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Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:22:25  126660438  
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Hey, guys, brazilian friend here. Ask me anything.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:24:37  126660739
Proof it
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:27:51  126661203

Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:29:43  126661454
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:31:05  126661620
>>126660438 (OP)
Is Brazil white?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:33:52  126661943
take a photo of the product with place of production
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:35:05  126662089
>>126660438 (OP)
fuck dilma
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:37:31  126662367
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:38:23  126662475
hello fuck you
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:38:54  126662541
The south is.

Shes pretty much fucked already
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:39:37  126662628
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:39:48  126662646
Im wating for proof
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:44:48  126663280
>>126660438 (OP)
I am Russian patriot!!
I love when Putin fuck my anus!! I am dream about as Putin fuck my ass!!!
Fucking my ass mr putim! Pls FUCKING MY ASS!!! Great RUSSIA!! RUSSIA STRONG!!!
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:47:11  126663565
Glory Russia! Glory to the heroes!
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:51:03  126664014
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Like this?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:52:46  126664194

Thats nice, bro. I would love to have putin fucking my ass too.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:54:02  126664352
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>>126660438 (OP)
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:54:42  126664433
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:54:51  126664447
>>126660438 (OP)
do u play football?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:55:24  126664503
>>126660438 (OP)
How is it going in Brasil? I mean plain folks life.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:55:44  126664544
>>126660438 (OP)
Pososesh' pisos?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 20:56:25  126664614
He asks will you suck his dick
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:00:33  126665103
No, I don't and I hate it.

It's pretty much ok. My job pays enough to have a simple yet fullfilling life.

I will if he asks gentle.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:01:18  126665196
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Cats dick*
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:01:38  126665244
>My job pays enough
How much do you earn per month? What are the tax rates in Brasil for citizens?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:02:14  126665323
Actually, it's too small to suck.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:03:53  126665520
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Who's next?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:03:54  126665522
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:04:41  126665607
Mr. Putin?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:05:42  126665723
click infront of "ОП треда" so we could recognize u as OP
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:07:32  126665919
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:09:32  126666158
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>>126660438 (OP)
Bulgarian here.
Why did you do that to poor Dilma :/
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:09:46  126666190
I earn something like руб. 77826,00. It will give me around 70414,00 without taxes. So its alot of taxes. Yet food are cheap, i don't have to pay rent, don't have kids, so it's more than enough.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:16:04  126667080
Because we need get things working again, she fucked our economy even more. If things keep going downhill we will end up like russia.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:28:37  126668558
Do you watch Game of Thrones?

How do you find Stannis and Littlefinger?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:33:41  126669168
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Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:41:37  126670094
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Yes I do. They are both pretty smart, yet I think sansa may fuck with Little finger's pans. I tend to not create expectations on any of them since we all know the might end dead.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:42:12  126670144
>It will give me around 70414,00 without taxes
That's a quite good income for the whole Russia excluding Moscow.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:42:38  126670200
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>>126660438 (OP)
Why is so many shemales in Brasil?
Do brasilian girls like anal sex?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:52:03  126671139
What do you do for a living?
Have you ever thought of visiting Russia?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:53:09  126671286
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There are as many shemales in brazil as there are in every other place, don't believe in stereotypes. I really don't know if they like anal, i am a virgin. Yet if you hire a prostitute she will do anything you want.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:53:54  126671378
Hey Brazilian, do you know capoeira?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:54:00  126671391
>>126660438 (OP)
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:55:20  126671555
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>>126660438 (OP)
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:57:19  126671804
Russia is not very attractive place for tourists, especially from Latin America, because of the distance.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:58:13  126671921

One way or another, there are plenty of Ibero-Americans on almost all touristic sights of Moscow.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 21:59:32  126672090
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>>126660438 (OP)
Can you tell me your dream? What do you want in 5-10 years?

And how many languages do you know?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:01:40  126672359
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I am a programmer. Yes, actually my company have a few people working on russia, I would like to visit there sometime. Met this girl online and she told me there are lots of single girls looking for a man, you guys should get your shit togheter.

Sry buddy, don't know anything about capoeira, I am a failure even at being a monkey.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:02:13  126672447
Are there any cool shemales in Brazil? How much does the night with shemale cost?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:05:27  126672874
r u a nigga ??
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:07:04  126673066
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:11:18  126673607
no passaran!!
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:12:23  126673762
e u r black star?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:14:05  126673976
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Seriusly, I am planning on leaving brazil in 5 or 7 years. I might go to Canada.

I know Portuguese, English, Spanish and a little French. I started learning russian but I quit since I found it to be a little tricky.

Yes, there are some nice shemales here. They will charge you by hour something like 3706,00.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:16:02  126674193
Russia is very attractive because of siberian mouse and Кристина Пименова.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:16:25  126674228
>>126660438 (OP)
Where are the proofs, Lebovski?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:16:31  126674238
I'am white with brown eyes, so i think i'am a nigger anyway.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:17:35  126674349
>>126660438 (OP)
Eu fala Ingles?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:21:10  126674761
nahh u shittin me ur jus sum white boi or spic
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:22:28  126674919
>>126660438 (OP)
Do you suck dicks?
Do you do a barrel roll?
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:22:38  126674941
buuuuraaaakuuu suuuutaaaaaa
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:27:24  126675569
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:27:56  126675629
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Tried suck my own dick once. Could only reach the tip though.
Аноним 15/05/16 Вск 22:29:19  126675811

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