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Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 19:42:19  129063933  
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Hey, /b. In this thread we speak only english. Any topic are welcomed, anyway its turns out in correcting each other mistakes and phallometry - who's english is better and more correct.
So, let's start!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 19:51:14  129064638
>>129063933 (OP)
>correcting each other mistakes
I think that "each other's mistakes" would be more correct.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 19:55:11  129064983
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 19:56:10  129065075
I think I will fuck my essay up.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:06:16  129065833
Wow, nice to see this thread!
the OP of most classic English threads & author of Da Rules
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:06:32  129065854
On what subject your essay is? Why are you so pessimistic about it?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:09:56  129066085
Sup,2ch, I am the native english speaker and I'm very dissapointed with the level of speaking my mother - tongue on this board/
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:11:02  129066152
Ёбаные дебилы был бы я нативом на инглише обоссал бы вас всех. А так просто противно смотреть на этот цирк.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:13:53  129066358
>>129063933 (OP)
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:15:18  129066475
Go ahead! Impress us!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:17:05  129066606
Иди свой хуй впечатли. Нахуй мне биссер перед свиньями метать. С вами и так всё ясно.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:20:07  129066812
It's because you're faggot.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:20:39  129066846
Уёбывай сюда и учи инглиш ,нахуй сдесь сидеть?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:20:44  129066853
>the native speaker
I see
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:21:40  129066921
Такой ответ я и ожидал. вместо занятия всякой хуйнёй лучше иди инглиш подучи бездарь ёбаный.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:22:32  129066980
It's foreigh languagesactually, only one, english, and ofc i'm not a native speaker.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:23:20  129067044
Glad to hear that! Bring "Da rules" here, it'd be nice to get acquainted with them.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:26:10  129067232
I'm not that guy, but there's no point. No one pays any attention whatsoever. We already have one "дибилы ибать, на сваем пиндоском чета пиздят, далбаебы, сажи))))))" dumbfuck, and the thread has started a few minutes ago
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:29:12  129067446

1. You do not write anything in Russian
2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
3. If you do write something in commie speak, you get your face pissed on immediately
4. Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to. If you do, you get your... y'know what'll happen
5. Gibberish like "sasai pindos obama chmo" is not welcomed. Who cares though
6. Don't put "though" at the end of your every last sentence thinking it makes you sound less runglishy. It doesn't, though
7. There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want
8. Rolls aren't forbidden
9. This is the most retarded thread on /b/
0. You're welcome
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:32:42  129067687
>>129063933 (OP)
op - hui
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:34:01  129067793
Such trolls is literally in every thread and what they need is us to pay attention to them. What we should do is just ignore their posts, thats all!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:35:37  129067917
no one gives a fuck about your opinion, your dickhead
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:36:13  129067965
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:37:35  129068057
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>Any topic are welcomed
>each other mistakes
>its turns out
дружище, тут не исправлять, тут с чистого листа хуярить надо.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:38:02  129068090
>>129063933 (OP)
>any topics
>its ends up correcting
fixed rectified these minor oversights of yours. Thank me not, m'lord
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:38:29  129068123
>был бы я нативом
>был бы
But you aren't, that's because you mad bro )))))))
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:39:00  129068159
Ёбаные деграданты идите нахуй уже. Знатоки английского 3 класса мухосранска. Пиздец.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:39:59  129068234
You are my savior, i don't even know how to thank you rightly...
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:40:04  129068243
Да, но не на ваш тред. Вы просто кучка даунов и на вас злиться даже глупо.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:40:45  129068290
Отсоси ему.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:40:51  129068300
Using English as my primary language for nearly a year.
Y'all can ask your questions and shit.

But i've got to warn you, by dear sweet fellow grammar-nazi boys, for it doesn't mean it's flawless, my English, that is.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:41:05  129068315
пиндосы ёбаные уёбывайте нахуй обратно к себе в пиндоссию сука уууу мы по вам ещё ракетой ебанём!! ух, обязательно ебанём!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:42:02  129068376
Tomorrow in my english exam.Tell me how to write a letter to the beginning
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:43:07  129068449
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Thank you for tred. I can't speak in English good, but I dream be great in him. Speak with me, please. But I very stupid, sorry..
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:43:37  129068481

Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:43:49  129068498
Hi guys, have a nice evening
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:43:50  129068500
>>129063933 (OP)
>any topic are
> its turns
> each other mistakes
> who's english
И сразу получил за щеку, школьник.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:44:15  129068526
Just for fun: how a native speaker would have put the OP post.

> Hey /b/. In this thread we speak English only. You can discuss anything you like, anyway we'll all end up correcting one another's mistakes and arguing whose English is better. That being said, let's go ahead!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:44:29  129068544
Hi anon, how was your day?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:45:21  129068610
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Get a load of this jelly pidoraha who can't put up even the most basic sentence in English but still tries to come off as an elitist insulting those who can.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:45:39  129068640
Лэээ, всем здорова, как дила? Научите по америкоски шпарить или нахуй шлите
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:45:48  129068652
So uh, where did you go?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:45:52  129068657
Native speaker? Where are you from?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:45:52  129068658
>>129063933 (OP)
fok u leather man
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:47:32  129068779
Nay, I'm a Russian Ivan. Still, my level of proficiency is comparable to the one of a native speaker.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:48:46  129068866
Thank you very match. My day was very sad, but I believe all be better. Maybe not, but I believe. And you?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:49:12  129068892
Hi /b/. Welcome to the one and only, English thread! You're free to discuss anything you want, after all the sole purpose of this thread is pointing out people's flaws and grammar mistakes and arguing about whose English is better. So, without further ado, let's begin!

will this do?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:49:29  129068910
You mean school or what?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:50:32  129068989
Oh fuck, I'm unable to understand all the articles, where should i put "the" and there is"a/an" place?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:51:02  129069032
Hail, Ukrainian guy here. Ask your answers.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:52:59  129069183
I mean country/state
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:53:18  129069205
What has happened today or what have you been thinking about?
Mine was pretty ok, I've passed an exam on Spanish and I've made some other useless stuff, but I'm still feeling anxious and dissatisfied
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:53:43  129069238
>>129069032You suck dicks, don't you? What about making barrels?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:54:43  129069319
So, let me get it straight, you want to know where did i started my tractor to, right?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:54:48  129069327
Tienes que decir donde el estudia.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:54:52  129069331
So why then? I guess, it's because you can't even write basic stuff we commmunicate here.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:55:01  129069344
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:55:09  129069358
Lmao, I'm not going to please you.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:55:37  129069408
>Did I started
Ok i got it, forget it
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:56:07  129069446
Sounds natural except for this
>people's flaws
it translates to недостатки людей, not ошибки.
And I have no idea why you put that comma before "English thread."
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:57:12  129069545
I woke up like this.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:57:18  129069552
Нет ты не понял, я знаю инглиш, но этого недостаточно я хочу говорить и думать на нём, а это уже совсем другой проще говоря я жалею что не натив. Вот и всё.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:57:47  129069592
It stands for an intriguing pause
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:58:03  129069608
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:59:22  129069709
Judging by your reading abilities, all you got is dyslexia.

I fixed it a few seconds after writing the initial post
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 20:59:46  129069734
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Shall I post some muslims here, guys?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:00:09  129069764
I think about my life, future and parents. This mind was very sad. I tired from my life, but.. But.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:00:39  129069806
Oh lol, not this, fixed
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:01:09  129069847
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Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:02:44  129069975
Thanks for correcting! What would you recommend to improve the level of command of english? Literature, or online courses maybe?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:03:08  129070011
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Здравствуйте (hello) я только на половину интелектуал(iam only half intellectual) Помогите мне читать(read) Докенза(intellectual god) в оригинале(in original)
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:05:44  129070211
If you're ever capable of saying "did I started" no matter if you fixed it a second later, the one with dyslexia is you.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:05:51  129070220
I'm reading "iam" like "now" in Latin. Whats's wrong with me?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:06:21  129070267
¿Quién es el? ¿O tú hablas sobre me? Lo siento pero no hablo bien porque he aprendido el español sólo por un año
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:08:03  129070387
It's ok not to know what to do in an own life, I'm looking for the right path for me too
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:09:12  129070477
One day i was talking to a murrican guy on facebook and he wrote "democratic" instead of "demographic". Another guy i know often confuses "weather" with "whether". He is from US of A as well, yep.
Must be hard, being unable to find someone as good in English as you, even among native speakers, eh?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:11:50  129070704
>>129063933 (OP)
онли инглишь плз? онли ингишь плз? ОНЛИ ИГЛИШЬ ПЛЗ?! ОНЛИ ИНГЛИШЬ ПЛЗ!? ОНЛИИИИИ ИНГЛИИШЬ ПЛЗ!!!!?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:12:52  129070790
GTFO of here, russian retard.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:13:25  129070842
По-русски тоже многие путают надеть и одеть, "вообщем" и прочие "в крации", но никто не скажет "это синий машина" или "я делать твой мама". Есть нейтивские ошибки, а есть те которые сделает только форейнер. Did I started относится ко второму типу
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:14:36  129070927
++. You are absolutely right, dude.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:15:18  129070986
But found this road very hardly and tiredly (hm.. this adjective very strange with this okonchaniyami ending.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:19:12  129071288
As you've probably noticed, i never said i am a native speaker. Neither did i say that my English is flawless and.
See, being able to correct people on imageboards is very well and all, but can you actually speak in real life? Nothing personal, just something to mull over for you.

And yes, i do sometimes write shit like "синий машина". E.g., first i was about to write "синий автомобиль", then replaced the second word by "машина", but whoops, forgot to correct the adjective. I'm very careless, you see
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:19:16  129071294
Онли инглишь плз, хули тебе неясно, сука?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:21:58  129071495
Yeah because these adjectives don't match to your expression soap
hardly is the same as barely like when you can HARDLY get something so there is a little posibility to get a thing and tiredly is a way of a condition like you did something tiredly so you did something with the tiredness in your movements
sorry but i don't speak english well enough so i may be mistaken too
And talking about the subject of a topic - you own the only life so you can choose to look for a path or not to do it and to sit in one position slowly rotting. Noone says that like is easy
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:27:23  129071907
Fuck bitch fuck bitch fuck fuck bitch
smoke weed
weoke smed
smoke the cocke
drink the beer
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:28:18  129071971
Anyone else maybe help me on that?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:32:49  129072294
is that all the english you know
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:34:29  129072412
smok da cock
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:35:09  129072466
It depends on what you expect to see as a result. If you want to start to speak fluently then you're better to make an account in interpals or in a site like that and just to start to speak to the foreigners every day of your fucking life
Or just to start to read as much stuff in english as it possible
I mean if you don't need any specific (?)lexis
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:35:34  129072500
fuck da police
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:38:40  129072729
Pushi okudasay
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:43:08  129073088
Can you, please, make it more clear:
-why "topics", why "topic" isn't suitable?
-why "turns out" don't go?
I understand that this sounds not native, but it doesn't mean not correct in grammatical sense, right?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:54:38  129074104
> я хочу говорить и думать на нём
According to studies (it's still hypothesis though), you can't if you older than 12. The more early you start the bigger chance to become fluent like native, but after 12 it's not possible.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 21:55:41  129074201
>The more early you start the bigger chance
The bigger the chance
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:03:22  129074859
I already knew all specific lexic I have to know, the problem is to formulate a sentence not only grammatically correct, but also as to not be percieved as foreigner.
I think translation to english would help that, if you have anyone to proofread your texts. Reading helps too, but not so - remember how much we write and was corrected by teachers in our school days when we studied our mother tonque.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:18:10  129075968
You are right, cunt.

>topic are
>its turns
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:20:22  129076135
Here come dat boi!!o shit waddup!!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:22:37  129076301
I fuck yoy all bitches suck my dick yeahhhh american
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:24:15  129076417
Alle Engländer sind schon eingeschlafen. Sprechen wir mal Deutsch!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:25:48  129076511
Hi lady's. Wana some crack? Dirty sluts.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:27:06  129076587
What the fuck ebat
Prepare your anus because i fuck hard like a tractor
Captcha fuck your abu faggot goddamn
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:28:39  129076701
Abu is a monkey on a dildo, jumping for a fucking coin.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:30:44  129076833
Keine Deutsche hier. Und das gefaellt mir, ehrlich zu sein.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:30:51  129076840
I was busy and cared about this thread might be dead. Thanks for constant bumping!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:31:03  129076849
Is there anyone who passed IELTF or TOEFL exams? I have a few questions.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:32:04  129076904
Germans, gtfo this thread, didi vaevale
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:32:16  129076920
>how much we write
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:33:04  129076956
Leck mich am Schwantz, du Fotze.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:33:08  129076963
No problems
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:33:09  129076964
>>129063933 (OP)
Оп хуй, слва руси.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:35:16  129077112
I don't understand, you're fuckin dog
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:37:09  129077245
Polska - best language in the universe. You can't argue with this.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:37:31  129077270
OP is dickhead, glory to Russ!
Correct you, do not thank me.
We are on english thread, motherfucker!
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:41:12  129077538
Kurwa perdole
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:44:08  129077748
Yeaaah my pussy is wet, pleasss fuck me <3 mr
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:50:49  129078256
Mine it too
I'd lick yours :3
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:55:09  129078572
Hallo biches, wyh there isn't PRO MLG GAMER 420 in zis thread?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:57:25  129078722
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Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 22:59:05  129078850
I can't help with that, only i can recommend you to search on torrents - it's pretty much stuff on that subject there.
What's purpose are you pursuing taking this exam?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:00:33  129078969
fucken lold
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:02:16  129079100
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:11:40  129079834
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:29:03  129081326
Hi dudes how is it going
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:34:14  129081732
I see no perspectives for me again
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:35:31  129081847
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Hello. I'am learning english in greatest school of english.Alexahdrus Nevskiy english program is the best program in the whole world casue Alexandrus Nevskiy is russian Swartsneger
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:42:43  129082432
А просто написать "не кормите тролля" сложно что ли, уеба?
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:47:23  129082821
Don't feed a troll.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:48:37  129082920
>a troll
Don't feed trolls would be ,ore correct.
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:49:11  129082966
Аноним 06/06/16 Пнд 23:49:30  129082992
in my conutry we usualy say rot ebal to everybody
хуевый я англичанин

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