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Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:30:14  159924249  
image.png (1316Кб, 1199x801)
Hi All! Let's speak in English language in this thread.
Sankt-Peterburg-kun here.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:30:31  159924266
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:30:48  159924275
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:32:07  159924337
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:32:54  159924380
in и language лишние. (в целом грамматически норм, но это излишние слова).
респекк изи рил ток бро.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:32:59  159924383
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:33:39  159924404
>>159924249 (OP)
Hello. Sosi Huy
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:34:01  159924422
No, you are
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:34:13  159924432
Oh,you are from my city?
From what district are you?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:35:34  159924488
>oh, you live in the same city as i do?
>what distict do you live in?
не благодари.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:36:42  159924536
from pushkin district
so are you?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:37:37  159924582
This maneuvers by omega
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:37:39  159924586
>I'm from the pushkin district
>what about you?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:38:36  159924623

Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:38:43  159924628
do you have speack english very well? its nice
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:39:01  159924640
yes, mgu finished.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:39:07  159924648
Если я у тебя в гостях жопу не вытру, ты вылижешь?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:39:27  159924668
maxresdefault.jpg (46Кб, 1280x720)
>>159924249 (OP)
what u want?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:39:29  159924670
лет мим спик фром май харт уже было?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:39:42  159924679
Нормальные люди жопу не вытирают, а моют.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:39:45  159924684
> mgu
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:40:05  159924698
>этой шутке больше лет чем тебе
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:40:08  159924701
Нормальные люди её вылизывают
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:40:29  159924716
Не знаю как у вас в рашке принято.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:40:46  159924732
Я тоже не знаю, как в рашке принято
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:40:50  159924734
> >этой шутке больше лет чем тебе
> старый олдфаг-пидор порвался, несите нового
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:41:52  159924786
Here I come. How are you guys, what do you want to do this week?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:42:43  159924838
This week is almost ended, debik
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:43:18  159924870
Ok, my bad
>next week
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:43:22  159924875
he meant the coming week, debil!!!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:43:32  159924886
> gonna gucci shop
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:43:41  159924893
o rly? didnt think of anything more interesting?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:44:27  159924928
Firat that came in my head
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:44:45  159924951
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:46:07  159925015
Don't call me debil, it's hurts :c
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:46:28  159925032
im want sit on 2ch.hk and hiccup
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:46:31  159925033
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:47:06  159925056
Are you dva dolboeba? Chto vi talking about?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:48:38  159925114
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:48:39  159925115
Cool, as am I
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:48:55  159925125
Vi are talking about washing our asses
Join us
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:49:29  159925151
So I'm about to grocery store.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:50:56  159925219
>>159924249 (OP)
Hallo. Are you lurkoyob?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:51:07  159925227
Sit on the bricks watching my uncle works, rate me
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:51:12  159925230
i have lepra invitations
leave your photo and email
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:52:14  159925270
Where in Moscow can I buy vicodin without a prescription? I want to be like Doktor House in everything
I already have a cane
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:52:40  159925293
Leaved behind your cheek, chort ebanii
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:54:04  159925356
2ch, I thinking joke: instead of the "Big Adonniy Collider" say "Big Grydnoy Collider".
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:54:07  159925360
> Sit on the bricks
Tony Blair in this thread, let's go on the referendim.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:55:04  159925408
Блять, я дебил, спутал брикс с брекситом.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:55:18  159925417
2ch why is the WinRAR archiver called that? What in it is so winrarning?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:56:11  159925458
2ch, I use heroin for four months.
very, madly delivers.
There is no dependence.
I recommend.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:56:15  159925462
Why not/Because
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:56:27  159925482
Why don't you turn off your internet and go make great deals?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:56:40  159925492
Sup, board. Ural-kungod here. Ask ur answers.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:57:05  159925510
Dvach, if i cook a mermaid, will the soup be fish or meat?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:57:13  159925518
Do you suck dicks?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:58:22  159925579
I found JJ Artemy Lebedev !
Pruflink: http://tema.livejournal.com/
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:58:37  159925590
No, im not ur mum, lol.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 12:59:26  159925626
14705591409650.jpg (14Кб, 472x464)
> JJ
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:00:07  159925663
My mom laughed so hard that she did a barrel roll
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:01:16  159925722
2ch how to make a milkshake? I mixed milk and mineral water in a 1:1 ratio, and it turned out what kind of dick
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:01:25  159925725
Чего блядь? Это русская борда, тут все говорят по русски. Если не нравится, или не знаешь - пиздуй на другую. Фочан там, или хуй знает что, ссаный англоговорящий.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:02:12  159925772
Who is a cocksucker?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:02:14  159925774
but im love this imijboard
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:02:36  159925790
Вот — форумчанин правильно говорит. Нехай пиндосскую пропаганду тут распространять.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:02:47  159925794
15034804957420.png (66Кб, 200x200)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:02:53  159925797
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:02:59  159925800
>>159924249 (OP)
Вот ты пиздишь-пиздишь, а двач не вернуть.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:03:08  159925808
ur mom ))
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:03:32  159925833
>English language
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:04:08  159925866
whats right ?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:04:39  159925890
No, yours
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:04:43  159925893
Чего тебе надо? Я нихуя не понял, пиздуй учить русский, если хочешь тут сидеть
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:04:55  159925909
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:05:07  159925914
Лол, даун, speak IN т.к. здесь важно подчеркнуть обстоятельство места, т.е. говорим IN English, IN this thread
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:05:18  159925923
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:05:20  159925927
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:05:27  159925932
>>159924249 (OP)

Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:06:26  159925983
Изи изи рил ток синк эбаут зис
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:06:58  159926005
write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard write its one more time retard
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:09:10  159926092
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Anglichanin in this thread. Ask your answers.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:10:22  159926152
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:10:35  159926163
Do you suck cocks?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:10:40  159926171
Nachalnique, this faggot obosralsya
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:10:46  159926180
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:11:37  159926226
Barrel roll may be?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:11:50  159926235
Can you do a barrel?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:12:35  159926275
> Nachalnique
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:12:42  159926279
>May be
Sure the barrel roll can be, why would you even question that?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:12:56  159926292
Sup, b. I'm a cat. Ask me.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:13:05  159926297
For what?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:14:42  159926374
You forbid?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:15:13  159926395
To put it in your anus obviously.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:16:54  159926462
>>159924249 (OP)
Saint Petersburg, bydlo.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:16:56  159926464
Forbid? You seem drunk Ivan, the way you structure your speech is wierd
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:17:48  159926506
Oh look what we've got here, another newfag porvalsya to platinum
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:18:35  159926546
>>159924249 (OP)
I fucked your mamka chmo.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:19:22  159926584
suck me cock
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:20:03  159926620
What is this thread about?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:20:30  159926651
Wow sir are from Ireland?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:21:07  159926679
no im from sankt-peterburg
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:21:12  159926682
Nah, didn't touched me at all.
Just decided to give a correction at least!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:22:00  159926722
This thread is mainly about speaking English. Feel free to ask us knowers anything you wish to learn or to be explained
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:23:14  159926786
>>159924249 (OP)
>Let's speak in English language in this thread.
Let's speak English in this thread.
>Sankt-Peterburg-kun here.
Sankt-Peterburg-huy is here.
А теперь просто динах.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:23:47  159926809
I understood. Let's post, bros.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:24:05  159926816
new faggout
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:24:26  159926836
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:25:10  159926863
Who is Abu?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:26:54  159926953
Даун ебаный. Загугли прямо сейчас отличие фразового глагола Speak in и глагола speak
В данном случае Speak In — верно, т.к. это начинающая дискуссию конструкция в предложении с обстоятельством места.

>Is here
Ну тут ваще орнул. Тоесть ты в одном посте одновременно наезжаешь на типа за формальную речь, и одновременно за неформальную. Иди нахуй отсюда пиздюк
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:27:29  159926977
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:28:23  159927031
Ur fattyass mazza
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:28:57  159927070
Which is also the capital of London btw

Dang those newfags above make me fucking sick
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:29:46  159927098
>>159924249 (OP)
>Hi All
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:31:33  159927198
Don't write ITT more, doven! OK?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:32:46  159927267
Fuk u stupid shit
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:32:52  159927270
Hi to everyone?
another anon
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:33:03  159927278
>Ещё один пиздюки не знающий ни платины, ни английского
Hi all — юзабельная неформальная конструкция, так бай де вей ёпта, так же как Dear all
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:33:37  159927301
Ti ne ponyal menya, eto angloyazuchniy meme
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:34:03  159927317
>>159924249 (OP)
Rolling in.
I'm pretty good at grammar but tend to do lot of mistakes in words because do not remember write them.

What is your level OP? Why haven't you left that shitty city?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:34:38  159927344
Пошли нахуй пиносы
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:34:53  159927363
>how to write them
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:35:13  159927379
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:35:23  159927386
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:35:42  159927403
Fuck you yourself stupid shit
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:36:18  159927424
Don't listen to that low-life Ryazan kiddo, his mind's been tortured by ЕГЭ probably.
Hi all isnt really the best phrase to use, but it's correct and frequently being used in NA, though it sounds peasant and wierd.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:36:26  159927430
Да ты же идиот. То, что ты несешь, включая "speak in" - признак органического поражения головного мозга, тебе надо срочно к врачу. А без глагола to be даже ниггеры в гетто не говорят. И твой говноглобиш меня не интересует, я говорю про стандартный английский.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:36:34  159927441
What's up dudes?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:36:38  159927445
There are two chairs in the room. The sharpened pikes are on the first one and the stroked dicks are on the other one. Which one do you choose to sit and which one do you offer your mother?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:36:56  159927462
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:37:32  159927497
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:38:08  159927534
>>159924249 (OP)
Сычев, сколько тебе повторять, при th язык между зубов!
Иш, умник нашелся!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:38:32  159927554
What is NA?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:38:34  159927556
Cheeky cheeky dvoscht. My english lvl around intermediate, so i can fluently speak on it. But also i do some a lil grammar mistakes, so fix me
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:38:50  159927566
I'll take the sharpened pikes and cut off the stroked dicks. Than i'll sit down and invite my mom to sit down
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:39:02  159927575
Why? I don't actually know any difference between "a lot" and "lots". But I didn't say "a" so I meant "lots".
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:39:41  159927611
Fuk u ples fuking COCKHOLE
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:39:44  159927615
God! Sorry.
>feel any difference
>know the difference
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:40:01  159927627
Dvachers try to write in English.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:41:04  159927679
Он так-то прав насчет speak in, звучит как речь с какого-то совкового партсобрания.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:42:17  159927735
Invite her to sit down on your dick?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:42:21  159927737
>Why haven't you left that shitty city?
I should agree.
Moved to St. Petersburg few months ago, and it's just terrible place.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:43:16  159927776
There is no difference
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:43:22  159927780
I suspect you have never ever used English IRL, and you are only used to the begining levels' grammar they teach in schools, thus those kind of phrases blow your mind.
Also XXX here is an oftenly used construction, really popular on imageboards such as 8chan or 4chan.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:43:59  159927821
No, I won't. I'll invite her to sit down on the chair
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:44:02  159927822
What did you say? I don't understand you your faggot language.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:44:42  159927852
>>159924249 (OP)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:44:43  159927853
Mid or feed?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:45:12  159927884
> 8chan or 4chan
It's like learning Russian using 2ch.hk
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:45:13  159927885
I just haven't heard native english people useing "know any difference".
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:45:48  159927913
Hi, OP, could you suck my Dick, pls? :3
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:45:53  159927915
DotA2 is for gays
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:46:22  159927939
go feed 4k trash give a fuck
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:46:35  159927949
How's it going, bros?
I woke up at 8, spent a couple of hours doing nothing then started up an IDE and wrote some code. Now I'm procrastinating instead of implementing the next component.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:47:18  159927992
>implying 2ch isn't a gay board
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:47:19  159927995
This COCKHOLE fucked up look at him ksaksaksaksaksa
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:47:24  159927997
Do you earn 300k per second?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:47:31  159928004
No difference between "a lot" and "lots"
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:47:44  159928025
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:48:22  159928059
Looks like you have a BAGET))))
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:48:28  159928063
2ch is a board for anime lolis. GTFO fag
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:48:32  159928067
Well, native speakers sometimes use broken english and incorrect tenses in informal conversations. So it doesn't really matter, unless you use english for business and such.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:48:51  159928087
It's because I have already invited her to sit down on MY dick, azazaza.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:48:56  159928093
>Cheeky cheeky dvoscht. My english lvl IS around intermediate, so i can kind of freely (fluent это получше чем интермидтет обычно) speak IN it. But I ALSO do some (артикль не нужен, т.к. SOME уже говорит о количестве) lil grammar mistakes, so fix me
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:49:10  159928104
>didn't touched
И вы мне предлагаете с такими даунам на английском общаться
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:49:21  159928112
Alas, no. I'm just a first-year student. But I'm gonna get there.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:49:48  159928125
Still better than staying in Flyshitmaker. Just try to avoid drugs and mindless people.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:49:49  159928126
Die, motherfucker. Feed crap.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:49:53  159928128
But I'm an anime loli :3
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:49:55  159928130
45g56y65u.png (39Кб, 200x200)
Let's sing!

Through the gap beneath the door
I can hear my father's footsteps
He's asks why he can't hear me
He calls me crazy for that

And he drinks his herbs...
Why he drinks his herbs?..

When I was a teenager
Father always lurked at the door:
"You out there... right?!
So why the hell you're quiet?!
Ya shas dver s petel snimu!!!"

And he drinks his herbs...
Why he drinks his herbs?..

He drinks to shit five times a day
His ass it hurts, he says it burns.
He also farts. I'm not a troll!
My story's real! I swear you all!

"Flush, he says, when you shit
After every piece of crap
Just do like me!.."
Then he drinks his herbs...

Ones I heard that he's standing
So I decided to look through gap
And saw him watching from his side:
"The fuck you doing? Are you mad?"

And he drinks his herbs...
And he drinks his herbs...
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:50:53  159928180
Sorry, but you are unable to do this because you are homosexual. I know this information from your stepfather. He said that he penetrates your anus using his penis every Saturday
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:51:21  159928208
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:51:47  159928235
Kawaii! Show your boobs pls
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:52:15  159928264
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:52:16  159928266
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:52:40  159928286
>make mistakes
Not do

North America
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:52:47  159928292
Hi my Abu My famillly Doshirak me there is problema me there is lobster pliz gift me moneys
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:52:55  159928300
England is my city
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:53:50  159928350
>>159924249 (OP)
сиди в своем мухосранске и не высовывайся
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:54:15  159928380
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:54:25  159928388
whats is big sity ?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:54:35  159928400
I shall sing popular Russian song!
From a smile everyone gets brighter
Even elephant or a small snail
Share your smile and it will return.

Uhh... Sounds awful.

A small spruce was born in the forest
A small spruce grew in the forest
It was as green in the winter as in the summer
I dunno any Russian songs.
Let's enjoy Black Eyed Peas instead, you'd have to know only 3 words.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:54:37  159928402
Its a lie! I have only been penetrated by heterosexual man! And all the men I penetrated were heterosexuals too!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:54:48  159928412
U etogo pidorahi podgorelo.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:55:04  159928426
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:55:39  159928454
>North America
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:55:39  159928455
Давай я тебе спою, а? Там, значит, аккорды первые такие:
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:56:30  159928502
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:56:48  159928516
COMRADE MAYOR!!! This pervert needs to be GULAGED!
Аноним # OP  27/08/17 Вск 13:56:58  159928524
no you are
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:57:14  159928539
Mindless people is an issue, yes.
And these grocery stores around the town selling a dog food to a people. Never expected a place having a reputation of #2 Russian town to have quality of life this bad.

Бля, вот это я знатненько каэш обосрался.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:57:23  159928546
объясняю ещё раз, Speak in English и SPEAK English — разные по смыслу конструкции. То что для вас в русском языке они переводятся одинаково не значит, что в оригинале они имеют одинаковое значение
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:57:39  159928557
Everybody, everybody, let's get into it
Get stupid
Get it started, get it started, get it started
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here

Lets get woohoo!
Lets get woohoo! (in here)
Lets get woohoo!
Lets get woohoo! (in here)
Lets get woohoo!
Lets get woohoo! (in here) ow, ow, ow!
Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:58:34  159928619
ZWVuL4JCO50.jpg (28Кб, 353x458)
Hi anon! Please tell me why this girls look so beautiful?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:58:54  159928642


Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:59:15  159928662
Easy, real talk think about this)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:59:21  159928668
We are in the Internets.
You don't speak English or "in English". You either can into English or you can't or one of the above, no other options.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 13:59:31  159928682
Are you SHWARZ?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:00:02  159928707
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:00:06  159928717
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:00:32  159928737
Because of photoshop
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:01:00  159928768
>You either can or not
Well, those two schoolboys above probably cannot, since they see no difference between Speak in and Speak
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:01:53  159928814
87Bxj2kztLs.jpg (778Кб, 2560x1440)
Guys, why this catgirl smiles so sarcastic? She wanna to take my goodies? Or my virginity?
Anyway, i wanna slap her cute ass :3
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:02:31  159928845
Huys, who can explain how to learn engrish at home?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:04:08  159928934
>>159924249 (OP)
О, вы из Англии
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:04:43  159928964
Pffft. We are currently viewing Russian cancerous imageboard. Even I cannot into English even though I don't require any translation whilst viewing cancerous american internets, imageboards, movies, tv shows and youtubes for over 12 years already.
All that means nothing for a person whomst've'd decided to visit 2ch/b/ voluntarily.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:05:13  159928988
Oh, you're from PIDORASHKA
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:05:14  159928989
Just do it, without rear think.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:05:57  159929033
I've kecked right now
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:06:02  159929036
SAnks for your tip, brah
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:06:48  159929073
>Just do it, without rear think.
Cunted like a lord.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:07:36  159929108
You better use "why does her smile look sarcastic" or "why is her smile looking that sarcastic"
Because when you say "she smiles sacrastic" it kinda deny that she smiles at all, like the whole physical action, so that would mean that she only could smile that way, not that the particularly this smile is sarcastic.

>Wanna to
No need for to since "wanna" is wants to already
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:09:58  159929218
Well you're doing a great job man.

Try not to use this word instead of while, that's only being used to make your speech sound more fancy, whether in formal or informal speech
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:10:21  159929235
Oh, thanks for explaining, /b/ro. I try my best in english last time, but it's not so easy :(
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:10:41  159929245
Hello, /b/rothers, do you like anime?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:10:52  159929254
>>159924249 (OP)

And srazu obosrams
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:11:08  159929270
Hi, anon. My English is bad.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:12:09  159929309
ZWVuL4JCO50.jpg (28Кб, 353x458)
Yes i am! I wanna be with 2d-girl so hard! Especially with this perfect frog :3
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:12:20  159929319
>>159924249 (OP)
Bonjour imbécile. Je mettrai ma plus belle culotte

Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:12:43  159929336
Maybe, because she is a whore?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:13:46  159929380
This isn't 2D, mooron.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:13:57  159929390
image.png (1505Кб, 1340x1164)
image.png (278Кб, 922x1096)
image.png (1322Кб, 662x1536)
image.png (523Кб, 539x960)
was okay?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:14:34  159929422
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:15:47  159929474
But what's russian rapers opinion about it?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:16:34  159929511
I assumed he wrote that this way intentionally
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:16:35  159929515
Net, sosi ti
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:16:37  159929519
You misspelled "rapists".
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:16:41  159929524
I'm sorry what?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:17:31  159929570
As did "whilst". I would've'st'd add more such silliness but couldn't think of any more.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:17:51  159929582
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:18:03  159929591
Guys, do you have any groups on Telegram?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:18:34  159929623
Don't be sorry, child.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:18:57  159929651
8yNHwpkOzYY.jpg (182Кб, 575x1024)
Why this picreleated trap is so kawaii?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:19:08  159929660
>Don't be, sorry child.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:19:11  159929664

I am 20 years old.
I work in the company-leader in my industry.
I have a very beautiful and intelligent girl.
I'm the leader of a metal band.
I'm studying at the best technical university in Moscow.
My friends are very influential people - from the sons of the FSB chiefs to the security directors of individual companies.
And what can you boast of, boy?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:20:22  159929723
>Мне 20 лет.
>Я работаю в компании-лидере в своей отрасли.
>У меня очень красивая и умная девушка.
>Я лидер металлической группы.
>Я учусь в лучшем техническом университете в Москве.
>Мои друзья очень влиятельные люди - от сыновей руководителей ФСБ до руководителей безопасности отдельных компаний.
>И что ты можешь хвалиться, мальчик?

It's a copypasta from 2ch. Please, disperse, nothing to see here.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:20:27  159929731
God the cashier's just said to me "Have a good day"
How dares she telling me what to do?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:20:30  159929733
But someone with name Ashot loves her in more physical way, if you know what I mean.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:20:48  159929747
That ryazanian fucky-sucky.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:21:09  159929763
>>159924249 (OP)
Hola, gringo! Podrías chupar mi pene?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:21:20  159929774
>>159924249 (OP)
I'm so excited right now, Anon. I have no job. I had no moneys, but now I have almost 2kk to start my new life. I have so much ideas. Could you tell me your ideas?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:21:51  159929798
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:21:58  159929805
Go build a wall, spic.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:22:07  159929817
I fucked your mum yesterday.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:22:52  159929851
Donate it for charity, then do a barrel roll and suicide
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:22:54  159929855
I hope she liked it? Don't worry I will not tell to my dad.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:23:10  159929861
>>159924249 (OP)
>English language
>British flag

Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:23:10  159929862
That's quite not really usefull.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:23:52  159929904
Peeing in your mouth
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:23:53  159929905
>I won't tell to my dad
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:23:55  159929908
Britbongs are invading!
You have 5 more years of daily dentist visits to have at least bearable appearance, luv.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:24:10  159929921
14644510551110.jpg (121Кб, 1080x1080)
>that slavshit cosplay
I'm laughing so hard
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:24:25  159929936
Hi, sucksuck, my name is Antonio. I'm anonim. Let's see my board. You like it? I'm not. Please, kill me.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:24:44  159929952
>>159924249 (OP)
>English language
>don't speak american
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:24:59  159929966
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:25:14  159929980
Construí a tu boca, puedes revisar
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:26:46  159930041
You've constructed only your ego. Return to your dirty homeland to get killed by cartel, Pedro.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:27:07  159930058
>>159924249 (OP)
Fork in your eye or ur asshole is mine!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:27:29  159930073
Of course, she liked it. I was nice with her. Your father watched in the same room and enjoyed by himself.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:27:38  159930086
How to start speaking English fluently?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:29:57  159930196
>este mañamiroc de estúpido gringo
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:30:17  159930216
>>159924249 (OP)
Here is two chairs, there is masturbating cocks on one and pikes edges on another.
Where you will sit, where you set your mom.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:30:19  159930219
Try to speak English, while you sucking native speaker cock.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:30:23  159930226

Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:30:30  159930230
p4jpM8d7jI.jpg (171Кб, 850x1407)
I wanna lick Rem's feet so much!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:31:30  159930287
image.png (403Кб, 601x454)
On the other hand you have Michinohime, who's been cosplaying since ever.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:31:55  159930306
>speaking inferior language of inferior countries
Spic, please. Let me remind you that only accountable achievements done by spaniards occurred 500 years ago when they genocided and mated native americans.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:33:06  159930365
Start to speak, not write.
Try this method, take a photo, like the view from your window, and then try to describe each object depicted. Without the hesitation, just describe what you can and as fast as you can.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:33:17  159930379
Where is cosplayer-girl? I only see photoshop!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:33:27  159930386
>>159924249 (OP)
> Sankt-Peterburg
You mean Saint Petersburg mate?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:34:37  159930435
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:34:59  159930445
You are a pilot now! You fly, there are oceans of pee at left of you and cock forest at right. You need to land, where you will?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:35:01  159930448
e9d.jpg (16Кб, 600x600)
>>159924249 (OP)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:35:37  159930479
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:36:05  159930498
All oceans have islands, all forests have polyanas.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:36:37  159930522
Are you cockhole?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:36:52  159930531
As if you call yourself Basil Pupson, not Vasyan Pupkin
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:37:07  159930540
Welcome to a badass club, brother.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:37:13  159930544
>i see your mom bent over in front of me
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:37:22  159930550
How can I find native speakers? I'm a homebody.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:37:47  159930575
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:38:58  159930639
123.jpg (41Кб, 500x500)
Guys, i drew Lenochka, do you like her? What do you think, i have a talent?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:39:17  159930656
>>159924249 (OP)
Ебать ты долбаеб братишка земля те пухом.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:39:27  159930665
image.png (328Кб, 445x629)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:40:05  159930700
15038091761280.png (161Кб, 497x361)
Why mcChiken lose fight to Mayonaizer? It's because MMA for pussies only?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:40:07  159930703
No fug u
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:40:23  159930710
I think that anime is shit for little girls and faggots.I believe u are faggot.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:40:48  159930732
Just watch TV shows, cartoons, youtubes and internets without translation.
Then when you understand you could try speaking to someone on chaturbate or omegle.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:40:56  159930734
>>159924249 (OP)
sup dude
im from muhosranksville
im 21 years old
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:42:57  159930829
u 4got 'bout games bro
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:43:14  159930844
ЕS it's not anime, rеtard! It's russian visual novel, based on mаsсots of twoch!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:43:37  159930858
שלום חברים!
?מה אתם עושים היום
אני רוצה לבוא לישראל ולטייל עם בחורה שלי שם
זה יקר?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:43:43  159930865
OPEN is a dick
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:44:07  159930890
Games work too ofk.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:44:50  159930936
gee i wonder.jpg (52Кб, 600x600)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:44:57  159930942
I dont give a fuck how u call this shit.For average person all this shit is the same
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:45:08  159930952
Bitch duratskaya autozamena
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:45:19  159930960
>russian visual novel
>moscots of twoch
lol wa? its a shit dude
if u like VN u must play in "saya no uta"
dis is real creepy shit and more better dan EV
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:46:13  159931006
How to increase my vocabulary?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:46:21  159931014
Fuck you gays. ES is a true masterpiece of VN.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:46:44  159931032
Buy some on market.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:46:52  159931044
u all write 2 correct
foreigns dont speak so clear
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:47:37  159931072
Ну с тобой точно никто и не будет разговаривать. Учащиеся часто слконны делать ошибки на инглише, которые вовсе не подразумевают незнание правил, а просто от невнимательности.
Такие ошибки поправлять - дурной тон.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:47:45  159931077
snaked bout u
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:48:06  159931096
зыс из э тэйбл нахуй
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:48:20  159931115
Go shake your one-eye snake
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:48:37  159931132
But i won't manage to suck their dicks.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:48:50  159931142
Perhaps you are speaking about informal communication e.g. Facebook. IMs.
Even Reddit or 4chan look more mature and formal in terms of grammar.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:49:15  159931160
>How do I increase my vocabulary?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:49:32  159931173
Buy what?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:49:48  159931185
How do you know you need to? How big your vocab is?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:49:48  159931186
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:50:07  159931203
i dо it еvеrуdау on DА BЕST VN IN DА WОRLD "SАYА NО UTА"
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:50:45  159931230
Suddenly pooped myself.
Go on.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:51:41  159931272
i learned speak in da games where ucant write 2 long
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:54:04  159931365
Me too actually. I can't even remember games that required writing at all. But lots of text were present and read and thus the semblance of grammar.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:54:10  159931374
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:54:35  159931397
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:54:54  159931408

Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:55:26  159931422
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:55:35  159931426
On tebya ponial you retard oboscanij
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:56:11  159931451
>How big your vocab is?
I don't know how to check it.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:58:14  159931561
8sUTqYG3-Hs.jpg (35Кб, 480x581)
Интересно местные маньки хоть раз общались с ангосаксами? Они в общении делают столько ошибок, сколько первокурсник-лингвист не делает.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:58:23  159931572
testyourvocab dot com
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:58:38  159931584
Hule you pizdish that it is bezvredni? My brother died from this dryan.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:59:15  159931615
All judges just don't get Oxxxy rounds, because they're left dicks on versus. Oxxxy is a poet and what he make - it's things that only he can make at all. He battle'd versus crowd, when glory to KPSS just throw all punches in Oxy.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:59:16  159931617
bcuz u is a pedo fag
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 14:59:59  159931651
Fuck off, bydlo.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:00:29  159931674
I speak English in Elementary AI level. How to fix it? How to level up?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:01:41  159931732
*AI - A1 or Artificial Idiot
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:01:51  159931745
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:01:52  159931746
Что значит "y'all"?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:03:04  159931807
>>159924249 (OP)
>speak in english
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:04:56  159931901
"You all", duh. Never heard of contractions?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:05:25  159931924
>I suspect you...
Т.е. ты не видишь очевидной разницы между "Anon speaks in English" и "Anon speaks English"? Т.е. ты не понимаешь смысл этих фраз? И ты еще кукарекаешь про начальный уровень?
>Also XXX here is an oftenly used construction, really popular on imageboards such as 8chan or 4chan
Бля, дебил. Это глобиш, это неносители языка так пишут. Я тебе про английский, а ты мне про хуйню. Продолжай учить говноглобиш по форчану.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:05:43  159931941
But where?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:05:56  159931958
14984237780830.png (221Кб, 737x1083)
Сразу видно, что кто-то поней не смотрел.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:06:00  159931962
335817363750518[...].png (23Кб, 117x128)
Hey Vsauce, Michael here
>>159924249 (OP)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:06:26  159931979
Да насрать что там в древнеанглийском, скоро и неправильные глаголы уйдут.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:06:29  159931982
Screenshot1.png (9Кб, 622x267)
I'm not sure that it is accurate.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:07:45  159932070
>almost all of teh internets is still accessible
>thousands of games in steam with English
>thousands of movies with available English voiceover
>any other thinkable media accessible in English
Nowhere. Wait for a magician in a blue helicopter.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:07:59  159932090
Два чая этому.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:09:06  159932152
It is imprecise but gives a good estimate.
Read moar. 3k is a viable amount for you to visit 4chans or reddits or whatever. You may also watch cartoons or read children books.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:09:56  159932203
OP is huy? Or how it sentence translate?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:10:01  159932207
I was going to seeing MLP I had seen humanoid cartoon without true magic and good. And some people, generally, masturbation at this. It's sad.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:11:08  159932267
How can I poop properly?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:11:23  159932285
Much better than trying to do so through vk or IMs with dumbcunts.
Just take a look around: most posts written show grammatically correct speech: start with a capital letter, use punctuation and have less errors in general compared to cattle-ridden shitholes like aforementioned social networks.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:11:46  159932306
Yeah, but somebody will laugh me for my runglish?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:12:29  159932354
13996628635535.jpg (38Кб, 600x450)
>>159924249 (OP)
>Let's speak in English
Oh, these holidays.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:13:26  159932413
You always can end up your pathetic life.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:14:15  159932464
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:14:17  159932467
op sucks cocks.webm (840Кб, 608x1080, 00:00:12)
Yes, of course. That's the internet, a place where you are a laughingstock, a nobody and will eat cocks.
I have relatively decent English and am constantly ostracized.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:15:46  159932559
Let's start parody 4ch-people in this thread!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:15:50  159932563
Fuck you, manya. Learn about "Realnaya jizn"
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:16:30  159932604
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:16:37  159932612
15010792573260.png (366Кб, 745x820)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:16:59  159932638
Суп б, я из России. Давайте выпьем водку и прокатимся на Ладу.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:17:08  159932640
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:17:12  159932644
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:18:23  159932693
>>159924249 (OP)
>Let's speak in English language in this thread.
How you going to speak with the letters, manya?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:18:38  159932706
This Harry Potter fan is broken. Throw this piece of trash out of the thread.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:18:43  159932713
22.jpg (17Кб, 403x254)
Rate me
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:19:24  159932756
With sign language. Why use postal letters?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:19:27  159932759
I hate Russian people!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:19:33  159932765
how ARE you going
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:19:34  159932767
Slav Canadian is in the thread. Ask your questions.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:19:51  159932782
Not bad. You may stop visiting this shithole and start visiting another 4chan.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:20:26  159932817
I have doubts that you are Canadian.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:21:01  159932857
Do you learn English quickly with the Ukrainian language help?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:21:51  159932907
But i can't write on english well, because i never take any course of grammar or any stuff like this :c
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:23:15  159932980
English grammar is simplest than Russian grammar?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:23:16  159932981
>>159924249 (OP)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:23:46  159933016
Just see others write and repeat.
No one writes "on" English, and neither should you for example.
I didn't take any courses too, btw. Just pay attention, is all.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:23:52  159933026
Of course
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:23:56  159933034
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:24:30  159933075
Ok, thanks for advice. I'll try my best.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:24:30  159933076
image.png (235Кб, 664x498)
>grammar is simplest than russian
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:24:49  159933089
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:25:08  159933112
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:25:27  159933133
Please write how right, motherfucker
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:25:30  159933137
english grammer are simple then russian, yes
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:26:19  159933184
It is not easier but different. You will definitely fuck your brain learning it.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:26:20  159933186
my sides.gif (2009Кб, 615x413)
fukken lold9.jpg (27Кб, 486x309)
>write how right,
It took me a while to parse this.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:26:21  159933187
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:26:33  159933197
>>159924249 (OP)
Down-New-City-kun in thread.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:26:43  159933213
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:26:55  159933226
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:27:50  159933299
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:27:58  159933309
Стикер (0Кб, 512x512)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:28:07  159933322
RedGiftVille-kun salutes you.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:28:36  159933353
Please, come back when you are 18
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:28:44  159933362
I am speak English or no? Give me your money, please.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:28:53  159933369
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:29:11  159933389
But I cannot back in time.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:29:45  159933425
Hello, Niko! This is Roman, your cousin! Let's go bowling!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:30:44  159933485
image.png (71Кб, 275x183)
>cannot back in time
Are you doing this on purpose?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:31:08  159933515
Please, give me the site, which find the grammar errors and fix its.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:31:18  159933525
I'm posting in epic thread!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:31:39  159933549
Google translate
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:32:19  159933583
Fucking shame, there are people of my country that speak and understand English well, even younger than me, i got stuck on low level, i can't improve my English greatly.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:32:27  159933591
Hello, citizen!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:32:39  159933601
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:32:43  159933605
1503837140723.jpeg (598Кб, 780x1040)
I feel like bigger boards have shittier /b/.
Fell free to have them.
Lul no, I learned it at work and reading fiction.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:33:08  159933622
> Они в общении делают столько ошибок, сколько первокурсник-лингвист не делает.
Англосаксы или маньки?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:33:31  159933643
No. As I know no one can back in time.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:33:43  159933654
Your English is pretty well.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:33:58  159933665
Anglosaks are the idiots.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:34:13  159933680
Do you still remember russian?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:34:28  159933699
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:34:58  159933722
> Glory to KPSS
I lose
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:35:00  159933726
veb--novodvorsk[...].jpg (24Кб, 350x250)
You all insane and aren't healing. Only I am standing here in white raincoat and I am beautiful.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:35:08  159933736
>Fell free to have them.
That was a trick question. If you were rude - you'd fail as a Canadian miserably.
You are on your way to become a true Canadian.
A true Canadian would've apologized for me having doubts.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:35:18  159933745
Dude, learn english.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:35:57  159933777
>>159924249 (OP)
Londan is de capital of Gret Breten
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:36:18  159933802
Will it help me back in time?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:36:24  159933806
Double-Triple will not lie!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:36:44  159933824
You are pretty guy, guy. Your english is very well.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:36:49  159933830
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:37:34  159933877
I'm not your guy, buddy.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:37:49  159933890
English is a excess language.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:38:23  159933923
Landn's da capitl o' da great britn
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:39:13  159933968
U are speak in Old English
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:39:51  159934009
Kinstn is da cep'l of jameica.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:40:03  159934021
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:40:09  159934028
Ландн ис зэ кэпитл оф Грейт Бритн.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:40:33  159934054
I hope someone will creat a new thread.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:41:08  159934091
Bend the guitar yellow
You embrace gently.
A string of echo shrapnel
It will pierce the stiff height.
The sky dome will swing
Big and star-snowy.
It's great that we are all here.
Today we met.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:41:43  159934132
i come to study clothing and fashion at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American fashion and then we are kiss.
wWe sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.
I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:42:14  159934166
Lol, I actually apologized for bumping into a tree once, true story.
My Russian is still WAY better than my English. Well, I mean my English is quite simple, though fluent.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:42:37  159934183
How to compel yourself solve the GOLICHYNSKY ?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:43:16  159934215
hide post
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:43:59  159934253
>>159924249 (OP)
Это платиновый тред?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:44:41  159934289
Don't hide. Maybe he is a straight person with some problem and because of bad translation you think that he meant "gay" as "homosexual" but he might've meant "happy"
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:45:03  159934314
Iridium one
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:45:06  159934320
Iridium thrad
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:45:48  159934360
>talking with copypaste
LoL, sage, report.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:46:06  159934383
Just got here and the thread is already slowly fading into the bump-limit, meh. I'm never in time for this kind of threads.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:46:40  159934416
We can make a roll!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:46:54  159934428
Do you speak Russian?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:47:15  159934446
I found guide for rolling here.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:47:26  159934462
Did you mean AN OVERRIDE?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:48:22  159934527
Ruski' est'?!?!?!?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:48:55  159934563
image.png (23Кб, 817x274)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:49:01  159934572
What is analog "Ellochka-ludoedka"-Wiktionary for English?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:49:24  159934599
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:50:01  159934636
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:50:04  159934639
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:50:17  159934653
image.png (19Кб, 626x127)
Holy shit, boys! The luck is on out side today!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:50:32  159934668
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:50:38  159934674
It's spelled "Nanny", you illiterate imbecile.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:50:54  159934686
Thats a lose.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:51:20  159934716
Go suck your own kuk
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:51:28  159934727
Ehay nahuy, peetooh.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:51:33  159934732
That's why luck is on our side.
Btards should never win.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:51:34  159934733
15037618290620.webm (1720Кб, 640x363, 00:00:27)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:51:52  159934756
14635051890523.jpg (198Кб, 1080x1283)
>talking with
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:51:58  159934765
Baka ka?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:52:09  159934779
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:53:13  159934845
Please gomenasai me, but i don't wanna talk with ITT bakas.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:53:34  159934866
What time is it?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:53:38  159934868
I gave you my most valuable possession. Check behind your cheeks.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:54:14  159934907
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:54:19  159934915
Even Russsians are easier to understand.
All weaboos are literally degenerate scum.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:55:01  159934952
>>159924249 (OP)
Op is a faggot, pissed behind his cheek
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:55:35  159934986
I was been learning German in School.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:55:44  159934994
image.png (67Кб, 275x183)
>responding with
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:55:52  159935000
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:56:03  159935008
Chotto mate! Don't be so fast with your resheniyami! Watashi wa don't retard, i'm intillegent.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:56:22  159935020
15037876041930.jpg (72Кб, 680x680)
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:56:23  159935021
holiday is a "holy day"?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:57:24  159935079
No it's "holi day"
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:57:46  159935095
How to learn english memes?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:57:48  159935098
>Talk to and talk with both mean to converse with someone.
>In almost all cases, talk to and talk with can be used interchangeably
Suck my the pisos.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:58:19  159935127
Without a back thought
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:58:28  159935133
Nani the fuck did anata just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi'll have anata know that watashi graduated top of watashino class in Nihongo, and watashi've been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of Kyoto. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another gaijin. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has never been mimasu'd before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks that anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of shinobi across Nippon, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu's the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You're fucking shinimashita'd, gaki. Watashi can be anywhere, anytime, and watashi can korosu anata in over nanahyaku ways, and that’s just with watashino sude. Not only am watashi extensively trained in unarmed sentou, but watashi have access to the entire arsenal of the Jieitai and watashi will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable shiri off the face of the tairiku, you chiisai kuso. If only anata could have shitteirudarou what unholy hofuku your chiisai “kashikoidesu” komento was about to bring down upon anata, maybe anata would have held your fucking shita. But anata couldn’t, anata didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn baka. watashi will shit gekido all over anata and anata will drown in it. You’re fucking shinimashita'd, gaki.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:58:46  159935147
lurk more
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:58:57  159935156
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:59:36  159935191
Blyad, watashi wa just pooped myself, bakemono.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 15:59:48  159935202
I like sucking dirty niga dicks are you like it doing too?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:00:04  159935209
Thine orifice shall consumate my penis.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:00:04  159935210
> my the

Oh, boy. That escalated quickly.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:00:19  159935224
Wut is your english level?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:00:33  159935237
OVER 9000
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:01:24  159935280
>>159924249 (OP)
Get the fuck out of here, fucking hipster! Russians must speak russian!
Пидор ебучий, раскрошил бы тебе ебало.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:01:48  159935298
Don't know, may be A-1.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:02:18  159935315
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:03:13  159935355
A suitable level for an untermensch
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:03:22  159935364
How to learn English fast without registration and sms?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:04:01  159935403
>without registration
No way.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:04:11  159935415
You just take and learn it! Without a back thought!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:04:19  159935426
Come to me, I'll teach you.
Pushkina street, Kolotushkina house.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:04:26  159935431
Loose it.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:04:29  159935433
Are you kidding me?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:05:03  159935467
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:05:59  159935523
Not need use Past Simple and grammar
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:05:59  159935524
I'm pissing on you.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:07:42  159935611
Why I am looking Arabic text in the English resources often? I do not understand him.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:08:15  159935640
Saw a perekat.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:08:25  159935649
Don't look it then, what's your problem?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:09:00  159935679
You are a medium?
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:09:19  159935698
No need in using Past Simple and grammar
Fixed for you
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:10:04  159935731
REROLL https://2ch.hk/b/res/159935712.html
OVERRIDE https://2ch.hk/b/res/159935712.html
PERECAT https://2ch.hk/b/res/159935712.html
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:10:08  159935737
watch your shitty tv shows and movies with russian subtitles instead of russian voice over
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:10:16  159935743
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:10:27  159935755
No, he is down.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:12:43  159935878
He's a down. You're an autist. And together you are an incredible wheelchair squad!
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:13:13  159935916
Chairborne forces.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:15:22  159936051
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:18:40  159936251

in a voice
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:20:48  159936364

true-story, im not green.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:30:23  159936881
Sorry, fams.
Suck my a pisos.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:33:43  159937083
Oh, you're from England
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:39:56  159937392
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:41:18  159937469
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:55:53  159938330
Pls, make a perekat
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 16:56:24  159938372
No perekats for blind imbeciles, sorry.
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 17:12:00  159939348
Link at this site pls
Аноним 27/08/17 Вск 17:13:04  159939412
No links for blind imbeciles, sorry.
Everything is written ITT.

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