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Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:12:42  144335907  
nintchdbpict000[...].jpg (34Кб, 666x717)
Сап б, буду краток, предоставил статью и видео. Дальше думайте сами.

Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:13:15  144335946
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:14:04  144336016
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:14:42  144336045
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:15:01  144336072
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:15:54  144336131
nintchdbpict000[...].jpg (11Кб, 260x350)
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:18:50  144336328
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:19:06  144336347
>>144335907 (OP)
А я притащу объяснение ее тетки. Вкратце - у девочки была депрессия. над ней смеялись в школе. Девочка ушла из школы в другу. И плюс таблетки/уколы дали побочный эффект, депрессия усилилась. Она повесилась.
Ну и еще к ней дедушка немного приставал, лапал ее, не более. но думаю, это совсем не причина. А причина в химии ебаной.
а да,и еще девочка спала на полу. Кровать была сломана, лол, матери было похуй.

Вот тебе и счастливая америка. да у нас Пермь в 100 лучше лас-вегаса.

Ok, I'm going to say what's on my mind, and then I'm deactivating my fb account because it is just causing myself, my daughter, and my entire family too much unnecessary grief at a time when we're already stuffed to the gills with it. I understand that everyone is interested and concerned about what happened with our Katelyn. Completely reasonable. But people...you don't know the entire story at all. Yes, Katie's online diary was available for everyone to read, as well as her instagram videos and YouTube channel. And yes, the things she divulged were very disturbing. But the heartless bashing of her mother, my sister, and the rest of our family, is uncalled for. Yes, Katie was depressed. She had only a month before been diagnosed and put on medication. She WAS bullied at school, to which the teachers did nothing to remedy. Therefore my sister decided the best course of action be to change her school. She was to start a different school after Christmas break. Yes, Katie DID tell her mom that her step dad had 'tried to stick his tongue down her throat' and rubbed against her inappropriately when she was doing dishes. At which time, Tammy removed him from the home and carried her kids to the ER that night to have them checked for sexual abuse. The doctors found no obvious signs. But the step dad was not allowed back into the home. Now, as far as her online activity...she had just gotten her phone at the beginning of Dec. Of course, in hindsight, perhaps her online activity should've been monitored more closely. But that doesn't mean Tammy didn't care. It's a place where, yes, the ball was dropped. But honestly, do all of you parents know of every social media sight your kids are on? And every screen name they use on every sight? And if you think you do, ill bet there's at least 1 secret sight or name your unaware of. Even the most diligent patrolling can overlook something if you've no idea it exists. Again, in hindsight, we all feel as tho we failed Katie on some level. But she seemed to be doing better...she did stay in her room a lot...on her new phone, of course...but is that so unusual? For a pre- teen/teen to be a lil withdrawn and spend hours on their phones in their room? Not at all. Now I'm gonna address a couple points that are very sensitive...but I'm just so tired of all the bashing of my family, as tho we didn't care and did nothing to help Katie. Not to mention actual DEATH THREATS from people...and these people know so little about this tragedy that they group messaged ME, sending a still shot of Katie hanging in the tree, and saying i killed my daughter! And then, when i informed them I was her aunt, they messaged my other sister and said the same to her! They dont even know who her mother is! Yet they are threatening our lives!! So yes, Katies room was not in good condition. Yes, thete was a water leak that made the floor wet in the corner. Yes, the babies had gotten rambunctious and torn a piece of panelling off the wall in her room, and yes, she slept on a mattress on the floor. Her bed frame had JUST broken early Dec. But there was another room that had bunk beds in it that was in good condition that, had she chose, she could've moved into that room. Why didn't she? I've no idea. The babies usually slept w their mama, so the room wasn't being used. Idk wht she chose to remain in that room, which, mind you, had only recently suffered the water damage and wall damage and bed broken. Now, my sister may have made some mistakes as a parent. Don't we all? If any of us had known the severity of Katies depression, OF COURSE we would have taken action. No one wanted her to die! And her death has DEVASTATED our family. But all of the hateful comments and blaming and judging is uncalled for! Especially since most only know part of this story and that story, and have obviously read some things that were posted by the same "SOB" that ppl are outraged about- the step dad, and taken everything he said as absolute truth. When he himself is an alcoholic and a child molester. But because they read this or that on fb, it MUST be true, right?? Please!!! I believe I've covered all I care to. And I shouldn't have even had to 'Explain' anything to anyone, but i know SOME people are genuinely concerned. Others are just drama queen, attention seeking, shit starters. Im just so tired of all these strangers talking all this shit, when they have all their facts completely wrong and are just spreading propaganda. Our family is hurting very badly right now. And as with ANY suicide, the family already feels responsible...like they think they shoulda known...shoulda saw the signs...ifs and more ifs forever haunt the family members left behind after suicide. We are all already beating ourselves up. Please, PLEASE allow our family to grieve the loss of sweet Katelyn. Please stop with the name calling and sheer harassment.

Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:19:07  144336348
На фочане вроде её nude фотки постили
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:19:43  144336382
>в другую
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:20:05  144336401
Лол, не было этого. или фотошоп.
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:21:15  144336475
Спасибо Анон
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:23:07  144336583
И че?
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:24:40  144336660
Еще бы кто притащил ее ONLINE DIARY

Опчик, поищи, плиз, если он открыт.
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:25:09  144336695
То, что очень жалко бедного ребенка.
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:29:08  144336962
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:30:17  144337041
nintchdbpict000[...].jpg (17Кб, 441x372)
Со своими подписчиками девочка обсуждала, каким лучше образом свести счеты с жизнью. Она также отметила, что попросила родственника прекратить свои приставания, на что в ответ он посоветовал ей повеситься. В течение 20 минут Николь, беседуя со своими подписчиками, непрерывно плакала и просила прощения. Девочка вела трансляцию, как подходит к дереву и закрепляет на нем петлю, а потом выбивает из под ног опору. Видео транслировалось до самой темноты, пока не села батарея на телефоне.

Прибывшие на место очевидцы и полицейские сняли тело девочки с дерева, но ее было уже не спасти. Сейчас по факту самоубийства и слов девочки и приставании родственника проводится проверка.
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:30:47  144337085
Лично мне, 35-летнему девственному уебку.
Испытываю отцовские чувства к ней. Ну и другим подобным.
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:31:52  144337165
Педофил, плиз
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:33:11  144337265
Я почти импотент. Свои комплексы мне не навешивай.
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:36:36  144337494
>>144335907 (OP)
она шликает?
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:37:10  144337541
1348329348296.gif (1897Кб, 220x220)
>у нас спермь в 100 раз лучше
И тут пидорашка не смогла не приплести политику.
Может, гнида, к таким аргументам будешь прикреплять статистику по детским самоубийствам на 100к населения, чтобы кукарекалось не так весело, поцреот?
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:39:42  144337720
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:39:43  144337724
Лол, прозападная гнида не могла не порваться)

А вообще - похуй, пусть себя убивают. дело не в том, что ТУТ плохо жить, а в том, что ЖИТЬ вообще плохо.
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:40:59  144337814
1366871820291.gif (1955Кб, 300x300)
Ты статистику принесешь, чухель, или мне это сделать?
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:41:37  144337863
Статистика говорит в твою пользу, что ее приносить.
Аноним 12/01/17 Чтв 21:46:54  144338245
1383215333417.gif (1990Кб, 230x175)
Извинись тогда за свою спермь и свободен.

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