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Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 18:37:14  143910575  
flagbritaincolo[...].jpg (4293Кб, 3840x2400)

The first one this year
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 18:48:20  143911512
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 18:49:45  143911641
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 18:50:02  143911668
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 18:52:01  143911825
ар ю рили вонт ит?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:01:54  143912608
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:05:09  143912863
Айм донт.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:08:27  143913139
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:09:47  143913226
Why not?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:11:13  143913325
Why the fuck would you create an English thread?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:11:56  143913380
so... somebody can say to me why u dnt play in games in telegram?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:12:23  143913418
пиздец, господи просто пиздец эта грамматика
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:14:15  143913549
Christ is Risen!
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:14:25  143913561
хуле ты хотел, только с ниграми и общаюсь => пишу также
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:14:39  143913577
How I can learn english so, that would be looking english films without translation?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:15:42  143913652
Today is a Christmas, son of the bitch.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:17:17  143913762
Advise me plugin for firefox browser for quick word translation.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:18:52  143913864
So you could flood with your backasswards English? Hell, no!
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:19:09  143913892
*flood us
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:20:11  143913962
Great, where is other guys?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:21:12  143914046
You must learn grammar! Son of the bitch!
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:22:15  143914127
You have some particular bitch in mind? If not, then use the indefinite article for fuck's sake!
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:27:52  143914568
definite article it is you! so i use it
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:32:11  143914939
>>143910575 (OP)
how about to talk about big dick?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:32:16  143914945
Why is life so abusive?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:35:16  143915203
probably life is hell
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:35:44  143915239
You're a fаgoot OP. You could've at least proposed some conversation points. Without them thread will inevitabely go down the shithole route and die out in a matter of minutes.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:40:12  143915603
You might be right to an extent, but fuck you anyway.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:46:40  143916128
Well fuck you right back my friend.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:47:33  143916198
Nice talk we've had.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:53:12  143916651
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 19:57:25  143917002
A swell imageboard chat between two fine gentelmen. Started nowhere, went nowhere, got nowhere.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:08:39  143917919
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:11:34  143918169
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:12:10  143918225
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:27:59  143919528
What the hell are you all doing here?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:29:45  143919680
>>143910575 (OP)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, dear anon! Yesterday, when I was taking a motion around my home, a small company of three guys asked me to fire up their cigarette. "I'm not smoking" I told them. They weren't sad about that and asked me to give them my cellphone (it's a smartphone actually, but who cares). "I gonna use my own SIM card" told me one. I refused to give'em my phone, I was afraid they are not giving it back to me. "Da ti okhuel pidarath, seychasz peezdi poloochish". I run from them as fast as I can. The end. Did you enjoy my story?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:30:20  143919727
What'cha doin', bitches? Madafaka.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:32:41  143919941
Did they pereebaly you?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:33:24  143919982
North Ireland will be free.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:34:50  143920108
Ты хвастаешься насколько хорошо знаешь английский.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:36:33  143920248
Yeah, they pereebaly my cabbage-soup from roundhouse kick.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:37:35  143920336
The thread isn't there for people to show off. It's there for people who wanna speak foreign languages with others.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:37:44  143920350
Fast nieamand in diesem Faden kann wirklich Englisch. Noch weniger wissen Deutsch.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:37:57  143920366
You made me laugh and loose in the game with browny sauce.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:39:00  143920445
Ich kann ein bißchen Deutsch sprechen.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:40:06  143920541
Go out.
Fucking Hanses.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:40:20  143920562
So wie ich dann, lol.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:41:04  143920620
Guys, guys! Let's build a hugbox here.

Hugs everybody
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:42:31  143920724
Aber habe ich zu wenig Ubüng.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:43:42  143920825
>>143910575 (OP)
Go to 4chan you anglo-saxon bitch
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:48:15  143921198
Nope, we're gonna stay here to speak angel language while you mate please proceed to parasha.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:48:15  143921200
Ich auch. Ich kann einfach draußen gehen und mit deutschsprachigen Leuten sprechen, aber ich bin ein Hikka.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:50:43  143921394
Please stop polluting the thread with your ich-mich-schwitz gibberish.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:51:25  143921462
I was just wondering, why create an English thread, if it can be stupid to go to 4chan?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:52:01  143921512
.jpg (13Кб, 200x194)
Ich lebe in Deutschland aber ich habe keine Freunde weil auch ich ein Hikka bin. ибаные придаточные сука
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:52:41  143921557
We are hikkas
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:53:08  143921592
I know :/
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:54:14  143921685
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:55:37  143921777
> Admitting to being the dense fuck you are does not make you seem any less of one in the eyes of others.

Anyone to unravel this?

And this, too, for that matter:

> Those who eat non-liquid food (pasta, puree, porridge) with a fucking spoon must be beaten to death with bicycle chains and fed to stray dogs.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:55:50  143921792
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:56:46  143921850
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:57:39  143921919
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:57:57  143921932
Ja, Nebensätze sind schwer. Besonders daran zu gewöhnen, sie automatisch richting zu verwenden.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:58:10  143921950
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:58:58  143922008
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:58:59  143922011
Do they suggest to eat porridge with a fork? Disgusting.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:59:25  143922050
Peedorakhe priepeklow.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 20:59:27  143922056
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 21:00:14  143922110
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 21:00:37  143922145
How you are learning English? By what technique?
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 21:00:38  143922147
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 21:01:22  143922207
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 21:01:51  143922236
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 21:02:15  143922273
Один бамп стоит тысячи саж!
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 21:03:08  143922332
Hello. My name is Vasya. I'm 23 years old. I'm virgin.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 21:03:12  143922339
>>143910575 (OP)
Обоссал всех школьников в этом ИТТ
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 21:03:33  143922360
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 21:04:22  143922428
Что тут у нас? Сажа! Ахаха наканецта
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 22:03:03  143927239
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 22:13:26  143928098
asdasdasd.jpg (244Кб, 570x288)
Every time I try to post what I've just written there shows up an errors says there is a word from a spam-list. See the picture.
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 22:14:03  143928145
> error
Аноним 07/01/17 Суб 22:18:54  143928568
The thing is, you only learn English to make up for your insecurity. This minor advantage over other people keeps you from getting disappointed in yourself to the point of ending up on a noose... That's what it is.

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