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Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 14:08:13  150378299  
t363qelo.jpg (28Кб, 797x448)
Am I banned yet?
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 14:13:15  150378598
Not yet. Please, wait.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 15:55:04  150384777
Омоновец.gif (4739Кб, 320x180)
>>150378299 (OP)
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 15:59:04  150385012
>uploaded by 2ch anonymous
Эх, было же время.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 15:59:47  150385063
>>150378299 (OP)
Love it how fags scream at the top of their lungs about acceptance and diversity and how important it is to create a positive image for LGBTQIDFSOFSAASFKB community and then they try to paint everyone they don't like as homosexuals in vain attempts to offend them.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:01:16  150385163
>>150378299 (OP)
No, now ur butt is our
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:04:50  150385371
And what makes you think homosexuals created this masterpiece?
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:06:39  150385472
>>150378299 (OP)
Are you kawaii?
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:10:30  150385711
Oh, I see. Not only are homosexuals hypocrites who use their own proud image to denigrate others, they are also cowards who are too afraid to own their shit. What a lovely bunch you are.

Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:19:39  150386247
OK, this evidences of yours convinced me, gays painted this picture, they posted it everywhere, OP is gay as well as me. Everyone are gays, except you and your boyfrhero Putin.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:27:24  150386755
>your boyfrhero Putin.
See? That's exactly what I mean.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:30:24  150386944
What? That you just say "U R GAY"? What an argument.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:41:46  150387589
lo.jpg (51Кб, 564x577)
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:43:15  150387671
So do you. But unlike you I am consistent and comfrtable in my homophobia and intolerance.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:47:43  150387916
And I am consistent in my homophobophobia intolerance of your intolerance. Which doesn't make me gay.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:50:26  150388067
> ну мам ну скажи ему что он гей а я нет!!!!
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:52:11  150388163
How are you going to explain yourself to your Social Justice Curator if zee finds out you're posting pictures intended to be offensive by implying people depicted in them are homosexual?
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:54:04  150388256

Ну все, пишу в РКН
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:54:37  150388291
>Social Justice Curator
Wow, your world even more black and white than I thought. Are you 15?
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:55:48  150388355
Are you assuming my age, you ageist bastard?
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 16:57:55  150388480
No, just your intellectual level.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 17:03:28  150388826
>>150378299 (OP)
МОЧА ЭКСТРИМ!!! Где кнопка жалобы в ФСБ.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 17:03:52  150388850
Ableist, then? No wonder you have have to go to a foreign anonyomous imageboard to spew your hate speech, what you've said here today would've been enough to ostracize you and seven generations of your descendants.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 17:04:16  150388873
>>150378299 (OP)
Yep. Absolutely.
Аноним 06/04/17 Чтв 17:07:02  150389018
desu.jpg (282Кб, 1280x1839)

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