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Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:37:15  129252505  
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Welcome to the one and only official English thread!

Da Rules:
1. You do not write anything in Russian
2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
3. If you do write something in commie speak, you get your face pissed on immediately
4. Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to. If you do, you get your... y'know what'll happen
5. Gibberish like "sasai pindos obama chmo" is not welcomed. Who cares though
6. Don't put "though" at the end of your every last sentence thinking it makes you sound less runglishy. It doesn't, though
7. There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want
8. Rolls aren't forbidden
9. This is the most retarded thread on /b/
0. You're welcome
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:37:35  129252518
сука что за лажа
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:38:41  129252541
лол, пасскодоблядь
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:39:39  129252568
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Безпасскодный, плз.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:39:41  129252569
Если масштаб сделать 80%, то всё в одну линию.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:39:48  129252572
>>129252505 (OP)
Way to go, mate.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:41:24  129252605
Idi nahooj eblan ebanij
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:41:55  129252616
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Hi dvatch, i'm the sea snail.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:42:54  129252642
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The way it looks if your monitor isn't CRT shit with 800x600 resolution.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:43:53  129252670
pokakal v tred passkodoblyadka
run with the piss faggy one!
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:44:34  129252690
>>129252505 (OP)
А вот с этого места поподробнее.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:44:44  129252698
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Mine is 1440x900. Looks fucked up.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:45:25  129252716
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:46:02  129252726
Ctrl + -
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:46:46  129252746
that's a common contraction. As common as "what're" / "it'd've" / s for does (what's it mean?). Learn some English m8
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:46:56  129252749
>>129252505 (OP)
Залетный пасссссскодышь.
Сагаем тред школьника!
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:47:32  129252762
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Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:47:36  129252764
Сажа пасскодоблядку.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:47:58  129252772
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:48:46  129252782
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:48:51  129252784
Do I have to view the thread zoomed out? The font is too small, kinda hard to read.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:49:40  129252806
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:51:21  129252857
>>129252505 (OP)
How can I learn english?
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:51:46  129252868
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:52:14  129252879
Whatever the hell.
I'm about to have an exam, but i'm scrolling this piece of shit.
Impress me now.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:52:40  129252891
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:52:51  129252898
calm down m8. I know you're being jealous cause you can't speak the language of lords
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:53:57  129252923
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:55:00  129252953
Did you know that sage bumps the thread if it was created through a passcode?
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:56:07  129252977
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:56:11  129252981
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So what do you want?
Do you want me to tell you a story?

I can do that. I moved to the UK with my parents when I was four. My dad was from Leicester, in fact he still might be for all I know, since he left my mum two years after we got there.
I studied both in London and in Moscow, since mum wanted me to have some semblance of an identity and also keep in touch with the Russian branch of my fam.
Anyway, being a big kike, she wanted me to become a lawyer or a businessman of some sort, so I got into a business school right after my a-levels. Didn't like that much, but I did get an ACCA degree, accounting was alright.
So after working as a CA for two years I realised there was more money to be made in Russia than in UK, so I moved back to live in our Moscow flat for a couple years.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:56:30  129252985
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:56:33  129252989
London is the kapital of Greit Britan/
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:56:39  129252992
>>129252505 (OP)
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:57:41  129253020
>there was more money to be made in Russia than in UK
oh well
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:57:56  129253030
I know english you fucking cunt.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:58:27  129253047
Registered a company as well, thought I'd try my hand at investment financing.
Hired a couple Russian blokes (one economist and one trader) from London and started up with a small loan. We invited Russian construction companies to UK, introduced them to big export credit banks and got them credit lines to build their shit in Russia (factories, food processing plants etc). The credits were covered by ECGD (now UK export finance), so basically if the russians didn't get the money back, the government would cover the return for the bank.
Worked for ten years in that, until the Crimea situation, when police started paying visits to our Russian partners to find out why they don't go to Sber for credit lines (because their conditions suck?).

Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:58:49  129253056
no you don't
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:58:51  129253058
Sage bidlo
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:58:54  129253060
So because of the sanctions, all export credit lines to Russia stopped.

Anyhow, the money stopped, the contracts stopped and my mum got diagnosed with non-Hodgekins, so I lost basically everything (never get cancer in UK, it's shite).
So now I've moved back to my Moscow flat, couldn't afford the rent in London (paid £1,200 for seven years for a one bedroom, can you imagine that shit?).
Started anew, just registered a company here. I'm 34 and no beard, in case you're wondering. No, I'm not Chichvarkin, but I met him multiple times.
Happy to answer any questions you might have. I speak with an East London accent and I do make more typing errors when I type in Russian.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:59:09  129253068
So you too then.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 07:59:46  129253083
Dva chaya etomu sage!
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:00:09  129253096
Sorry I had to post this in three part btw, apparently my post contained some spam-filtered words, maybe the names of the banks I used to work with? Never mind.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:00:17  129253100
Xyu xyu
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:01:10  129253117
it should be "so you either then." We use either instead of too in negative sentences you dummy
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:01:20  129253121
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Fucking Clonazepam! They should be fucking kidding me! "Know Lithium better than your partner", "SSRIs are the things to know", "typical and atypical antipsychotics are your best friends"! And after these hints they give bloody benzodiazepines?! Assholes!
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:01:23  129253124
Never сука mind пишется слитно, ебучий англичанин ебливый.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:01:27  129253127
Well, fuck this thread
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:02:03  129253143
Вот сейчас я реально проиграл.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:02:15  129253149
Kurwa mat
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:02:32  129253154
так что вы ни тогда
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:02:47  129253160
Ya pierdole!
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:03:16  129253170

No it shouldn't.
"You also" or "you as well."
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:03:39  129253178
В альбоме нирваны специально написано слитно. Какой же ты даун, ору с тебя
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:04:35  129253201
now you tell me why "either" doesn't work.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:05:19  129253224
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Did you get that off your favourite shitty grunge record cover, twatface mcshitecunt?
Два разных выражения, горячую залупу тебе за воротник, еба
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:06:50  129253270
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:10:24  129253375

Because either is used to replace "both" or differentiate between two options.
There were trees on either side of the road.
You are either uneducated or just stupid.
I don't want anything to do with either of them.

It's never, ever used to just make a statement about something another person IS AS WELL.
You always use it to state "you either this, or you that", never to just "you either" and end it on that, because it's an incomplete sentence you absolute lobster.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:13:34  129253456
guys, what is this language he speaking?
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:14:07  129253477
>>129252505 (OP)
>whatever the fuck you want
what the fuck ever will fit much better.

K, I'm here, what do I do?
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:14:56  129253501
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:15:13  129253509
Let's make out.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:15:20  129253512
Наркотиков въебал?
"Neither do you."
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:17:28  129253566
> You do not write anything in Russian
Соси хуй, пидор.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:18:18  129253594
Are you saying that "I don't want it either" is incorrect?
Let me quote the line that proves you wrong
>..."I don't want it either" are both standard and common.
He also gives a usage example:
>I don't like him, and I don't like her either.
Fuck you man, fuck you.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:19:36  129253628
>>129252505 (OP)
саганул уебана
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:20:14  129253658
My phrase is still correct. I'm surprised that you guys don't know such basic shit.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:20:47  129253672
>>129252505 (OP)
da ro va
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:21:13  129253685
No, thanks. There is no girls in teh internets anyway.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:23:26  129253750
Hello I am russian from russia and I hate you american shits hail to the lord putin fuck obama
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:23:27  129253751
The OP has been proofread by a native speaker. You can fuck off with your shitty corrections.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:23:30  129253753
>>129252505 (OP)
Че у тя написано? Нихуя не понятна же
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:23:51  129253761
Your phrase sounds like it's been written by a fucking drug abuser. Probably because it's missing a verb.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:23:59  129253768
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I wasn't saying anything of the sort.
You need a negative verb to use "either".
Fuck you back.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:26:45  129253845
Google "me either."
"you either" works the same way

>"Me either" is used to agree with a negative statement.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:27:59  129253889

Those are all negative sentences. Nice try with the google though.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:29:30  129253933
Yours was positive - "so you either"
If you wanted to make it negative it should've been "so you DON'T either".
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:30:16  129253955
Suck obamkas dick stupid gayropean shills
We won WW2 and killed Hitler and we will kill every of your nazi apes
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:33:26  129254064
>"so you either then"
Is sick. Period.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:34:16  129254110
>Yours was positive - "so you either"
It wasn't. Here's the dialogue this shitstorm started with:
>I know English
>no you don't
>so you too then
>it's "you either" dense fuck
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:34:57  129254133
But will I? Protip: I won't. Go fuck yourself, m8.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:36:52  129254204
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>>129252505 (OP)
Fuck you.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:37:41  129254226
Do we roll these fancy numbers in OP post?
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:37:47  129254230
Your aids ridden mommy must be stoned to death and fed to hyenas, as well as you.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:38:31  129254248
>>129254226 we can but what for?
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:38:48  129254259
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What are you even on about at this point.
I think you've confused yourself a bit there ladm8.
Your statement was positive.
"You too then" is positive. You can't use either in a positive sentence. You have to make it negative by making it "you DON'T either then".
I think it's a bit too early in the morn for you.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:38:51  129254260
Fuck you.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:39:04  129254271
>must be stoned to death
Gonna need a shitload of weed for that.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:40:27  129254310
I meant throwing stones at her until she dies.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:40:50  129254324
14654508506590.webm webm file (57Кб, 424x600, 00:00:01)
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:40:55  129254326
Oh and it's not a shitstorm, you're just a bit of a spastic but it's alright
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:41:01  129254330
For the sake of uncontrollable instinct of rolling every time you see a list of 0-9 numbers.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:42:48  129254379
>>129252505 (OP)
Россия для русских
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:43:09  129254388
You gaylord.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:43:10  129254391
It was a reply to a negative sentence, so we have to use either instead of too. Come on, I'm sure you're not that stupid... just a bit but it's fine
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:44:06  129254419
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:44:36  129254433
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:44:52  129254444
>native speaker
>throwing stones as punishment
>Allah is a bicycle
Go on, I'm curious.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:44:57  129254446
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These guys agree with you.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:45:40  129254462
>>129252505 (OP)
Судя по этим тупым предложениям это не ангельский.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:45:48  129254468

"It was a reply to a negative sentence."
Read what you just wrote. Just read it out loud, in a stupid voice.
You've replied to a negative sentence with a positive one.
And used either in it.
Read what you just wrote again and again until the stars cold light dims on this godforsaken planet.
You are such a div.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:46:06  129254480
The fuck'd I just read?
nice quads tho
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:47:52  129254525
Learn Russian, joke was lost due to language barrier. Tip: what's dimunitive for "bicycle" in Russian?
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:48:03  129254530
You use microwave to heat water right?
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:48:15  129254538
Слыш ты, хуило, будешь мне тут указывать на моих двощах, писать на русском или не писать тут.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:48:31  129254550
I am learning it on www.duolingo.com. But i have finished all exercises and i don't know what to do next.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:49:07  129254564
I know I was wrong but I won't agree with you because you're an asshole.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:50:00  129254595

Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:50:12  129254602
Аноним # OP  09/06/16 Чтв 08:50:37  129254610
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:50:49  129254615
Уссываюсь с замкадышной бляди, делающей вид, что умеет в ангельский. Ссал тебе в ебало, пидорашка
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:51:06  129254624
>>129252505 (OP)
what runglishy means ?
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:51:09  129254626
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Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:51:12  129254630
Word 'great' and slang term for 'bike' are homonyms in Russian.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:52:34  129254664
Are you a native speaker, mr. TS? If no, what resources would you recommend kindly for us humble peasants to be able to even barely touch the unembraceable prosperity of chosen ones, who can juggle words of this lord's language as a native one.
(Feel free to correct me, this will help way more than doing nothing).
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:53:10  129254681
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:53:25  129254685
It's when you write in Russian using English words.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:53:36  129254692
вот всегда интересно было как такой даун размшлял когда решил написать в такой тред такую хуйню
Типа так
ОХОХО ща я тут напишу хуйню для траленка канешн на русском ттут же англотред, а я кароч всих тральну написав на рузкам, и еще кароч как быдлан надо типа ета мой двощ а мне тут никто не можут указывать сру где хочу. ахаха ух какой я траляка у них же там бомбанет нахуй, надо както помягче мб, а не , ъотя и так сойдет.

Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:54:57  129254735
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>>129252505 (OP)
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:55:14  129254749
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:56:28  129254791
>>129252505 (OP)
Is you of suckings dicks, homosex?
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:57:22  129254820
You gaylord.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:59:10  129254878
Ебать ты подгорелец. Беги, охлаждайся и зашивайся
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 08:59:26  129254883
You is of suckings dicks. Must be of shamings you bydlo peedor you
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:00:20  129254905
> Is you of
> Is
> of
Sjebal iz treda, ssanyi vatnik.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:01:23  129254930
>>129252505 (OP)
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:02:42  129254968
huy sasi
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:04:59  129255047
You mangled boil-brainde pigeon egg.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:05:25  129255066
Уссываюсь с людей, использующих слово "замкадыш".
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:07:11  129255124
>>129252505 (OP)
Sosi hui, bydlo zapadodrocherskoe.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:07:31  129255133
>>129252505 (OP)
Are you a native speaker, mr. TS? If no, what resources would you recommend kindly for us humble peasants to be able to even barely touch the unembraceable prosperity of chosen ones, who can juggle words of this lord's language as a native one.
(Feel free to correct me, this will help way more than doing nothing).
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:07:38  129255141
Замкадыш, плееееез...
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:07:40  129255144
>>129252505 (OP)
Hey buddy, you pick the wrong door, a leather club is two blocks down.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:24:04  129255637
>>129252505 (OP)
Пасскодная сага за счёт заведения.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:24:28  129255652
You're using commas like a Russian. Stop doing that.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:24:30  129255655
Даже две
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:24:46  129255664
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:25:02  129255676
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:28:35  129255795
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:31:32  129255882
sasai pindos obama chmo though
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:44:39  129256302
>>129252505 (OP)
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 09:45:14  129256326
Hey bois, do you watch any letsplayers?

Singeing the goodnotoe to the bydlo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olu92FM87HI

This guy was one of the main reasons ive learned english, i just love his voice, though.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 10:34:39  129258192
>>129252505 (OP)
Are you a native speaker, mr. TS? If no, what resources would you recommend kindly for us humble peasants to be able to even barely touch the unembraceable prosperity of chosen ones, who can juggle words of this lord's language as a native one.
(Feel free to correct me, this will help way more than doing nothing).
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 10:36:48  129258269
>>129252505 (OP)
Обоссал рыльце пасскодобляди.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 10:43:42  129258553
>4. Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to.

I thought this is a nice english thread but looks like more like OP-faggot's own plase to show himself. Everyone look at me, i'm so cool i can speak english better then you oh yeah fap fap fap. Fuck you!
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 10:59:48  129259323
He's the one who started it all. See >>129252690
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 11:09:49  129259799
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 11:19:39  129260322
>>129252505 (OP)
ОП пидор, тред нихуя ни о чём. Ебал мамку ОПа
Аноним # OP  09/06/16 Чтв 11:20:12  129260349
Someone keep the thread up. I'll be out for a while.

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