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Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 22:51:15  147174897  
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Двач, по инглишу задали рассказать про любимый фильм. В голову ничего не лезет, помогай. Только давайте без этих ваших шуточек. Знаю вас, будут щас ЗАзазазГОРБАТАЯГОРАзаза. Всё серьезно! На дабл думаю, на трипл пишу.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 22:52:47  147175007
грин слонек
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 22:54:29  147175112
Tell them 'bout "green elephant"!
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 22:55:25  147175176
I think teacheru no ponravit`sa
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 22:56:16  147175225
Напиши про Мост в Терабитию)
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 22:56:40  147175251
ne ponravitsa, typoi ti kysok govna
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 22:57:19  147175294
А чем тебе горбатая гора не угодила.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 22:58:04  147175341
poshel nahuy
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 22:59:06  147175404
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 22:59:26  147175432
How many zeros was in pacific war theatre? I said HOW MANY? AND THIS IS CLASSIC! YOU MUST KNOW THIS!
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:00:14  147175481
Форест гамп.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:00:38  147175506
Человек-слон. Хороший фильмец. Можешь даже в оригинале смотреть, диалоги понятны школьнику должны быть.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:01:06  147175541
Brige to Terabitya
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:01:27  147175569
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Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:02:26  147175629
А какой тебе фильм нажо? Шоб удивить какой ты артхаусоман или показать, что ты самый модный трансформер или просто потрещать?
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:03:09  147175691
>>147174897 (OP)
Holy Motors. Годная вещь, Zift, болагарский нуар в декорациях совка. Бразилия, тоже охуенейшая вещь.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:03:31  147175716
Про кунг фьюри пиши или зеленого слоника, можно про какой нибудь фильец по анимцу запилить, да хоть про наруто.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:04:46  147175801
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:05:16  147175832
Свадебная Ваза
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:05:57  147175887
Терминатор 2, Матрица
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:06:00  147175893
Ирония судьбы.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:07:18  147175982
Безумный спецназ
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:07:52  147176029
The last airbender.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:12:10  147176363
Обвиоусли, памп фикшн
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:17:54  147176776
50 оттенков серого
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:18:14  147176794
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:22:31  147177064
Лезвие славы.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:23:35  147177156
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:27:08  147177385

Do you smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like victory.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:28:00  147177430
>>147174897 (OP)
Сербский фильм
Свадебная ваза
Зеленый слоник
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:30:16  147177564
>>147174897 (OP)
Я писал в своё время про Five vodka bottles, и ничего, прокатило.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:47:44  147178863
>>147174897 (OP)
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:48:46  147178929
>Сербский фильм
Недавно посмотрел. До сих пор понять не могу, нахуя я его смотрел.
Аноним 20/02/17 Пнд 23:48:57  147178941
>>147174897 (OP)
Brokeback Mountain.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:48:24  147182839
У него горбатая гора за щекой, на вкус ему не нравится, наверное.
смех Бивиса и Баттхеда
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:50:47  147182964
Well, I like movies, a lot. I couldn’t survive without movies. And of course I have my favorite movie. It’s “Twilight”!
I knew that “Twilight” will be my favorite movie when I saw it I was completely in love with the movie. The film is based on a novel “Twilight” written by Stephen Mayer and there are 3 more parts of book,” New Moon”, “Eclipse” and “Breaking Dawn”. I read them all of course and those are my favorite books. The movie is about a teenage girl Bella and her boyfriend Edward. Edward is a vampire. It’s a beautiful love story like no other: completely different. I’m sure that there will never be a story like this. That’s something what every girl dreams about, a perfect boyfriend who would do anything for her. And I think that the fact that he’s a vampire is so cool. But I don’t like this movie just because it’s a love story, I like it because of Edward. I already said that I love the fact that Edward is a vampire. Il like his superhuman powers. He can read other peoples mind, he’s cold, he can run fast, he’s so strong. I would like to have all of that. But it’s a love story, love story between a girl and a vampire. That’s the sweetest thing.
Ok, I will never like any other movie like I love “Twilight”. I have all my room full of posters of vampires imagine that. To be honest I feel incredible when I watch “Twilight”.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:51:59  147183026

We all have our own favorites, such as favorite song, singer, actor, book, and movies. Some people like to watch comedy, thriller, action, drama, or romantic film. There are millions of movies that have caught my attention. However, I personally like fantasy film. They have impressive special effects and supernatural events which seem exciting. Particularly, I really enjoyed watching the teenage vampire movie. Twilight is definitely the one of the best movie I have ever seen. The writer, special effects, wonderful locations, and talented actors made this movie excellent.

The movie is based on the popular teen vampire book series written by Stephanie Meyer. There are 3 more part of the book, New moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. The Twilight novels have gained worldwide recognition and sold over 100 million copies. Meyer was the bestselling author of 2008 and 2009 in America, having sold over 29 million books in 2008, and 26.5 million books in 2009. The differences between Stephanie Meyer's vampires and those from other films is that her vampires sparkles. These vampires glitter when they encounter sunlight.

The special effects, locations, and actors are all astonishing and amazing in this movie. For example, there is a scene in which Edward carries Bella on his back and climbs up to the very high tree very fast then jumps to another tree. Also, in the scene in which Edward fights with James, the special effects make this scene even more exciting. Moreover, the scenery is fantastic. The town of Forks, Washington is where the story take place. The Swan residence is used as the Cullen family’s home. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, La Push’s first Beach, and Portland, Oregon, are also used as major locations in the movie.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:52:02  147183031
расскажи про Pulp Fiction. Фильм, после которого снимать как прежде стало нельзя. Ну и рассказать есть о чем. Например, что это фильм о том, как двоим явилось чудо, и один уверовал и спасся, а другой - скептик и умер на унитазе. Да и фильм-то прекрасный, правда.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:53:22  147183107
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к/ф "Свадебная ваза". всем советую
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:53:51  147183129
а еще Тарантино прославился благодаря только этому фильму
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:54:35  147183159
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:55:13  147183199
stfu dog
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:56:04  147183242
fyандалусский пес
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:56:40  147183275
это правда, все остальное, что он снял после - "все равно съедят". Но какая разница? Фильм-то прекрасный.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:57:38  147183325
Андалузский пес
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:58:02  147183347
Андалузский пес
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:58:28  147183368
вот, к слову, что объединяет Дали и Тарантино. После "Пса" Дали понял, что уже похуй что писать - все равно примут с восторгом. По-моему, одного масштаба фигуры.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 00:59:28  147183420
>>147174897 (OP)
Пиши про фонтриеровского антихриста.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:00:19  147183454
>>147174897 (OP)
Green Elephant
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:00:45  147183474
Бля, я могу написать нагуглить. Обожаю несравненную Шарлотт, да и Вилелм Дефо не плох.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:01:27  147183505
>>147174897 (OP)
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:01:31  147183512
>>147174897 (OP)
God Bless America (2011)
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:02:13  147183548
>>147174897 (OP)
Расскажи про Гарри Поттера. Текст можно спиздить с английской википидорасии.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:02:15  147183552
Крым: Путь на родину
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:02:28  147183566
а, еще есть Night on Earth.

Впрочем, это все старое.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:03:18  147183604
>>147174897 (OP)
Зелёный слоник
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:03:34  147183613
Shot on location in the forests of North Rhine-Westphalia, the film is set, so one infers from an address on an envelope, in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and it unfolds in four chapters, framed by a prologue and an epilogue. In the prologue, shot in slow-motion black and white, a married couple played by Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg make passionate love in the bathroom of their fourth-floor apartment. Their little son, Nick, opens the gate of his cot, sees the primal scene as he passes the open bathroom door and climbs on to a table beside a window, knocking over three figurines stamped "Grief", "Pain" and "Despair". It's snowing outside and he falls from the window to his death in the street below, his woollen rabbit falling with him. The only thing on the soundtrack is an aria from Handel's pastoral opera Rinaldo and the sequence has a terrible beauty.

The first chapter, "Grief", begins with Nick's funeral, the one time we see anyone other than his parents - who are never named, so I'll call them Dafoe and Gainsbourg. Dafoe is a psychotherapist and he attempts to allay his wife's guilt over the boy's death by more or less taking her on as a patient. He tries to trace the roots of her fears and discovers that chief among them is the dark forest that surrounds their holiday cabin, which they call Eden.

She'd been there with Nick the previous year, working on a historical study called "Gynicide", a word new to me and apparently used in the States by feminist critics to mean the destruction of women both by themselves and through the influence of men. She'd abandoned this book and later, when the couple arrive at Eden, Dafoe discovers the text with its medieval illustrations of witches being executed and dismembered.

The film opens like Nicolas Roeg's Don't Look Now. When the couple get to Eden for the next three chapters - "Pain (Chaos Reigns)", "Despair" and "The Three Beggars" - it starts to resemble those eco-horror movies that followed in the wake of Hitchcock's The Birds. Nature itself turns against the couple: animals (a fox who utters a couple of words as creatures do in fables, a miscarrying doe and a raven) and the very forest become a source of palpable terror.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:03:59  147183632
The woman is suspicious of the therapeutic games her husband devises and even of therapy itself. We sense she feels she is a victim of both society and nature. The tension mounts in the confined, decaying cabin and escalates into terrible violence that involves the much publicised scenes of an attempted emasculation and a self-inflicted clitoridectomy. Starting with the title, which suggests some titanic conflict between forces of good and evil, Antichrist is full of religious symbols and biblical references. Central is the notion of Eden, of original sin and feminist problems with this creation myth, but there's also the grindstone that Gainsbourg bolts to Dafoe's leg (far more painful than hanging it round his neck) and her statement that "nature is Satan's church". And, of course, Dafoe is famous for playing Christ in Scorsese's controversial The Last Temptation of Christ.

Like the films of Dreyer, Tarkovsky and Bergman, Antichrist is something to be experienced rather than understood, at least at a first viewing, and it concludes in the visionary epilogue on a tone of tragic tranquillity. It's a solemn work perhaps, but forceful rather than hectoring, and is performed with an involving commitment and moral conviction by Gainsbourg (who won the best actress award at Cannes) and Dafoe. The cinematography is by Anthony Dod Mantle, the Danish-based British cameraman who did a remarkable job on a couple of Dogme movies, and received an Oscar for Slumdog Millionaire. Antichrist confirms that he is a cinematographer in the class of Sven Nykvist.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:08:11  147183805
Снайпер с Беренджером
Бомж с дробовиком
Мистер Индия
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:08:56  147183842
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>>147174897 (OP)
Посмотри и распиши по "Hugo" "Хранителю времени". Только смотри в оригинале - благо английский там очень чистый и понятный, а сам фильм добрый и с простым, годным философским посылом.
Алсо в наличии Хлоечка в её лучшие годы.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:08:58  147183845
То чувство когда все пошли спотреть Фон Триеровского Антихриста.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:10:38  147183917
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Оп, посмотри Покрышку(The rubber), там в начале есть офигенный монолог, который можешь заюзать полностью и он как раз про фильмы в целом. Все сочинение идеально обозвать No reason, ибо фильм про это, ну и рофлы, при этом это абсолютно нормальное кино(треш, но хороший и добрый, не про хуи и говно), плюс там хорошая музыка.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:16:11  147184137
Хэшер.webm (13203Кб, 640x356, 00:00:54)
Вот этот отрывок перескажи учительнице.
Аноним 21/02/17 Втр 01:18:51  147184255

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