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Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 01:30:18  140076130  
dealwithitglass[...].png (2Кб, 1024x228)
Ребят, привет. Такая херня, срочно нужно перевести небольшой текст на английкий, я его знаю средне, перевести нормально не могу, только коряво. Кто-нибудь мог бы помочь? Готов поблагодарить монеточкой. Пожалуйста, очень надо
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 01:38:46  140076647
>>140076130 (OP)
насколько небольшой?
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 01:41:09  140076809
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 02:11:23  140078542
14628331615690.webm (1890Кб, 1080x810, 00:00:11)
Бамп оральный
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 02:27:27  140079312
Перевожу, через минут 40 закончу.
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 02:31:13  140079457
Я вот тоже пытаюсь что-то сделать. Если не шутишь, то спасибо большое
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 03:08:59  140081087
Закончил, сейчас скину на ргхост.
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 03:13:07  140081251

Currently, the process of informatization is manifested in all spheres of human activity. So the use of modern information technologies is essential to the development of more effective approaches to teaching and improving teaching methods. A special role in this process is played by IT. Since their use enhances students' learning motivation, saving training time and interactivity and visibility contributes to a better presentation, understanding and mastering the educational historical material.
3 main approaches
As part of the study highlighted the problem of the three main approaches to the understanding of the basic concepts of the topic. The first approach, the technology, it is most often found in the literature. Its representatives: VN Arefiev, MI Makhmutov, GI Ibragimov, and OE data, researchers are studying IT in key technology and basic concepts of the theme (information technology, information technology, information, computer, education, and educational technology) is considered on the basis of the technical component of IT, that is at the heart of IT, in their opinion, are software and hardware.

The second approach, sociological, interpretation in the framework of this approach is based on the denial of the basic concepts of synonymy themes and some machinery underlying. We are talking about the relationship of people in society, and IT, according to representatives of this approach, are a consequence of the adoption of certain decisions a person in this society.

The humanitarian approach, which representatives are: OS Grebenyuk, SY Liquid, MG Nikolaev, PI Pidkasistyĭ, GK Selevko, SA Smirnov, O.B.Tyschenko. In their presentation of the IT help the teacher in the practical implementation of the theoretical constructs in the educational process.

Classification of IT
One of the most important problems in the study of this topic is the question of IT classifications, since it also can distinguish the variety of approaches.
Firstly, IT classified by using forms in the educational process.
interactive lesson, mixed mode - an electronic information resource and direct communication teacher - student (s), addition to existing training courses and subjects (1).

Second, the classification of which has at its core the types of information being processed, ie, data, text, graphics, real-world objects (2).
Third, the classification for release of information processing technology - it is subject, and providing functional IT

Fourth, we denote the classification of IT being developed within the framework of the technological approach, the basis of this classification is the functional role of IT. IT themselves are divided into three main, main categories - basic, primary and secondary (4).

And fifth, the classification for the use of IT in distance learning. Needless to distance learning is a teaching method in which the student is not required by the physical presence in a particular place in the learning process. This classification includes both local and network IT.

(5). This diversity suggests a controversial opinion writers in the IT vision, in the educational process. In this connection, it should adopt the classification (or symbiosis classifications) that best reflect the goals and objectives set by the teacher to implement in the educational process.

Intensive innovative renewal of education is impossible without widespread use of new information technologies. Informatization of education is one of the priorities for the development of the social sphere and organically linked to the modernization of education process.
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 03:13:34  140081263
Попробуй - открывается?Я прям в нем фигачил, но с пиратсокого софта.
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 03:14:26  140081291
>SY Liquid
Вот ты и попался. Редактировать же надо, ну.
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 03:16:00  140081343
гуглопереводчик переводит коряво, хоть часть и нормально
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 03:16:25  140081355
спасибо, сейчас погляжу
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 03:21:38  140081517
Спасибо большое, выглядит нормально, я правда очень благодарен, давай чтоль на мобилку денег кину немного иль ещё что?
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 03:23:07  140081557
Не, не ничего не надо - у меня просто бессонница и не знал чем себя занять.
Аноним 15/11/16 Втр 03:30:40  140081820
спасибо тебе большое, добрый анон!

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