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Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 15:45:15  151505721  
1492864938503.jpg (208Кб, 1024x1021)
is it true?
are Russians white niggers?
I'm a European so I don't know how the Russian society and Russian people are.
please inform me thoroughly
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 15:48:49  151505947
>>151505721 (OP)
Give me sope proof, littleletterish peedor.
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 15:49:08  151505969
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 15:51:08  151506106
giver you soap?
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 15:53:10  151506240
>>151505721 (OP)
>I'm a European
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 15:53:14  151506246
I fucked thine mother.
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 15:54:09  151506296
>>151505721 (OP)
пидором ваш троцкий был, так и запишите
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 15:54:50  151506345
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>>151505721 (OP)
jaja we are neggers, gtfo CIS scum
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 16:00:37  151506723
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>>151505721 (OP)
>are Russians white niggers?
>are Serbs white niggers?
>are Spanish people European arabs?
>are Portuguese people European niggers?
>are Italian people niggers?
>are Greeks white?
>are Finns Mongolian?
>are Anglos human?
Fuck off.
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 16:03:52  151506940
>>151505721 (OP)
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 16:04:43  151506983
>>151505721 (OP)
Айпи российский, sage
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 16:04:46  151506985
cisgenderscum.JPG (15Кб, 414x117)
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 16:08:55  151507264
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>>151505721 (OP)
The Jews turned the Russians into white Negroes. Genocide, murders, the destruction of Russian culture has been going on since 1917. But many Russians still resist and are genetics and culture of the Aryans.
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 16:18:16  151507924
that's great
you should genocide the commies
Аноним 22/04/17 Суб 16:42:55  151509762
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Completely agree, the Russian Empire was a white nationalist superstate that made Jews shit themselves whenever they were reminded of it.

The Russian civil war was a holy war and what the whites fought for is extremely underappreciated because of so much WW2 propaganda being forced by the commies and by Putler.

Genetically Russians are as Aryan as anyone else in northern Europe but as to why we live in shit is all thanks to our international mafia of a government that was born out of the corpse of the Soviet Union and turned our wonderful country into their own personal oil colony. A lot of Russians are fed up with this and there's a revolution brewing so watch the news and stay tuned in.

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