. лол
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:32:43  125230082
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:32:46  125230085

Man we need these retarded hot/cold taps in your kitchen no less now. :3
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:34:07  125230152
Londoner ITT. Ask your questions, pricks
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:35:16  125230190
14621457163720.jpg (107Кб, 716x960)
its the same in the bathroom sink as well. so retarded, indeed.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:35:20  125230192
Seems legit. So, tell us how you ended up in UK and what you're doing there?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:35:39  125230209

Have a nice workday tomorrow dude. Hope the tube is not off for maintenance and you get to the office in time.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:35:54  125230217
why you gotta be so rude? Do you consider yourself being better than the others, only because you live in the shithole called London?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:36:17  125230238
14621457774740.png (19Кб, 400x400)
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:36:34  125230254

No way you get your landlord to replace these. :3
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:36:46  125230263
Но нахуе уже ты, лол
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:36:55  125230272
Nigger, please.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:37:02  125230275
Как там на майлсру, попка не болит?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:37:52  125230308

Ich kann Deutsch lesen, aber Ich kann nicht schreiben schoen. Warum fragst du?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:38:15  125230327
I've just applied to the univesity. Not going to tell you whitch one, though. Nothing special, just a simple uni. I've been living here for about 3 years now.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:38:42  125230354
And you've fucked up right from the beginning - bank holiday tomorrow, hehe. Also, I'm not one of theese office zombies
Nah fam, I'm planning to leave London myself, fuck it. Speaking of my rudeness - it comes FROM MY HEART, innit
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:39:38  125230394
Всем бомжур в жтом чятике
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:39:44  125230396
Из моих 300 акков забанили 4, как-нибудь переживу. А у тебя какая-никакая иллюзия власти, хотя бы в интернете.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:39:48  125230400
Ich habe deutch von 2 jahren gelernt, aber ich speche sehr schleht, ich weiss nicht warum
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:39:50  125230404
ich habe einen Wunsch, mit jemandem zu sprechen, obwohl es für mich auch schwer ist
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:40:33  125230426
>Из моих 300 акков забанили 4, как-нибудь переживу.

Ага и прибегаешь в мои вопросы истерить и что-то доказывать, как тебе похуй, кек ))
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:40:37  125230429
Wahnsinn! ich bin genauso als du
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:40:38  125230431
Who did you call a nigger, whiteboy?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:41:49  125230491

Good for you, have a nice workday the day after tomorrow then.

What's that early may thing about?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:43:05  125230541
Cheers broth. Actually, I've no idea what it's about, haha
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:43:36  125230567
I doubt he will. As long as it works - it works.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:44:19  125230590

Wir muss zu interpals gehen, viele Deutsch QTen dort.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:45:13  125230624
>Ага и прибегаешь в мои вопросы истерить и что-то доказывать, как тебе похуй, кек ))
Нет, не так: я неспешно скроллю свой любимый раздел Лингвистика, натыкаюсь на твой вопрос, захожу обоссать тебя и скроллю дальше. А ты потом как последняя шалашовка жалуешься на меня модераторам. Меня банят, а я с покерфейсом переключаюсь на другой аккаунт. А у тебя иллюзия победы. Хотя бы в интернете.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:46:26  125230678
>zu interpals gehen
das hab ich leider nicht verstanden
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:46:43  125230686
>>125228789 (OP)
Is it dead?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:47:02  125230711
How did you get to UK? Do you have a job? If not, how do you make a living?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:47:50  125230752
Germanfags with their ich-mich-schwiertz gibberish again.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:48:19  125230769

Well a day off is a day off, isn't it. Must be some stupid island shit. Anyway, this basically means my dearest British friends would not interrupt my humble pot party tomorrow. This nice rare occasion when we both have something to celebrate and leave each other alone.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:48:53  125230793
Imagine how is it to leave amongst em
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:48:55  125230794

I told you German was poor.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:48:55  125230795
I do have a job in a shop. Plus my parents help me out. That's more than enough for the living.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:51:10  125230885
бля нихуя не понмаю, пидоры бля!!!
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:52:25  125230940
Did u get highest education?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:52:55  125230959
fucking pidoraha, get out here
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:53:12  125230974
well, only the former of two posts was mine
but i wouldn't argue
german is bad, english as well
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:53:36  125230988
not sure what you mean by that, to be honest.
I am in the process of getting it.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:54:36  125231034

High as fuck man. Like our Jamaican(ish) singer Ky-Mani Marley phrases it:

High like a bird,
High as a skyscraper

That's the education standards in the UK bro!
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:55:01  125231048
I guess he wanted to ask if you've finished your higher ed.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:55:15  125231058
Yeah, should never care about them reasons when a day off falls on your head. A pot party sounds good, doesn't it? I wonder where do you live tho
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:55:26  125231067
upd:загнался и херню какую-то ответил, мда
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:56:02  125231091

Hands off my English you stumpfuck.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:56:21  125231110
that's what i thought as well.
I've answered the question anyways
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:56:52  125231131
не загоняйся и не грусти, а учи
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:57:27  125231167
Since when exactly is it yours?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:58:22  125231206
Since I banged your oozing mother in all her oozing holes
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:58:34  125231215
сам иди отсюда пидораха ебаная сука!!!
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:59:03  125231238
спасибо, анон
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:59:25  125231256
Thus, it has never been yours and will never be
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 02:59:51  125231276

The best place for a man to live (right after Rome) - the glorious city of Moscow, no pidors allowed.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:00:40  125231315
>no pidors allowed
you must be kidding, right?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:01:05  125231331

Look up how 'my' can be used Pajeet.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:01:21  125231340
Moscow for faggots olololo
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:01:35  125231353
i was just about to say exactly the same thing, lol
Moscow is a shithole, worst place for living.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:02:21  125231375
Well comparing to the rest of Russia it's rather decent
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:02:26  125231379

Where I live it's the case anyway. Brateevo district for life nigga.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:02:54  125231399
Never been to Moscow/Russia before. Really want to visit SPB tho, it seems to be a chill place
>>125231058 -lad
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:02:59  125231402
SPB is better.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:03:15  125231414
where are u from?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:03:24  125231421

1. Age
2. Gender (proofs might be required)
3. What you think your level of English is
4. How long you've been learning it


1. 22
2. Koon, proofs won't be
3. pre-beginner
4. five years, yeah I'm retarded
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:04:09  125231450
1. 21
2. Male
3. C2
4. Since elementary
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:04:44  125231475

You're gonna figure out all the meanings of chill if you ever show up in that shithole.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:04:57  125231483
Will an IELTS/TOEFL certificate follow?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:04:57  125231484
Under under intermediate
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:05:10  125231494
your anus is a shithole.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:05:37  125231507
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:06:20  125231526
1. 21
2. guy
3. upper-advanced
4. three months
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:06:43  125231532

Swamp imp goes cock-a-doodle-doo!
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:07:07  125231545
asshole, man
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:08:21  125231593
>upper advanced
>3 mounth
Are u fucking joking?Or u genius
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:08:36  125231604
14621477161470.jpg (119Кб, 831x639)
Please, suck pisos
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:08:44  125231607
Another Europe country, won't tell which one, too risky, lel
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:09:08  125231624
Nope. Only some tests on the Internet. Actually the definition of what exactly can you do with a C2 in the Wikipedia is rather vague and ambiguous, so who knows.
I can understand, read and talk just about anything, but i lack some vocabulary on some non-daily topics i'm not really close with...
Anyway, i'm currently living in Europe and people assume i'm from UK when we meet (it's very funny).
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:09:28  125231635

> 3. upper-advanced
> 4. three months

Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:09:56  125231658
just freelancer, man
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:11:46  125231716
mine persa!
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:11:50  125231720
1. 18>>125231421
2. M
3. Last time I checked it was B2
4. Never actuallyvtried to learn it, just picked up quite some stuff in an old-ass online game, basically took me about 4 years to get it to that level
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:12:41  125231750
Gut it
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:13:01  125231760
Them tests, they's bullshit, man.
I get a C2 on any online test too, but I don't think my real level is any higher than B1.
There are some mistakes in your posts that no C2-speaker would ever make.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:13:28  125231777
I think C2 it's when you can read e.g. Shakespeare or Dickens in original.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:13:43  125231788
>in your posts
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:16:44  125231920
1. 23
2. Female (no proofs following)
3. Based on my TOEFL certificate, it's C2
4. 12 years
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:18:12  125231965
Oh, pointing out grammar mistakes, i love it! You guys just can't help yourselves, right?
Even native speakers make mistakes. Your level of language is not solely based on grammar and nothing else. Get over it.
Yeah, well, in that case i'm not C2. I haven't even tried, but i guess i'll fail miserably lol
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:18:15  125231967
>>125228789 (OP)
I'm too stupid for talking english :(
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:18:20  125231969
>>125228789 (OP)
This is the third thread with a pug dog in the OP pic. What's happening?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:18:45  125231990
Wow, that escalated quickly
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:19:52  125232032
6.5 IELTS (unfortunately my certificate is at mother's home)
10 years
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:19:52  125232033
Photo without "sup /b/" and timestamp is not a valid proof.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:20:32  125232059
>>125228789 (OP)
ebonics speakah itt

ama bitches
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:21:23  125232088
Dayum both dun' 'chu fookin start dat shiz now ye
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:21:52  125232107
> Female
Asichkooh, pisechkooh?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:22:34  125232129

Have you ever seen Shakespeare's plays in errrr, English? S. is not some kind of fucking Pushkin, it's a fucking ancient chthonic monster Derzhavin grade or worse. Better than Pasternak's translations though. Anyway, Chaucer is way way better.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:22:46  125232138
I didn't understand any word

another anon
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:23:45  125232172
There are two types of mistakes:
1. The ones only native speakers make (like in Russian: ться/тся, надеть/одеть etc.)
2. The ones only foreigners make (like in Russian again: wrong cases, genders, awkward wording etc.)
So, the ones you're making relate to the second type.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:24:07  125232184
Damn broth don't you fucking start that shit now yeah
There you go
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:24:09  125232188
u must be high or smth m8

that's some really gibberish shit you have there
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:25:37  125232239
Sorry fam, playing old games makes you learn that kinda bullshit
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:26:08  125232255
I live and study in Germany. Ask your questions, if you have any.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:27:35  125232300
> only foreigners
> wrong genders
> с днем рождениЕ
> тюль
> кофе
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:28:43  125232326
I didn't say my mistakes were native speaker's ones, i just pointed out the fact that even those who speak the language as a mother tongue make some mistakes, so it's inherently wrong to except a flawless English from someone who doesn't.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:29:12  125232338

Do you live in Glashutte, the European capital of watchmaking (fuck you Geneve)?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:31:47  125232407
Had any issues with any refugees yet?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:31:56  125232410
By "wrong genders" I meant something like "твой кровать", "моя дом" n' shit.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:35:18  125232449

These are not issues bro, it's cultural enrichment. Don't be a stupid pidoraha please.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:35:49  125232495
Yes. And my examples represents esaxctly this kind of errors (e.g. "моё день рождение", "вкусное кофе", "красивое тюль)
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:37:45  125232556
Not him, but still:
We've had quite a lot people from arabic country this autumn, i guess the crisis was at its peak back then. But there weren't any crime level outbreaks, mass riots or whatnots, there was just a bunch of black people on the streets. Yeah it might have been slightly odd, but that's all.
These cases with women being raped in Köln and a train between some big cities that now has a safe zone car solely for women, they do take place though.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:38:18  125232571
Хай гайс.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:38:36  125232580
Oi, faggies, how's ya buttfuckin' goin'?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:39:45  125232603
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:39:53  125232608
No. Why do you ask this?

Not really. There are a asylum for refuuges in my city. Some people bring them clouth, food etc. There a one or two incidents with refuuges, but it's really few problems.

This >>125232449 is not my answer.

Germany koon
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:40:59  125232629
So which number does "cuckold" represent on this grade?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:41:32  125232645

Because Glashutte is the only place in Germany that matters bro.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:41:43  125232650
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:42:46  125232675
"вкусное кофе" is kinda different from "моя дом", don't you find so?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:44:26  125232712
Hold on.
So you say that on the grade that goes from zero to 10 i represent -1?
But that means i'm out of this rating system completely. See? I'm out of your stupid sodding rating system, you twat!
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:44:30  125232714

Everyone can tell it's not your answer Schwul, it's in proper English while your posts are not. No need to mention that.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:44:58  125232724
I didn't hear about this city before. Apparently we have different meaning of whats matters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(English is my second foreign language, I sorry for my ugly grammar)
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:46:06  125232757
Are they even trying to get a job there or they're simply living solely on their welfare and warding the streets, looking for some funny business?
I'm actually surprised. Because everyone describes it as a huge problem with some inevitable consequences. Maybe you guys just have such a huge tolerance level that you dont even notice it?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:46:35  125232765
> it's in proper English while your posts are not
I am humbled. Again. Even on 2ch.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:47:03  125232776
Bad luck, mate, grammar is all these folks care about.
Because fuck talking and practising your skills, let's just scrutinise each other's messages to find a mistake, lol
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:47:08  125232779

Rating-shmating, you say the Arabs rape your women and you're okay with this, please take your place under a shkonka and quit speaking of ratings.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:50:15  125232856
What's all this talk about, me no be understandin not a thing
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:50:22  125232860
Heyo, how are ya lads? Its 5:50 at my place, and it fucking SNOWS. Pretty badly tbqh, most of the surfaces are covered with like 2 cm of snow. Thats odd, considering that for the last 2 weeks its been pretty dry and sunny.

Whats up with you, guys?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:50:48  125232869
Nope, i never actually see them roaming around aimlessly, they are mostly sitting at some instances, doing paperwork, looking for a job and stuff.
Says the guy who's afraid to step out of his house because caucasians will make him sit on a bottle and suck their filthy smelly dicks? Funny lad.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:52:28  125232914
Seems like your city was awarded with a pack of some very high-disciplined refugees then. Good for you bro.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:54:11  125232959
7:55 here, I win.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:55:55  125233006
There are quite a lot of some sketchy guys around bus/train stations in big cities tho. But i guess these places are always gathering a lot of suspicious people with unfriendly intentions, right?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 03:56:46  125233037
It will melt eventually. Should be gone till noon, I'm sure. There were even more fucked up weather phenomenons.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:00:08  125233134

The churkas are pretty tame these days here, what are you even talking about? I go to/from gym quite late because I hate it when it's crowded, and I don't like to drive to the gym. I am yet to see someone being aggressive in my hood apart from fucking gales.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:02:32  125233208
Yeah, 2 years ago it was snowing in June here. But still, its pretty weird for such an early spring.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:09:01  125233409
чо пятухи типо дохуя в английском могёте? парле ву фрасе епта?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:14:17  125233588
шпрехен дойч, хабло эспаньёл, бесель мадьяр и дохуя ещё чего
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:14:40  125233597

Уи жё парль ёпта. Ж'э бэз та мэр. Тю лё деманд пуркуа?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:14:56  125233605
>snowing in June
Anadyr city?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:29:03  125233949
Nah, but still pretty far up north.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:30:00  125233974
Dixon? Oymyakon?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:40:10  125234221
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:44:25  125234315
bump, though
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:49:58  125234478
bump again
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:50:27  125234487
Not that far east. More like western siberia.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:54:24  125234577
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 04:55:49  125234607
пидабол епта!)
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:03:21  125234763
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:15:16  125235039
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:17:12  125235075
14621554323220.jpg (206Кб, 693x647)
>tfw bad english but you shitpost on the western chans everyday
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:22:11  125235167
What u vas tut proishodit?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:25:27  125235237
>>125228789 (OP)
I have a dream, one day...
Let's do skype conference?
I think that's gonna much better than just write, cuz we can write and SPEAK.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:25:47  125235242
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:26:09  125235251
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:27:33  125235280
Anybody here?
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:32:46  125235368
14621563667960.png (149Кб, 499x499)
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:40:01  125235495
I'm way too shy for this shit. I'm ashamed of my nasal voice. Not to mention, my English level is pretty low. It's pre-intermediate at the best case.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:41:43  125235529
I can listen to you without speaking myself though. But I doubt you can manage to gather people together.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:43:07  125235555
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:43:47  125235572
Уу блять неруси-нехристи
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:45:09  125235599
Уу Сасай
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:47:29  125235644
14621572498340.jpg (16Кб, 330x417)
К первой паре готовься, англичанин.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 05:51:19  125235726
Аноны, я эту мопсо-блядь знаю. Прикатился из лингвача. Знатная внимание-блядь. Сам английский "знает", в основном, с гуглом. Ходил на курсы к какой-то местной бабе-Гуле и решил, что он теперь знаток. Шкварим тред, аноны.
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 06:00:36  125235885
I'm not the OP ëptā
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 06:16:02  125236180
axaxa cyka vodka
Аноним 02/05/16 Пнд 06:57:14  125236987
>>125228789 (OP)
So I woke up today at 5 am, because I am feeling really sad.
First of all, I watched the original Notre Dame De Paris musicle before sleep, and it was really sad.
All I wanted was to listen to some french songs, and ended up almost crying.
This fuckin pubertant gipsy girl, and Quasimodo, and the Feb the guard captain, and the fucking priest. And all of them simply want to fuck her, and she wants to fuck too, because of puberty and shit. So Feb and Esmeralda arranged a fucking. Feb wanted to stab Esmeralda with his dick, but ended up getting stabbed by a priest... Not with a dick though, with a knife.
Long story short - Esmeralda got hanged, Quasimodo killed himself, I think. And all of this was really sad.
Then I went to the shower, and when I came back, I opened a vk.com, and saw a post from a dude, that went to colledge and university together. He and his girlfriend are buisenessmen. Buisinessman and Buisenesswoman. Buisinesspeople. Anyway, they planned an awesome roadtrip through USA, and all around doing stuff, that makes me jelaous. So, hello sadness. As if I was'nt sufficiently sad from this fucking musical.
So I grabbed my bike and went to a park.
And there was no people in the park. That was cool. It felt like an apocalypse aftermath. When I was a kid, sometimes I imagined, that how cool that would be, if all the people just dissapeared for a while. So i could do whatever I want. I could grab whatever I want from a store, steal a car, actually rob a bank, and shit like that. And no one would tell me that I can't do anything.
So I rode my bike for a while, got cold, because i'ts 10 degrees outside, because Russia. So I went home. I drinked some hot tea, and now I'm writing this.
So. Good, I mean, sad morning, everybody!
I am not sad all the time by the way, just somtimes. Fucking emotions, man. Sometimes I wish I was a robot.

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