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Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:41:04  129033730  
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Priviet ruski drugi! Ja finski. Do you wanna ask something?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:42:41  129033829
>>129033730 (OP)
suck cock? do barell roll?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:44:38  129033958
No. Why is anime so popular in here?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:45:05  129033982
Hello. What money are you maining per month?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:45:30  129034019
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:47:10  129034136
I make 4000 euros per month. It is about 298 023 roubles.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:49:29  129034300
С>>129033730 (OP)
Слишком толсто, а теперь уебывай.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:50:20  129034359
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>>129033730 (OP)
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:50:30  129034370
Brothers this is a really important question. Is there anymorevдедовщи́на in army? I have Russian 2nd nationality and I might have to go to the army. How much do I have to pay for not going?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:51:37  129034466
>>129033730 (OP)
OBAMA - - - CH4MOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:52:06  129034492
What kind of proof do you want?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:52:56  129034543
>>129033730 (OP)
How much 0,5 vodka?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:53:31  129034591
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Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:54:35  129034664
Обама Чмо!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:54:55  129034701
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Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:55:04  129034713
Post finnish qts my mongol friend.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:55:36  129034750
About 25€ 0.7l vodka. 0.5l vodka bottles are not common here.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:57:41  129034909
What is QTS?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 12:58:43  129034992
It's not mongol looking finnish girls.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:00:04  129035091
Okey, I don't speack english very well, but...
Our army don't have дедовщина today Imho, people from Kavkaz and Chechnya like... Mmm... Use metods of дедовщина..
Go to the our military academy, this is good way of you life.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:00:22  129035108
Finnish girls are ugly mongols and I know it. I will get a wife from Russia. I'm half Russian and I have also Russian nationality. Finnish girls don't make food and clean home, they just drink cider.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:01:37  129035195
Why do I see Finland as a second Japan? Finland, can you be second Japan?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:02:38  129035264
Are you sure? I will study medicine soon so do I have to go to the army? Next time when I go to Rossija to buy vodka and tobacco I don't want to find myself locked in a dark place.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:03:50  129035331
Это обман для набора классов.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:03:55  129035337
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No we cannot. Japan is filthy. My pravoslavnie friends, quit Japan-love.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:04:42  129035384
You are just weak person, cant handle free and strong woman, you want just russian shkura slut, who will change you to Jamal.
And now kill yourself.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:05:21  129035433
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:05:29  129035436
B-but I heard there are good things in Japan and you don't have to do anything.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:06:00  129035477
So butthurt. Menehän vittuun ruma neekeri nussimaan niitä valaita.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:07:03  129035531
I can't marry Finnish women because they are not pravoslavnie, simple as that. I don't want my children have mongol genes as much what I have.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:08:28  129035616
Why do you even need pravoslavie? It's just another religion for the simple minded.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:08:50  129035641
Tolsto blyat
But you have there nice guys. (im gay)
Pidorashki disgusting men, not beautiful and daring.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:10:22  129035737
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:10:39  129035754
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>Be Russian
>Be not pravoslavnie
Choose one.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:11:24  129035813
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:11:42  129035830
Haha, if you think that we only drink and smoke, you're not right)
So, may you give some documents in yourself военкомат, if you don't want go to the army?
However, don't fear the army. One year. Don't long, not?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:11:54  129035846
Op, you cute?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:11:55  129035849
>>129033730 (OP)
В каком городе живешь, был ли в России, если да, то где лучше живется?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:12:33  129035873
Pls can you tell about your education system.
Is that true that in your elementary and mid school you can pass lessons and that you havent mark system?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:13:46  129035959
Ok. I think that Russian army will beat Tshuna. Not good for me. I don't think that you only smoke and drink. I love Russia.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:14:55  129036034
>>129033730 (OP)
Finland is a part of Russia, faggot
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:15:22  129036072
Op? >>129035846
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:15:30  129036081
Thuna? What is it?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:16:00  129036119
>>129033730 (OP)
Make photo of your pasport with note
Note has to contain text like "sup /b/ finland thread 06.06.2016"
Or you big fat liar and virgin
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:16:07  129036131
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Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:16:54  129036187
No. We can't pass lessons. We have internet mark system called Wilma. There teachers can mark anything. First is "down-grade" what is to classes 1-6, then we go to "up-grade" what is from 7 to 9 (grade). Then we can chose to go either to gymnasium or vocational school.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:17:26  129036226
Yes it is brother.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:17:39  129036247
Hello friend
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:18:04  129036268
> pic
> he's not pretty therefore he's not right
That's bydlo logic.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:18:20  129036284
>>129033730 (OP)
How do you type captcha with russian numerals???
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:19:15  129036339
Ok wait.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:22:08  129036550
I don't know. I look more Russian than Finnish. Dark hair and green eyes.
I don't know. After 10 tries it works.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:22:31  129036576
Show us your dick pls
We like to look at such things
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:23:10  129036619
No. Poshel nahuy, faggot.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:24:05  129036669
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:24:12  129036680
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Do you know what mean this emblem?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:25:26  129036755
Make photo with big dragon dildo in your ass with lettering "SUP DVACH PUTIN IS OUR GOD".
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:25:58  129036789
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:26:08  129036799
Why are you such a homophobe?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:27:16  129036885
no u, bezproofniy daun
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:27:27  129036902
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Because I dont wanna show my D in this thread
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:28:29  129036965
Why? It's all show our cocks. Even heterosexuals.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:28:56  129037003
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Happy now? Sorry didn't find a proper pencil.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:28:59  129037009
But i dont
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:29:30  129037052
No homosexuals in this thread.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:29:41  129037067
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Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:31:00  129037153
Do not tell me what to do at home, homophobic bitch.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:31:07  129037166
Nice photoshop rusnyaviy ubludock.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:31:46  129037220
>>129033730 (OP)
Greetings from Saint-Petersburg, bro.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:32:06  129037244
Idi nahui.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:32:55  129037302
Nice brat
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:32:58  129037307
>>129033730 (OP)
Greetings from Saint-Petersburg, bro.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:33:43  129037360
soseh pisuny?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:33:44  129037363
I've heard in Finland average size of cock 8cm. In Russia average is 49.5, you know?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:33:46  129037364
We ponyali, durak.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:34:31  129037422
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>>129033730 (OP)
Finland has always been a part of the Russian Empire
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:35:05  129037475
Do you dolboebik? If your D <100cm you officially not real human.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:35:14  129037482
>>129033730 (OP)
Good жить in Finnland?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:36:12  129037544
>>129033730 (OP)
Пошел нахуй финский пидр! Мы в эти ваши однополые браки нихуя не верим!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:36:19  129037554
Yes my friend. ;)
There are lot's of people in Finland who hope Putin to come and throw all the feminists, gays, nigger etc to jail.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:36:21  129037558
Nice Инглиш bro
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:36:40  129037581
>>129033730 (OP)
Do you know abou Krim nash?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:37:10  129037616
I think I can trust you.
I think about to sell row food from russia in finland. Its about berries and nuts. So I need to compose
business letter for managers in the buyer companys. Can you help me?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:37:15  129037623
Пуздуй отсюда, пидораха
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:37:25  129037633
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>throw all the feminists, gays, nigger etc to jail.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:37:32  129037646
Найс актерская игра, пидорах. Всем известно, что вне России ватников не бывает.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:37:33  129037647
Same sex marriage is cancer.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:37:54  129037669
Спросите у финна, что он думает о БОД.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:37:57  129037672
My cock shoots down american satellites in orbit.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:38:26  129037708
What are you think about BOD?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:38:39  129037728
Ok, let's see. Tell me more.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:38:40  129037736
Great. You officially pedorahen
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:38:56  129037756
Suka, ya nihuja ne ponimayu. Kak vyuchit blyadskiy ingrish?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:39:11  129037769
Эй, финн, что ты думаешь о БОД?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:39:27  129037783
Beresh i learning
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:39:39  129037795
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Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:39:46  129037807
we can talk in skype if you can
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:39:49  129037811
Beresh' and don't zadney misli speack in english
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:39:54  129037816
> Rednecks? In my murrica?!
That's more likely than you think.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:39:55  129037817
No im latish
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:40:10  129037834
Инет заглючил, сорян.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:40:13  129037838
A kak nado, nauchi?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:40:27  129037856
что такое БОД
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:40:29  129037863
>>129033730 (OP)
Finsa og monner noe svinska
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:40:31  129037864
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:40:36  129037868
No difference
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:40:44  129037883
Sorry but I have no idea what is BOD.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:40:50  129037892
>>129033730 (OP)
Sprechen sie Deutch?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:40:56  129037899
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:41:40  129037945
Если бы не Ленин, то было бы как в Карелии.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:41:57  129037973
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PACANI, chto takoe BOD, ya ne ponyal?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:42:00  129037975
Spurdo spärde ebin?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:42:21  129038003
Jasso. Så pratar du svenska?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:42:26  129038008
Biologicheskie organicheskie dobavki
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:42:38  129038019
mam but my countri in euro union!!!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:42:50  129038036
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:43:08  129038067
Opodlivilsya in pants
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:43:38  129038100
Jag kan prata svenska men inte tyska.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:43:50  129038117
Безусловный основной доход. Способ честного отьема денег у населения
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:43:51  129038119
what are you think about Biologicheskie organicheskie dobavki?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:44:39  129038161
So gut. Very, very good.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:45:38  129038229
Can you say the name in English.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:46:20  129038276
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:46:51  129038307
what are you think about biologically active additives?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:47:22  129038354
Tell me more precise what do you want me to do so I can think about it.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:47:50  129038381
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:49:01  129038477
I have not an opininion about them. Never heard about that stuff before. Not known in Finland.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:49:02  129038479
Nice u tupogo fina otjal pasport krasava bratuh
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:49:34  129038513
spasibo zemelya
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:50:43  129038606
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:51:03  129038630
In Russia, gay more than the population of your country. We'll fuck you in the ass.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:51:27  129038660
Дурак штоле? Наоборот бабла отвалят, какой отъём?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:51:35  129038669
Some questions about row food
I want you to translate it
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:51:41  129038679
I have one question for you. I will go this summer to St.Petersburg and Moscow. How hard is it to find lady company? (Real women, not prostitutes)
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:52:08  129038699
An unconditional basic income
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:52:52  129038748
I could translate them to English. Ok?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:53:01  129038759
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:53:15  129038780
What about the male company?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:53:53  129038824
Oh you mean perustulo? I think it might be OK. But I'm not sure if Finland will start using it.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:53:58  129038830
>Real women, not prostitutes
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:54:45  129038894
And in Russia the gay beating population is bigger than Finnish population x 10.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:55:17  129038939
Real women company
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:56:07  129039008
Мама твоя меня красавчиком называет, после горлового.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:56:24  129039040
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I reported your message to these guys. Enjoy your last moments.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:56:40  129039059
>gay beating
Stereotypes. Putin did not hate LGBT people, he just wants to make money for his friends.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:57:14  129039098
Real woman beans
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:57:38  129039127
They do not work for free, fool.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 13:59:44  129039281
Have I said otherwise?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:00:00  129039294
Ask here https://2ch.hk/dev/ , can any one of them will flow
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:00:07  129039303
Sieg Heil, finka-drug.
Do you jerk to Kaisa Makarainen?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:00:59  129039361
Many of these guys are gay hidden with mental health problems.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:00:59  129039362
I don't but some might.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:02:38  129039461
It's a secret board for girls >>129039294
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:04:31  129039604
Ok man, thanks for the tip
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:05:20  129039662
now show your dick pls
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:05:58  129039699
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:06:40  129039744
why not
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:07:21  129039785
You pussy and shy? Not a real man?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:08:07  129039831
>>129033730 (OP)
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:08:11  129039841
>>129033730 (OP)
V jopu raz ili finkoy v glaz?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:08:14  129039845
I don't show my dick to a random man. Only women can see it, and people in sauna.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:15:14  129040333
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And you're still going to go to the Russian army? lol
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:16:54  129040445
Read the threat fuckwit.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:17:59  129040519
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You were fucked and make a personal slave.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:20:04  129040660
Write English you goluboj.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:20:29  129040696
wrong picture, we do not have pussy in the military
Only real men
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:21:36  129040766
bye bye sweet
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:22:10  129040819
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Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 14:42:25  129042224
На самом деле бывает. Чем дальше от страны, тем сильнее к ней любовь и патриотизм
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 15:15:06  129044378
Вот поэтому в России скоро будет больше патриотов США, чем патриотов России. А в США наоборот.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 15:52:45  129047262
Соус, молю
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 16:37:13  129050398
>>129033730 (OP)
sup suomibro

whudup with nignogs refugies in finland? any nazi-pekkas killing nigers in lappenranta yet?

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