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Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:30:52  188043340  
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Waddap 9gaggers!
Maybe while the kids are in school it's the best time for an ENGLISH THREAD?
The last one was shitty but maybe we'll get lucky with this one?
Who knows.

BTW it's the language of the wealthy white guys, you have no chance to leave that shitty country of yours without joining us, the English speaking majority.

We're speaking the language of GODS here.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:31:34  188043370
Пошел нахуй.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:33:34  188043450
poshel nahui
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:34:10  188043479
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>>188043340 (OP)
>in school
Russian retard spotted.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:36:28  188043580
>>188043340 (OP)
>We're speaking the language of GODS here.
Таки что вы такое говорите.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:40:57  188043790
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> >We're speaking the language of GODS here.
> Таки что вы такое говорите.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:41:04  188043799
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Rolling in
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:42:24  188043856
Хуя боевая картинка, на коленке только что склепал?
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:44:59  188043986
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> Хуя боевая картинка, на коленке только что склепал?
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:46:53  188044057
My bad! thank you fellow anon for correcting me! I'd be better with every your correction. lots of kisses
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 14:49:25  188044168
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>>188043340 (OP)
> Waddap 9gaggers!
> Maybe while the kids are in school it's the best time for an ENGLISH THREAD?
> The last one was shitty but maybe we'll get lucky with this one?
> Who knows.

> BTW it's the language of the wealthy white guys, you have no chance to leave that shitty country of yours without joining us, the English speaking majority.

> We're speaking the language of GODS here.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:06:55  188044903
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>>188043340 (OP)
wat do u want talking about? Which topic you can offer?
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:09:20  188045007
Encourage u
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:11:36  188045101
Sup, todat i have 5 for an english language control test.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:14:01  188045210
Hey sis take sam tee n tell abaut ur day
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:14:43  188045237
Врядли тут have подойдет. Скорее Had gotten
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:15:37  188045280
пиндосы ебаные
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:16:30  188045316
How about savouring the utter superiority of us as human beings over those plebs beneath us who can only enjoy their narrow slavic indo european nonsence languages? Though, it is highly unlikely, judging by your level, that you're the same as us. GTFO
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:16:45  188045327
Согласен с тобой паст перфект
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:16:57  188045338
How about savouring the utter superiority of us as human beings over those plebs beneath us who can only enjoy their narrow slavic indo european nonsence languages? Though, it is highly unlikely, judging by your level, that you're the same as us. GTFO
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:19:32  188045455
Почему не просто Today I got 5 ....
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:23:25  188045641
well, if you think that you're better than anyone who can not use English you'll speak with yourself totally alone. Yes my English skills not the best in this fuckin site but...tell if i do not give a fuck about this.
Much love, anon.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:25:21  188045719
Есть тонкая разница между Past Simple и Past Perfect
Я не смогу ее объяснить, потому что костноязычный уебок. Да и для русского человека это очень не привычно.
Однако если ты скажешь это в симпле это врядли будет ошибкой.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:26:42  188045778
Нет, я эту разницу как раз таки чувствую, и я бы никогда не сказал had gotten про оценку в школе, особенно будь я в штатах. Это скорее был риторический вопрос.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:28:17  188045857
The anonymity here distorts my perception of reality and I'm propelled to overcompensate for my ugliness and my mediocre sized weiner. I know that you're a very good person come to meet you in real life, anon. Take care.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:28:45  188045873
Dude, to be frank, you still have to admit that this "slavic nonsense language" you're talking about is actually based on some real foundation including latin too, by the way, and is not that nonsense after all. Although some sayings do not make any sense even to Russians
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:29:06  188045889
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>>188043340 (OP)
Hey everybody! It's Avicii. Check out my new single "Stories".

fuck!, it's fucking generic, I can't do it, sorry
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:29:36  188045912
Ну я бы сказал это в PP потому что мое субъективное мнение далее предыдущий пост мне уже сказал отчем мы будем говорить, а не пространно высказался о свой оценке.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:29:48  188045928
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>>188043340 (OP)
> Waddap 9gaggers!
> Maybe while the kids are in school it's the best time for an ENGLISH THREAD?
> The last one was shitty but maybe we'll get lucky with this one?
> Who knows.
> BTW it's the language of the wealthy white guys, you have no chance to leave that shitty country of yours without joining us, the English speaking majority.
> We're speaking the language of GODS here.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:29:51  188045930
You'll have to work on it man, it takes some practice, but you can try here!
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:31:34  188045995
Why are we talking about this in Russian? What's the point? It's an English Thread after all.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:33:06  188046062
To work on what?
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:33:34  188046082
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Пссс эй приятель, как насчёт вступить в православный клуб?
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:33:44  188046088
Well, it seems like there's not much talking happening here right now..
I'll give you a topic to talk about. Say Dance&Cringe threads, what are your thoughts on those?
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:34:20  188046110
окей...i'd say it with PP 'cause we know what we will be talking about next.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:35:03  188046136
Work on your English so it is not as generic as it is right now. Try in reply. Make it complex. Complicated. Contradictive. Whatever that means.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:35:30  188046154
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Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:35:30  188046156
hope you'll be in harmony with yourself.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:36:24  188046192
El Keko Topo
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:36:53  188046212
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>>188043340 (OP)
>We're speaking the language of GODS here
Back off, peasant.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:39:11  188046287
9gag is for normies
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:39:25  188046297
>>188043340 (OP)
Hey, tryna set myself up for the win
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:40:15  188046331
The language is as powerful as the people who speak it are and the amount of content they make. So, given that your language isn't that popular and widely used, and the content in this language is way outdated, I'd say the OP-post is true.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:43:10  188046442
Pure cancer, does anybody really visit those threads besides bots who created 'em?

The site s slowly dying, there's no more generic content and even fun is almost nonexcisting anymore.

I have a much better topic:

What do you guys think about prof. J. Peterson and some other prominent thinkers of the West nowadays? They're a part of so called "intellectual dark web" and I really enjoy their overall message. Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Joe Rogan and a few others are offering the fresh outlook on many topics, including religion, psychology and politics. If you haven't seen their lectures and whatnot, I'd definetely reccoment to check it out. It's going to widen your horizons.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:43:25  188046451
They are made by 15 yo.
15 yo can't make something interesting or catching. They can only create cringe ass threads.
Even bots create more interesting threads.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:44:21  188046481
>Ben Shapiro.
I know him! He's destroying libtards with facts and logic.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:45:42  188046539
It's really strange that their still not thrown out from /b/, pure cancer really
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:46:55  188046583
Yeah, Ben Shapiro is the real man. Like his views on abortion for example or male/white/whatever-privilege, it's so awesome to see actual people, humans who care about humanity these days.
I'd also suggest you check out Steven Crowder's YouTube channel, it's quite educating and fun too. The channel is LouderWithCrowder.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:50:52  188046728
I think it's absolutely useless shit if we talk about Russia, but anyway I prefer right wing than left cuckolds.
Also about this https://knife.media/intellectual-dark-web/
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:51:01  188046732
Never heard of him. I'll definitely check it out thank you, anon.
Seems like on the West almost everybody worth listening to is a conservative nowadays, eh?
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 15:58:29  188047065
Yeah, pretty much so. Leftists are all about inequality and stupid shit, and you can't even have a conversation about anything against their views, they just start screaming every time you try to discuss something with them.

The segment I really love on Steven's channel is Change My Mind vids. They are so inspiring, for example, "Rape Culture is a Myth" video of his opened my eyes on such a thing as girl saying she was raped, but never contacted the police.
It makes no sense if you think about it. Girls say they are raped and the environment on campuses is very hostile, those who "were raped" are ready to yell it to prove it to everyone, yet they rarely report perpetrators to the police to actually do something and prosecute them.
And you know why? Because most of the time they call "rape" every sex act that they regret later on.
For instance, if a girl were to have sex with someone while being drunk, she might regret it later. And drumroll call it rape later. Just because. Of course, she won't contact the police in that case: it was consensual.
But alas.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:02:57  188047272
When confronted and asked why they never contacted the police, these girls like to explain it as "they didn't want to talk about it, it was hard time, everyone would laugh, etc.", but then what else are they doing if not talking about it while walking around and yelling they were raped like crazy.

It's a shame such a tendency is here in Russia too, and one girl even tried to fool me into believing she was raped earlier.
I told her "let's go to the police". She never went. She lied she did, she said the police adviced her against filing a report. She lied.
Because she lied to me. Because she is just another thot.
Take care, anons!
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:07:29  188047468
The majority of US students apparently simply doesn't know shit about the 20th century. Our experience should've taught them a lot. Are they really appealed that much to the socialistic leftist ideas? How is that even possible when the USSR had clearly shown that equality of outcome had made everybody equally poor and miserable. You can feel what you want bout our Soviet past but I doubt you would claim it to be the best choice for building an efficient economy.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:07:41  188047475
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Comparing the languages that are one with the science, religion, arts and have thousands of years of history (and which ultimately have shaped our civilization) with some germanic dialect that only became popular about one and a half hundred years ago (french was all the rage before and could still very well be) and that has created hmm, just as much as non-english nations, well comparing those and calling english THE LANGUAGE OF GODS isn't very smart, don't you think?
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:12:46  188047704
True, you have a point, but English and the U.S. for me is and always will be the most ultimate superior thing ever existing, both for the language and for the nation.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:14:47  188047792
I've made it catchy and provocative only to attract you here, sweety.
I really can't deny the beauty and popularity of other languages.
And well frankly speaking, indeed I'm not a very smart person. But may I say that the IT revolution which happened in the last decade made English more than just an average language.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:19:03  188047986
shit, wrong post.

I've made it catchy and provocative only to attract you here, sweety.
I really can't deny the beauty and popularity of other languages.
And well frankly speaking, indeed I'm not a very smart person. But may I say that the IT revolution which happened in the last decade made English more than just an average language.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:21:49  188048094
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>U.S. for me is and always will be the most ultimate superior thing ever existing

Talk about undeserved love. Well, best of luck to you. Hope you guys won't launch missiles any time soon.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:24:44  188048205
Me bad no London. Пошёл на хуй
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:26:59  188048296
>undeserved love
What are you even talking about?
Look at all the U.S. technology advancements, movies of the last years, art, music. All the pharmaceutical factories and plants are in the U.S.
Talk about being superior in every aspect.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:33:09  188048544
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I was just half kidding as well. I myself adore Latin but do understand and respect English culture as well. For all the technological inventions and also for English'
simple grammar which doesn't require me to travel to Hell and back, unlike Latin haha.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:35:06  188048611
lots of kisses for you, sexy boi.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:38:12  188048753
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Same ;)
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:40:29  188048862
No kisses for me?
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:42:03  188048950
Only if you love Latin to the same extent as the anon above.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 16:44:00  188049042
I see. In that case, I'll politely decline the offer.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 17:10:40  188050254
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Are you laughing? English grammar which is really rude and, especially, English Spelling is an absolute shit mixed from rules of a whole list of languages, its illogical, and the language itself is extremely simplified and has poor expressive abilities, so combination of these characteristics makes English one of the worst highly spread Indo-European languages.

Look at Old English, it a real masterpiece, unlike its miserable heir. More than a half of its lexic consistf of non-germanic, latin, french, etc. words, grammar is quite a nonsense, you can't understand it, only learn by heart.

In fact, my favourite language is Deutsch, cause it reminds me of my native, Georgian language a bit with its way of creating new words and with its expressive power, but I also like Old Russian for its much greater grammar and rich lexic, but even modern Russian is not so bad as modern English.

By the way, Latin is the most easy-to-learn and grammarly logical language ive ever heard of, i really like it
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 17:33:55  188051273
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Your uneducated opinion is noted, sir.
English is an analytic language, hence its simple
but somewhat lacking grammar while Latin and (surprise) Old English were the synthetic ones. That means tons of hard to learn stuff: Declensions, Conjugations, Cases, Grammatical genders etc. Those cannot be possibly easier to learn than the Modern English with its only problem -- spelling being quite solvable.
And if you think that the absence of scientific terms and loaned words in a language is a good thing and
it used to be better with clubs and animal pelts then my condolences to you.
>By the way, Latin is the most easy-to-learn
Nope, it has all the problems any synth language has as described above.
>And grammarly logical language
True, but it just makes the learning a little bit easier.
Аноним 13/12/18 Чтв 18:02:45  188052625
Okay, maybe you are right, it can be subjectively easier for me because both Georgian and Russian, that are my native languages, are synthetic.

Топ тредов