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09/07/16 - Новое API для капчи - внимание разработчикам приложений
03/04/16 - Набор в модераторы 03.04 по 8.04
26/03/16 - Конкурс: Помоги гомункулу обрести семью!

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Аноним 22/07/16 Птн 10:56:33  132353328  
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Dear readers,
Today we ask those of you in Israel to help Wikipedia. To protect our independence, we'll never run ads. We're sustained by donations averaging about ₪ 50. Only a tiny portion of our readers give. Now is the time we ask. If everyone reading this right now gave ₪ 15, our fundraiser would be done within an hour. That's right, the price of a cup of coffee is all we need. If Wikipedia is useful to you, please take one minute to keep it online and growing. We're a small non-profit with costs of a top website: servers, staff and programs. We serve millions of readers, but we run on a fraction of what other top sites spend. We believe knowledge is a foundation. A foundation for human potential, for freedom, for opportunity. We believe everyone should have access to knowledge—for free, without restriction, without limitation. Please help us end the fundraiser and improve Wikipedia. Thank you.
Аноним 22/07/16 Птн 10:59:09  132353483
Аноним 22/07/16 Птн 11:09:36  132354094
Eto vid9t vse? ILi oni dumaut mi tyt sanie bogatie? WTF Anon?!!
Аноним 22/07/16 Птн 12:06:17  132357674
Все видят
Аноним 22/07/16 Птн 12:29:25  132359163
Я блять клянусь эти пидарасы чуть ли не каждый месяце просят денег, даже абу не такой наглый.
Аноним 22/07/16 Птн 12:29:52  132359190
>>1323533>>132353328 (OP)
Аноним 22/07/16 Птн 12:32:54  132359369
14691799743940.png (20Кб, 400x400)
>>132353328 (OP)

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