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Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:33:43  133724385  
14707748233630.png (20Кб, 400x400)
KC is down, please type in English in this thread.
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:36:03  133724562
>>133724385 (OP)
Fick dich weg. Du homofeurst
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:37:04  133724623
>>133724385 (OP)
Krankermongol mit poep on sein Gesicht
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:39:04  133724754
Okay, Krautbros. Pls, tell me what the fuck is goin on on your imageboard?
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:40:04  133724822
>>133724385 (OP)
Who are you?
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:40:30  133724849
14707752309890.jpg (35Кб, 600x515)
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:40:48  133724868
Serious discussions
No fan is allowed
Assburgers everywhere
Hold out of there, Vanya
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:41:53  133724937
Контра Страйк штоля ёбана? говорите по русски блядь пидары
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:42:00  133724945
Why? Also, my real name is Ivan,lol
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:43:59  133725087
All russians are Ivan. Suka kapusta
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:46:34  133725266
Proyavi nemnogo respect k nashim imageboard-buddies
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:46:45  133725277
>>133724385 (OP)
About what you want talk?
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:47:02  133725298
>>133724385 (OP)
Нет. Пошел нахуй.
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:48:25  133725389
About my dick. Why not?
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:48:55  133725424
>why not
faggots club two blocks down
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:50:34  133725527
Fuck, you!..
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:53:02  133725684
But they said two blocks up!
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:53:36  133725718
Oi m8 what happened with your shitty board?7
Аноним 09/08/16 Втр 23:54:34  133725780
well, it looks like you dont have themes for disscussion except your dick, so i am rolling out
faggots club eight feet underground :)
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:02:39  133726305
Nope, it was a meme, you now
then it was:
the answer is NO, so fuck you, faggot
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:03:18  133726335
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:05:59  133726489
i am just dont spending my time to learn shitty memes, especially on boards.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:10:57  133726784
14707770572410.jpg (71Кб, 551x604)
So, while ur board is down, a u here ?.weird
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:15:01  133726977
>ur board is down
ehm? I am russian, so i sit here, obviously.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:16:54  133727088
0ops something went wrong, heh
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:18:07  133727161
Same here
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:19:31  133727223
14707775716540.webm webm file (151Кб, 800x450, 00:00:01)
>>133724385 (OP)
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:21:12  133727319
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:21:43  133727352
Actually our imageboard is dead for many years from 2009
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:23:18  133727440
What do you think about russian-ukrainian conflict? Who should own Crimea?
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:23:23  133727443

I want to talk about serious discussions like the fighting techniques of the Teutons
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:23:47  133727464
14707778274550.jpg (1573Кб, 3920x2204)
> Krautchan
> Down
Like 2009
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:23:51  133727472
14707778318210.webm webm file (4865Кб, 688x538, 00:04:25)
If KC is down, where we will take the new memes with Pepe ?
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:23:54  133727475
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Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:25:00  133727544
isnt my cup of tea.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:25:19  133727558
Why do you think so?
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:27:04  133727665
14707780246810.jpg (4Кб, 220x220)

prior histories
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:28:41  133727766
14707781219860.webm webm file (2057Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:13)
Crimea is under deep dark Van's occupation
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:30:09  133727848
Why dont you think that it should be turkish then? Also, Nikita Khruschchov gived it to Ukrainian SSR in 1954
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:31:04  133727885
> gived it
there is no word "gived". only "gave"
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:32:48  133727999
Sorry for my English. Also it is 0:30 o'clock, so i am a bit sleepy.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:44:47  133728622
Is this fucking 4chan?
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:49:57  133728890
it's like 4-2chan
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:50:36  133728930
>>133724385 (OP)
>deutsche board
Oh this Turkischland...
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:54:27  133729099
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I'm kinda mixed-up. What a fuck is happening?
Better gonna get some sleep.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:55:45  133729157
What did you choose this imageboard as your vault while kc in down? There's nothing good about it, especially in /b/. You are at least 4 years too late to expect this board to be good. We have a couple of other ones where you will be accepted with love, such as iichan or dobrochan.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:56:45  133729205
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:56:59  133729216
> 4 years
Oi m8 here we go
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:57:17  133729229
Oh crap. Fuck android. You got me.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:58:09  133729264
just go to sleep, my anonymous friend. Goodnight
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:59:05  133729299
>>133724385 (OP)
london kun itt ask your answers
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 00:59:48  133729329
GTFO from my 2ch.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 01:00:09  133729341
Make me.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 01:00:51  133729367
What is up my kc Bros, how's life in that imgboard?
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 01:01:47  133729406
This one is half as bad as 4chans /b/.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 01:03:43  133729490
Hello nigga, I'm oldfag here.

15 y.o schoolboy
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 01:06:29  133729613
Lets me speek from mai hart in imglish. Fack yu oll. Just saying, never mind.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 01:09:03  133729731
Клятi москалi
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 01:09:09  133729733
Fuck y'all bitches.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 01:10:16  133729794
>>133724385 (OP)
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 02:24:08  133733217
I wondered if it was down only for me

I always thought sosach was full of bydlo proofsters that always come and shotpost on KC about how russia is STRONK, turns out its a bunch of weebs
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 02:35:26  133733652
>>133724385 (OP)
Ich deustch studieren und sehr erfolgt
Ja ja
Wie ist es am bei Krautchan? Ist das eine gute platze um deutsch zu lern konnen?
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 03:37:30  133735193
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OP here,

what is fastest way to learn Russian? I don't need to be able to speak it, only read it.
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 03:38:39  133735224
14707895201210.jpg (17Кб, 300x400)
witamy uchodźców z 522 bólem d00pska
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 03:41:27  133735296
first of all Learn how to sit on bottle, it is a basic exercise
Аноним 10/08/16 Срд 03:42:01  133735314
learn the alphabet, we got tons of loanwords anyway

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