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Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:21:05  130394720  
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Priviet russija :D! Post some harasoo russki musika pozhaluysta!


Finskij pidor op starts with this and + this 5/5 film music


It is juhannus in finland so I'm fucking drunk right now, izvite about confusing thread ya lublu russija anyway
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:32:11  130395405
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Idi nahui /б/ and myself :D I find moy own russki musika then

Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:34:39  130395522
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:38:04  130395727
Spasiba! This was good I dont usually like oxxxymirons rep


Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:41:17  130395917
Fucking great btw britannia divorced in eu :D. I hope finland do the same finally. Eu is the cancer

Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:42:10  130395977
Why russkies think that its funny to create threads from finnish face?
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:44:02  130396110
I'm from finland :D. Vittu suomi on isänmaani mutta venäjä toinen. Sage then I just want to find nova russki musika only
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:45:43  130396214
Y u no grill ur makkara at mökki?
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:50:52  130396559
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njet tomorrow I will. Today I'm just gonna drink so much that I can. Your capatcha is pretty hardcore 7 try now :D or im just too drunk
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:55:50  130396887
Suоmi sucкs. Frоzen wаsteland, taxеs evегywhere, how do you live thеre? Do you even have piratеd gamеs?
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:56:12  130396915
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:57:51  130397017
>>130394720 (OP)
Check this out:
The only russian singer I'm not ashamed of.
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:58:34  130397059
do the capcha numbers look like dicks to you?
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 21:58:38  130397060
fro-zen - it's in the blacklist
Faken monkey faggot cyka
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 22:01:25  130397233
:DD. True but we have spajs and other narcotics so I dont care. Taxes is really fucking sick I admit that. And we have pirated games too like other countries but we have our problems I blame eu!!!
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 22:04:03  130397394
good music and yes they do minja savut pidor op
chill musika da da
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 22:09:38  130397764
Heh pidor junkie. Just exit eu like britfaggots did xDD
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 22:13:17  130398006
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 22:13:42  130398038
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Yeah yeah yeah! My friend have some vodka and something else maybe :) So I go now! Poka moy russki friends :D. I really like russia I was planning to come st petersburg on july about 3-4 weeks but like usually I fuck my plans up! Really piss me of my shit. But keep russia real fuck the ограничение! Fuck the EU!


There some yes finskij rep if want to listen
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 22:13:43  130398041
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 22:20:20  130398513
Come with proofs next time, please.
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 22:21:02  130398567
Ohaidii, kuradi soome-poikka. Kuidas läheb noh?
Аноним 24/06/16 Птн 22:24:07  130398776
Alright ya ponimayu But I only wanted music so I dindn't think I need proofs for this :D. Now I need to goooo davai davai

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