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Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:11:29  130360842  
14667594897990.png (231Кб, 800x1064)
Hello, guys.
Tell me about 16-21yo girls from this place. What am I supposed to know about these sluts?

t. Spanish alpha
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:14:10  130360975
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:16:08  130361064
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:20:37  130361279
sage your mom, cyka
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:24:14  130361457
>>130360842 (OP)
Most of them are ugly.
It`s funny though, that the most beautiful girls are working in mcd, kfc etc
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:25:25  130361515
14667603253650.jpg (503Кб, 2560x1935)
14667603253751.jpg (320Кб, 1435x2160)
14667603253822.jpg (322Кб, 1435x2160)
14667603253883.jpg (891Кб, 2720x2048)
lies, russian girls are very hot. picrelated avrage russo girls 15yo
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:28:10  130361662
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:28:46  130361682
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:29:06  130361701
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:30:18  130361761
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:32:06  130361876
>>130360842 (OP)
Too old. Fuck off normalfag.
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:32:48  130361909
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:34:18  130361995
14667608589180.jpg (31Кб, 324x598)
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:34:44  130362017
14667608842200.jpg (71Кб, 745x554)
>implying these are the photos of ordinary girls in russia
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:35:54  130362079
they interesting by find russian man from moscow with not-rent appartments. to live with him 50years together/
and sex is not interested of them. because they study and need a lot of time

in this place sex is more interested to woman 25-35
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:41:40  130362423
they are from moscow
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:41:52  130362435
>>130360842 (OP)
Nothing to know about them. Have U ever seen several porn videos, where a boy pays random girl on the street for getting laid? So, irl you can perform something like that. It's all about money, dude.
Georgian scumbag
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 12:45:53  130362656
but i am interested in 13yo girls only...

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