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Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:09:16  182598869  
111.mp4 (1292Кб, 480x270, 00:00:26)
Hi Anon

If you wanna practice your english you may want to join this thread.
You can talk whatever you want here and any topics are welcome.

Let's the fun begin

Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:10:07  182598898
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:11:03  182598937
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:13:24  182599015
>>182598869 (OP)
Hi, anon! how i can upgrade my english?
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:13:41  182599026
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:15:28  182599092
practice makes perfect, just try to immerse in english speaking environment as often as you possible can
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:16:42  182599141
So, are olds here?
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:17:56  182599188
no worries, all good, they are always with us
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:18:10  182599191
i can understand, when i read the text, but i cant write in english. Can you fix my predlojenie ?
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:19:58  182599256
i'll try,

which one are you not sure about
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:21:47  182599318
My father are fucking cooking some hell ass meals. There somewhat his receipt, in average, because there is a lot of options.
He takes a soup, soup isn’t warmed. Warming - it’s not about my dad. He takes the soup and spread on la scovourode.... Help anon to finish past and boost your English.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:23:07  182599365
Fluent speaker vkatilsya [v k a t ee l s’ a]
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:30:01  182599662
Чё сука блеать
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:37:13  182599940
>>182598869 (OP)
>let's the fun begin
Op = cock
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:38:13  182599971
My sugar daddy loves cooking different type of tender food for me. He has enormous amount of ideas how to make me content. However, one of the thing that it's not good enough is his creamy cold soup because he holds it off for a while before serve it. Warmer food is not about him but i still really enjoy what he's got
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:38:49  182599990
dick sounds better in this case
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:39:52  182600021
>>182598869 (OP)
hi! please send me link of source video in topic
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:40:35  182600047
nehuy eto nugno?
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:41:06  182600062
Here you go

Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:41:58  182600093
no. I mean video file. Who is this man?
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:44:35  182600175
just a fagot, you see many of them outside
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:44:59  182600188
image.png (292Кб, 400x400)
I like to engage in the gym. I think that any man should be strong and with a body of relief. I love my body and my friends. If you want to work with me, then write here.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:46:30  182600218
fagot like you
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:49:16  182600300
you may want to work on making money instead to see a lot wet pussies begging you to suck your cock
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:49:47  182600326
i wish
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 09:50:58  182600360
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:03:45  182600779
Jesus, I really want to return to USA, to the state of Maine as a student which taking part in WORK AND TRAVEL program. last summer I was here for the whole fucking summer and it was really great and unforgettable experience. I just had my first sex here and not with Russian "Natashka" but with pretty Jamaican girl, also I smoked some mari jane, especially indica to get really relaxed. I improve my talkative English but now I losing my upper intermediate as I think, so I must travel to any good countries to speak with natives.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:06:12  182600873
>>182598869 (OP)
I'm speaking english very well. It's just a pure perfection.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:07:46  182600929
>I must travel to any good countries to speak with natives
You can do it just by using internet.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:12:19  182601100
Yes, of course I doing it as well, but I think it isn't enough. Also I want to start learning German.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:13:54  182601162

OP is a tool.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:15:37  182601216
I would say you should use youtube and other internet resources such as skype, whatsapp etc to maintain your English level, i doubt you can improve it but it's good enough to stay on where you are now
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:17:22  182601278
Пошёл нахуй, хахол ебучий, пендос, ГАНДОНЕС
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:18:36  182601321
you should report that bastard
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:19:09  182601334
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:22:04  182601432
Sometimes I talk with jamaican girl in whatsApp, watching tv-series with original sound and english subtitles, but I need to talk with real foreigners. Also this summer I talked with few foreigners in DS-2.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:22:34  182601454
you are born here you have to stay here, you owe this country, it has raised you and you have to pay it back, a facking ungrateful dickhead
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:23:46  182601489
it's not nearly enough you gotta do on daily basis
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:24:23  182601511
It's really fat, dude.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:25:38  182601548
Can someone translate one of the olds pastes?
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:26:02  182601563
not really, that is the opinion of the nation,
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:26:04  182601565
Ok, I will try to follow you advice, buddy.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:26:47  182601588
Sup /b/, is there any way to practice speaking english? I have enough reading practice from the internet but lack of speaking experience makes my knowlege useless. I was thinking about chatroulettes or smtn like that. WDYT, anon?
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:29:46  182601706
that is not my advice, that's just the common sense and opinion of many people how to learn english fast

didn't work for me though
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:31:34  182601799
I think you can try to find someone on chatroulette and ask him to go to the Skype or WhatsApp to not to lose this human.
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:32:05  182601816
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:32:48  182601843
UPD: Online games (eu/na servers)
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:35:32  182601956
i would suggest to get a job in telephone companies to communicate with customers over the phone. You english will improve in lighting speed and it will also boost your confidence
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:38:34  182602079
bullshit, you can't get a good thing from it
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:40:20  182602158
Ahhhh, how strong I want chan…
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:42:25  182602244
uajfwfE.jpg (66Кб, 1394x580)
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:48:00  182602536
exactly, that's what i am tacking about
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:50:30  182602663
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:50:52  182602687
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:52:51  182602785
ur mom gay
Аноним 06/09/18 Чтв 10:54:34  182602872

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