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Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:11:14  165998129  
1450621636921.webm (3060Кб, 640x360, 00:01:07)
Jello u ruskis can u please tell me what song do they play in this video?

Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:13:28  165998287
1459440470151-0.jpg (45Кб, 392x576)
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:13:59  165998321
>>165998129 (OP)
Dvar - Hishmaliin
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:16:08  165998462
1472874336162.webm (3985Кб, 403x720, 00:01:32)
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:18:58  165998672
52635i.jpg (1193Кб, 1826x2487)
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:21:01  165998804
>>165998129 (OP)
Соус музыки можно?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:22:51  165998924
daloy polizei зашазамил за 5 секунд

Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:23:03  165998935
1432826929184.png (38Кб, 914x1091)
I am trying to find the souce in this imageboard what is inhabited by u ruskis t:finski
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:23:49  165998986
1433382707140.jpg (445Кб, 642x1000)
>daloy polizei зашазамил за 5 секунд
I dont speak ruski or serbi but thank u for source
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:23:56  165998994
>I am trying to find the souce in this imageboard what is inhabited by u ruskis t:finski
Try cheat me again
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:26:30  165999162
Do you want me to prove that to u?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:26:57  165999196
Well, maybe yor mom speaks ruski. Cause if not, who did i fuck yesterday?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:27:43  165999248
you fuck your dog
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:28:33  165999319
I do not think that you are the son of a dog. But, who knows...
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:29:03  165999357
I Do
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:29:10  165999366
well you are dogfucker
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:31:06  165999499
Awesome+i+wish+[...].jpg (15Кб, 310x281)
That means you're mom is a dog as well
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:33:03  165999629
ass well
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:35:14  165999783
О вы из англии?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:35:43  165999812
the worst logical chain i've ever seen
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:38:40  166000063
20171129233139.jpg (1598Кб, 3264x2448)
here i dont know who those 2 doggo fukers are and dont care it took while i had to take picture and transfer it to computer
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:38:50  166000080
>I've fucked one lady
>I'm pretty shure it was your mother
>You told me it was a dog
>Your mom is a dog
where is my bad?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:43:28  166000361
So, mate, tell me, is it true that in your schools every break all children go to the schoolyard forcibly?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:44:55  166000446
äöäöäöäö.jpg (139Кб, 710x704)
Yes after every class there is 15minute break that time you have to stay outside on the schoolyard
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:46:19  166000517
Blood type
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:48:21  166000630
tulin ja menin.jpg (26Кб, 460x457)
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:48:37  166000645
And even in winter time? The poin is we are neighbours - I'm from Murmansk and I was shocked a little have heard about it. It's god damn cold here in winter. How do you bear it?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:49:33  166000693
>I was shocked a little when
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:50:45  166000766
carl gustaf man[...].png (1463Кб, 1200x1345)
Yes even the winter when it goes colder than -20c you can stay inside. You get used to cold u are ruski u should know that world is cold place
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:52:15  166000849
>>165998129 (OP)
Darude - sandstorm
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:54:02  166000951
sale3.jpg (76Кб, 800x490)
Fun fact about darude sandstorm when it was written ville thought it was shit song and almost threw it away
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:55:43  166001071
Just breaks outside are not accepted in here. It was a sudden information for me - the one who works at the school. In russia you can be punished for actions like that. However i think it is a good practice for kids. Little bastards have too much energy.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:56:15  166001101
1511992543883.png (50Кб, 505x800)
Thank u all the suomi guys for the greatest meme of this fucking planet's history :----DDDDDDD
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:57:34  166001175
189201837488864[...].jpg (124Кб, 960x960)
Joni Make Vilj[...].mp4 (4389Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:55)
there has been researches what show that it improves student learning to have breaks
No problemo :-DDD
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:58:28  166001211
> it improves student learning to have breaks
You mean breaks outside?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 00:58:48  166001223
SZqarz5.png (61Кб, 705x590)
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:00:30  166001316
N0cCvlK.png (116Кб, 1891x1720)
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:00:49  166001339
1432469617085.png (32Кб, 781x710)
Yes to have breaks after 45min class there is 15min break it improvess student learning and you get spend some of that energy.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:01:52  166001401
kauppisen pete.mp4 (4044Кб, 640x360, 00:00:43)
Vitun /int/ :-DDD
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:02:20  166001422
The best version.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:04:18  166001508
We don't get each other. We do have breaks too at school. I mean breaks outside the building. Fuck it, actually. I've got some more questions abuot your education system. Will you proceed?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:04:45  166001536
I'm cute russian boy, I can be your slave, or even sex slave if u want, but pleeeeease take me away from this goddamn country to the godlike Finland!
Just gimme place to live and little bit of food, and do everything you want with me! :-DDD I'm absolutely serious now
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:06:22  166001618
Нихуя ты содержанка. А на территории посольства согласен пукан подставлять?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:06:44  166001648
1404544319878.png (182Кб, 1280x1003)
Oh you mean schoolyard first 1-9 years of your education you have to stay inside of schoolyard because teacher is responsible for u after amis/lukio depends wich one u take those rules dont apply anymore

Why you want to come finland? are u grill?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:10:14  166001831
В той стране у меня есть возможности, а в этой только хуй на воротник.

> I'm cute russian boy
> Are u grill?
I can be your grill if ya want ^_^ but with an extra detail usually grills don't have
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:11:48  166001911
Ok, do you have some shit calld project activity can be called different, the grasp is made something with your haed\hands aka project and present it to your classmates and so on? And if yes how many projects do you have to do during the year?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:12:41  166001963
>В той стране у меня есть возможности
>давать в жопу нативу за еду.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:13:37  166002006
Но помимо этого, я там даже на работе червя-пидора могу получать 10 евро в час минимум.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:14:28  166002059
Хорошо там, где нас нет. Езжай, хули.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:14:41  166002070
WP000913.jpg (617Кб, 1944x2592)
Why you want to move away from russia? how old are you? what is even ur education?
No i havent heard those only projects what i did where almost all book presentations about books.
That shit was mandatory like 9years in school if you dont go police and social security will come and take u away
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:16:42  166002166
Посаны, этот пе-де-ра-ст умственный с таким языком уехать хочет? или косит уже под эмигранта?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:18:05  166002221
Around all shitjobs what u can do in finland pay more than 9euros for hour
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:19:21  166002277
Cuz I don't have any opportunities to have happy life here. After my University graduation I'll have fucking 400-500€/mounth salary, I'll never have my own house and will never do that I like in my life. I'm 18 y.o
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:20:14  166002312
1404385363057.png (63Кб, 750x750)
I dont unfortunately speak ruski and google translate didnt really help me with this one
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:22:01  166002390
>No i havent heard those
Lucky bastard. I have recklessness to be a schoolteacher in time for a change and this shit become mandatory for kids grades 3 to 9 yearly.
Tell me about exams. When do you take it? Imediately after school or only if you're going to enter the university?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:22:06  166002396
18 euro per day is the average salary for russian University graduate lul. For the full time job of course.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:22:10  166002403
säätösalealoitt[...].jpg (140Кб, 1024x576)
Finland goverment pays that amount of social security even if u dont do anywork and you dont wanna do work.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:24:13  166002496
Be readty for pay a rent of 1.5K eur monthly for your modest flat
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:24:44  166002524
It makes me cry. And no, I don't want to do nothing and get money, I'd be happy if I could work and have 2k€/month. But not in this country, that's almost impossible here.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:25:09  166002540
image.png (223Кб, 660x371)
The song of Jewish workers in the early twentieth century, somewhere in the period of the revolution. Title: In Ale Gasn - Hey, Hey, Daloy Politsey

Recently, the source was looking.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:25:53  166002581
he said that homoanon is retarded wanker
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:26:29  166002606
You're lying, right? For example in Germany u can rent flat by 600€/months.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:27:13  166002628
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:28:27  166002680
130222871020169[...].jpg (12Кб, 292x289)
There was pretty often exams about the subjects what were teached math/sweden/fin/eng/history/biology/chemistry etc... there is huge exams in lukio eng (Gymnasium (school)) so it say in internet. There is abikirjoitukset its writings for universitys and etc....
I know ppl who make almost that amount in hour.
you can rent apartment in finland around 380-1000€ for month
Well u pay around 8€ for pack of cigarette cheapest vodka is 13€ for 0.5liter bottle
Oh okay google gave some random translation
there is 2 rooms and kitchen 490€ for month
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:29:52  166002736
there is link for the apartment
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:31:55  166002830
But I don't smoke and I'm never getting drunk, hate the alcohol.
Thanks for the recognizing the liar who said about 1.5K mate.
My dream now is to live and work in Finland .-.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:35:25  166002968
>about education
Do you have any rating system? I mean daily marks etc.
What is abikirjoitukset? Sounds like assfuckjerkset for me. Google translate keeps silence.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:39:04  166003137
151079310204011[...].jpg (31Кб, 544x465)
Yes there is rating system it starts after 3rd grade its from 4-10 4=F 10=A you also get rated from exams and how good u have done ur homework and participated to class determines what u will get spring and autum certificate.
there is wikipedia article
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:40:14  166003195
Only place were rent can possibly be that high is in helsinki
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:41:00  166003230
thx mate.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:46:17  166003479
So... What about me being your slave if u take me away from here? :-DDD
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:49:25  166003632
li3.jpg (78Кб, 597x599)
It's illegal own slaves in finland, i will be in problems with my goverment if i own ruski slave in my basement. What is even ur education?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:49:49  166003647
>>165998129 (OP)
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:52:54  166003786
>What is even ur education?
anal servant. highly educated citizen.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:54:05  166003838
I'm actually studying in University, first year, so I actually have only school education level.
We won't say I'm your slave, they'll think we're good friends ^_^
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:56:52  166003948

Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:57:28  166003979
they'll know you're faggots though
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:58:28  166004027
But they don't give a fuck about other people's relationship, u homophobic pidoraha.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:58:58  166004050
1EnvsXJ.png (398Кб, 596x840)

I dont like guys in sexual way only womans
Gay marriage is legal in finland nowadays
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 01:59:05  166004053
>>165998129 (OP)
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:00:03  166004094
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>>165998129 (OP)
Deportate your family to Mongolia
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:00:30  166004115
15019395249663.jpg (101Кб, 640x640)
Oy wey. Cute llitle finns :3
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:01:26  166004168
Russian education ain't shit tbh.
I am now finishing my master's here in Russia and only now I fully understand how flawed and overall shitty our educational system is. If you apply for a job elsewhere from Russia you wouldn't be even taken seriously when you say you have a Russian degree. So your question about the educations was kind of useless, he might rather consider actually becoming a slave since there's nothing else he's good at. just like all the rest of us ruskies
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:01:38  166004173
r1ec8bjl.jpg (306Кб, 800x1263)
I will someday travel to mongolia to see my long lost relatives.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:03:26  166004240
Even tough i am not highly educated but i have computer degree its like i would have university education compared to other countries
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:03:37  166004248
They don't. Although they'll know you're a fags, wouldn't it?

Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:04:17  166004267
Blank+5b63d7ddc[...].jpg (53Кб, 747x621)
how are they doing?
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:04:38  166004276
You're actually wrong, I'm good at biology and really wanted to become science guy, but there's no fucking opportunities to do that in Яussia.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:07:48  166004405
960ae88e.jpg (74Кб, 600x583)
I dont know havent seen them since we lost karelia and my father grandfather had to move out of there
Go to politics and start changing the cituation
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:12:11  166004556
> Go to politics and start changing the cituation
And then get killed or prisoned for my malcontent activities, as it happened with many other people in Russia lol
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:12:16  166004560
But i am gonna go to bed hyvää yötä venäläiset ystäväni. I will make tomorrow new thread with passport and timestamp see you ppl then
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:13:51  166004616
Was glad to talk to you, folk. Cya!
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:14:33  166004639
>Go to politics
Political system is dead in Russia. Kleptocracy'n'sheet.
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:14:56  166004661
yes friend you can also come to Russia we can drink and read Kalevala together and have krapula in the morning. see you
Аноним 30/11/17 Чтв 02:15:30  166004680
Good night, Pekka.

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