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Аноним 21/06/16 Втр 15:34:56  130148785  
14665124963650.png (931Кб, 1920x1080)
Cидел я на одном сайте, просто смотрел фотки. И тут мне пишет некая аспажа из самой Америки!
you wanted blackmail bitch. did you think it would be free?

& it's goddess.

you were handing out your teamviewer info. what's wrong- are you scared now that someone actually contacted you? come on you little sissy fag- don't chicken out now. it's time to get down to business.

did you read the contract? i only accept usd via paypal. are you able to convert the funds?

written about 2 hours ago:
you clearly didn't read or comprehend the contract. blackmail is a psychological game. if you don't send your follow up photos, emails & payments every month, you get exposed. how is that not a psychological game & a threat? especially when you don't know who i'll be sending the info to first or when? if you want me to give you photo assignments, i won't send them on a set day, they will come at different times of the month, from different emails. you will have to watch your spam filter & constantly be looking for emails that could contain some hint that i've given you a directive to follow. if you miss it- well your ass is getting exposed. if you miss your payment deadline by even 1 minute- you're getting exposed. no grace period, no 2nd chances. no contact with me at all. no play, no anything unless you want to buyout.

written about 1 hour ago:
your issues aren't my problem. my rates are set regardless of who's paying. it's $250 with photo assignments, $200 without.
then you're too broke for blackmail. you shouldn't be posting looking for it. you pathetic fucks shouldn't ask for things you can't afford.
ROFL- bitch please. you hideous cow. how dare you say i don't look like a model. i guess you never heard of the suicide girls. you're unworthy of a model. if you want a fucking model, you're delusional. those fake profiles here that look like models- those girls aren't real you idiot. if you want to play with them- go ahead. they'll just ask you to sign up for some website & not give you anything. or they are actually a man behind the stolen photos & they will just take your money & then block you. so if you want to go play with one of those fake profiles- you go right ahead you worthless sissy whore. but i'm the real fucking deal bitch. i've been a dom for 25 years. i do this real time & online & have all that time. those fake ass cunts have never even picked up a flogger or set foot inside a dungeon. so if you want to go pay some hideous troll of a pro dom in your country to kick the shit out of you- go right ahead. she'll look like a man & have more hair on her legs than you do. she won't be worth what i'm charging. but you have fun with that sissy cunt.

written about 1 hour ago:
wow- you really are stupid. you expect me to play with you for free.

so why don't you go swallow a gallon of bleach, followed by a bullet. do the world a favor.

Кратко, описание. Плати мне братишка 250 бачей и я тебе не заложу твои друзьям адреса которых ты мне и сам дашь. На вопрос хули так дорого и у тебя внешность не модельная, она бабахнула.
do not speak gibberish. maybe you need to learn english & come back when you can actually afford to pay someone.

if that ugly trashbag hooker charges that- then pay her. any woman dumb enough to call herself a master is clueless about kink. she does not know wtf she's doing. a master is a male you dumb cow.

talk about being worth $ 10. you're not worth 10 cents. i would not piss on you if you were on fire. go kill yourself you ugly sack of dog shit.

Аноним 21/06/16 Втр 15:36:20  130148880
И хуй с вами
Аноним 21/06/16 Втр 15:40:39  130149175
и чо
Аноним 21/06/16 Втр 15:42:17  130149268
плати ей скорее, это не шутки
Аноним 21/06/16 Втр 15:42:21  130149274
Нихуя не понял.
ОП, научись писать, четвертьмозговый

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