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Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 12:28:26  129470576  
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Welcome to the only and one official English thread!

What we have here:
- discussions about anything in English
- learning tips and tricks
- questions & answers about grammar and word usage

What we don't have here:
- shitstorms about politics and history
- pointing out mistakes without being asked to
- trash messages like "fak ur mom pindos ebany"
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 12:29:13  129470629
instant bump
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 12:29:53  129470659
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 12:30:57  129470721
How do you like the new header, by the way? People seemed kinda tired of Da Rules, so I've made a new one.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 12:31:22  129470743
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 12:31:23  129470744
Well, pug is Chinese dog. Sage to shiteater
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 12:34:28  129470910
The pug is a French bulldog.
It would be more relevant to post English bulldogs in an English fucking thread, but they look hideous. Pugs, on the contrary, are cute.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 12:39:01  129471141
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 12:39:19  129471157
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 12:58:48  129472155
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Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:27:52  129473641
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:29:30  129473736
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:30:29  129473794
>>129470576 (OP)
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:30:35  129473804
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:36:02  129474143
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:36:23  129474168
>>129470576 (OP)
ну мопсы то реально охуенные
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:37:06  129474214
Whatcha think 'bout Memrise&Anki? What keeps you motivated to study this simple, yet elegant tongue?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:37:37  129474239
What accent dya stick to? And what woulda rather have?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:38:05  129474263
Why does every person I kno in the interwebs point out how fucked up cyrrilic letters are? Ain't it easy to figure out what meaning each one has?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:39:48  129474365
Hey, I remember you.
You posted exactly the same things yesterday.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:39:50  129474367
>ококофутбольные фанаты пиздятся
>время создать великобританский тред
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:40:21  129474397
Stop writing like this, please.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:40:58  129474423
What's wrong, sugar?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:41:15  129474443
You're pretty much of a faggot.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:41:15  129474445
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>Ain't it easy to figure out what meaning each one has?

>easy to figure out
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:41:39  129474468
I mean, it pretty much seems that even op has forlorn this thread, and all you are capable of doing is simply debuff to answer the questions because they are written in a colloquial way?
How disrespectful of yours it is, young lad.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:42:25  129474508
Oh, such a witty retort for a cuntboy
Do you have anything to say that would include having any semantics whatsoever?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:43:15  129474557
This is awkward.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:43:19  129474565
Op is a faggot.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:43:36  129474583
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:43:44  129474591
I will take it as a no.
This thread is doomed to drown in shit, because this board is filled with uneducated, poorly-mannered 14-yr olds.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:44:04  129474610
What meaning do you put in 'this'?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:44:23  129474627
This whole situation.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:44:30  129474636
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:44:44  129474656
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:45:37  129474711
Some random guy called me names for using slang.
Nobody's willing to have a dialogue with me.
I'd rather have to concur with you.
This indeed is extremely awkward.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:50:08  129474971
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>>129470576 (OP)
Can someone please elaborate about the usage of "have" and articles? I know I can google that shit but would be neat off somebody would explain it in layman terms.

1. have
I know "have" is fofr recently happened things, but can it be used in any other cases? I've seen it being used by native speakers even fi the thing has happened long time ago. Examples:

I haven't even seen that. <- I suppose it lacks 've after I. Alright, if true, should I pure 've after everything that has things like "seen, been, done" in it in 100% of cases, or there are exceptions? For example, my friend is often uses it so much it starts looking ridiculous (I've wanted to do it but I've decided not to for examle). So, there should I put 've and where not?

2. Articles
I know the is for defined things, a/an are for undefined. But sometimes I wonder if an article should be there at all. Examples:

My dog uses a large dildo to fuck itself in the shitter but my cat thinks.
If you have enough lube, do a proper spelunking into the depth of the cat's butt.
Make sure the cat's anus is properly tendered so the chance of an attaack by the enraged cat is minimal.
Give me the same dildo you used.

Thanks for taking your time (although I will probably be rightfully told to GTFO to google like to a lazy fuckface I am.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:52:12  129475095
Seems like somebody's copying yesterday's thread post by post http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:41N3R93glFYJ:https://2ch.hk/b/res/129420058.html and this is fucking creepy
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:53:31  129475161
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:54:05  129475193
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Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:55:57  129475298
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 13:59:15  129475507
>>129470576 (OP)
В рот твою мать ебал, пидор грязный. А мопсы пиздатые.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:00:07  129475553
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:05:34  129475886
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Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:08:59  129476079
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:10:08  129476149
нахуй пшел отсюда, выблядок паскодный.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:10:31  129476172
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Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:29:25  129477219
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:29:44  129477240
На форчан, быдло
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:30:01  129477256
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fak ur mom pindos ebany)))
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:30:02  129477257
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:32:01  129477378
Hi guys! The weather in DC is awful, so can anyone bump with beautiful pics of summer there?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:32:01  129477379
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:32:24  129477401
Как понимать что Вы пишете? за месяц
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:33:12  129477439
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:33:37  129477466
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Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:33:51  129477483
drochite moi hui sebe v rot
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:34:49  129477537
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:35:13  129477557
Эй, дружок-пирожок, тобой выбрана неправильная дверь.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:36:00  129477608
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Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:38:31  129477750
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:42:32  129477977

ไม่ระบุชื่อ ที่นี่ เรียนภาษาไทย ?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:58:01  129478835
Опять они тут пиздят по-буржуйски.
Сажи клятым америкосам.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 14:59:17  129478906
>writing in accent
Not sure if retarded or not.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 15:37:26  129481067
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Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 15:46:28  129481557
Tactical BUMP
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 15:47:58  129481642
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Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:13:08  129483233
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:15:53  129483426
I've been bumping this thread the whole day and no one has come, what the actual fuck?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:18:33  129483595
Потому что ваш парашный английский не нужен никому.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:18:58  129483620
Its because of bydlo
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:21:03  129483753
Yesterday's thread was a success. It got 400+ posts. I only had to bump for a few minutes till some anons came and started a discussion.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:21:43  129483793
Sup anon
Nice to meet you
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:22:42  129483859
nice to fuck your mom`s corpse ahahahahahah u understand? Ur mom is dead ahahahahaha
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:24:04  129483940
I've come tebe za cheek, check.
By the way, what's the best way to say "сделал X тебе за щеку" in English?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:25:22  129484020
No, yours <3
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:25:37  129484034
Playing with English people in Smite, but they use strange words. I'm tired of this shit. :/
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:29:17  129484275
There's no way to say it in English. It's something only we have. soobrazhalka-to works
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:30:12  129484339
I hope you die in pain, twatfuck
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:30:59  129484383
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:31:39  129484436
What is Smite?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:31:41  129484439
I have also always wondered how one says "ебать в жопу/рот/пизду" - "fuck in the ass" or "fuck one's ass" or somehow else?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:32:14  129484477
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No fucking idea about what accent I have, but I'd prefer cockney or some traditional british.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:35:23  129484681
I've = I have
Isn't that obvoius?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:37:00  129484789
Today is the Day of Russia, didin't you forget? Speaking in English is highly unpatriotic. Writing this post makes me want to puke.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:37:16  129484801
>>129470576 (OP)
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:37:35  129484824
Sosi pisos
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:38:47  129484891
I am not a patriot, i hate this fucking country, i hate pidorussia! I want to move to US!
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:40:25  129484978
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Are you 14?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:40:45  129485005
Then go for it! Nobody gives a single one about you here, go and leave! What, are you too young to have a visa?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:40:48  129485009
No. I am 15.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:42:26  129485103
>young to have a visa
Unfortunately, you are right.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 16:56:50  129486000
>"fuck in the ass" or "fuck one's ass"
Both are fine
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:01:42  129486337
RP russian pronounciation
To be serious, I've never tried to speak English in real life, so I have no idea how bad my accent is, but I guess it's terrible.
I prefer GA though. RP is shit. "I mide a mistike" lol. Them brits, they's faggots.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:06:02  129486616
What do you have against the British, you murrican shite?
Threadly reminder that the USA is no more than another English colony.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:08:34  129486775
Am I the only one who wants to punch whoever says "not sure" instead of "don't know" just to sound more American?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:17:30  129487315
You're not, really. I also feel like beating somebody up when they end their sentences with "though" or "really."
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:20:28  129487475
>I mide a mistike
u wot m8
There's nothing like that in RP. You might be confusing it with Australian. They're capable of saying "I mide ah mistike" and don't even feel bad for that.
Аноним # OP  12/06/16 Вск 17:25:33  129487743
I'm fucking tired of talking to myself. Fuck you guys, fuck you. One last bump and I leave.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:25:47  129487755
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:26:17  129487790
I love you
Аноним # OP  12/06/16 Вск 17:27:34  129487888
I feel like there are a few anons lurking the thread, but they just don't post anything.
Аноним # OP  12/06/16 Вск 17:30:06  129488044
this is one last bump I was talking about. Bye, see you in hell
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:32:10  129488162
Well, now when OP is going away, let`s start some conversation.
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:33:48  129488258
Hey y'all you are fucking wankers!
Suck my dick pls
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:35:04  129488328
>now that
illiterate fag
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:36:01  129488387
fuk off nigga
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 17:38:34  129488548
what did you say whiteboy?
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 18:11:39  129490633
bump, motherfucker
Аноним 12/06/16 Вск 19:18:22  129495036
>>129470576 (OP)
Паша, иди нахуй.

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