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Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 18:48:57  119308134  
14574521372110.png (380Кб, 736x736)
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 18:50:49  119308348
Only English is allowed. Anybody who writes a single word in Russian gets his face pissed on.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 18:51:51  119308464
BUMP 1/10
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 18:52:30  119308533
>>119308134 (OP)
Паста с форчонга, не ведитесь.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 18:54:12  119308715
14574524523700.webm webm file (9575Кб, 800x450, 00:01:56)
14574524525641.webm webm file (9942Кб, 800x450, 00:01:52)
14574524527662.webm webm file (8963Кб, 800x450, 00:01:13)
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 18:55:09  119308813
14574525093170.webm webm file (47Кб, 492x360, 00:00:01)
>>119308134 (OP)
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 18:56:34  119308951
In his parlance I can sense a feeble note of Voronezh accent.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 18:58:19  119309161
BUMP 2/10
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 18:59:39  119309277
BUMP 3/10
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:02:26  119309556
BUMP 4/10
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:05:10  119309866
BUMP 5/10
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:05:40  119309933
>>119308134 (OP)
fuck you.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:06:01  119309973
14574531614020.png (329Кб, 505x730)
>>119308134 (OP)
>british flag
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:13:30  119310808
How can I level up my english skill from upper intermediate to advanced?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:14:17  119310885
If you were Upper Intermediate, you would know how.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:14:47  119310958
Can you just poshel nahuy ots'uda???
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:17:23  119311280
14574538438480.jpg (53Кб, 604x604)
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:18:26  119311405
Isn't it the same?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:23:51  119311978
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:26:10  119312263
BUMP 6/10
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:28:32  119312522
14574545127040.jpg (65Кб, 582x604)
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:29:40  119312659
BUMP 7/10
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:31:37  119312915
We're running out of bumps!

BUMP 8/10
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:32:46  119313065
Great Britain = country, 3 parts (scoolland, aleland, queenland). English = England = Queenland.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:33:04  119313099
>>119308134 (OP)
Hello, guys. How are you doing?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:33:06  119313102
What do we need english thread for anons?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:33:24  119313148
Дуинг грейт, ливинг он зе эдж.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:34:16  119313255
Who cares tho?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:35:12  119313367
ale-lovers. school-people. everyone but brits.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:35:30  119313396
On the edge of what?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:37:02  119313590
он зе эдж оф лайф, бро. Он зе эдж оф лайф.
Айм миннинг, джаст ливинг зе стайл Ай энжой, пушинг май лимитс ту зе макс.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:38:49  119313784
Well done then! Keep up living as you like and enjoy your existence!
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:40:07  119313949
Олл-райти. Вотс ап виз йор лайф, мэйт?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:40:55  119314044
Why are you writing in Cyrillics? It looks awful.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:42:56  119314314
Žust fǒr fůn, bró.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:43:23  119314362
My life is meaningless and existence for me is only a suffer. So i cant answer that question, br0.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:44:36  119314506
Wáj dů Ǔ ťhíňk sǒ?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:45:12  119314567
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:45:12  119314571
This one is even worse.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:45:32  119314618
Nah really, tell me why.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:45:55  119314668
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:46:28  119314739
How many of us are here? Must be three.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:46:52  119314783
me (cyrillyc/czech dude), mate with awful life, OP. Anybody else?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:46:57  119314794
Because i have no friends, only harkach with stupid threads and pussy-addicted fags.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:48:35  119314984
How russian pidirahen like me can learn pendosski jazyk?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:49:58  119315155
Simple and without any back think.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:50:26  119315214
Soo what? I don't have any friends either, I've got my university, and that's like the only place where I see new faces. (well.. and university parties as well; in place where I live there a LOT of erasmus students, and they throw parties once in a while, which are fun).
Your condition depends most of all on your mood, like you know, when you think your life's shit, your life becomes shit. You just should find something fun, and move on from 2ch and shit.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:51:21  119315333
If anybody wants to improve his Speaking/Listening skills? I invite you to join together via Skype where we can do a voice communication sometimes. By spending only 15 minutes per day we can greatly improve our skills. Who wants? Feel free to write on email yaglush@gmail.com
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:52:46  119315485
Do you think you actually need friends?
I, for one, haven't talked to anyone since I was in high school, and I'm fine with it. My brain starts forgetting how to pronounce words, it's really hard for me to say a sentence without stammering.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:52:49  119315490
you already understand the right sentence structure so don't worry just learn
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:53:07  119315531
Anglický je jednoduchý, potřebuješ jen číst 4chan a studijní materiály z slovníkem aby ho dobře umět. Ten začátek, co máš z střední, ti z tím pomůže.

Učil jsem angličtinu samostatné, a nejvíc slov znám z různých sci-fi knih.

I fucking hate czech keyboard mates.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:53:33  119315580
which languages?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:54:07  119315641
Ye, i agree. But i cant leave dvach yet, here is all my friends. Even though i dont like this place much, i will still stay for some time.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:54:31  119315683
Good idea but I'm too shy for that.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:54:52  119315721
Rucka Rucka Ali - batya odobryaet
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:55:19  119315767
>too shy for online communication
don't bullshit me asshole.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:55:31  119315787
a table
hu is absent

больше нихуя
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:55:39  119315801
>university parties
What? You go to parties? Sociowhore!
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:56:06  119315850
I think it will be quite difficult to find here exotic languages speakers
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:56:12  119315860
-who's absent, good sirs?
-table, crocodile and an apple
можешь простые диалоги уже составлять
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:56:46  119315937
yep I am.
The last one I've visited was language-themed btw, was quite fun.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:57:32  119316016
Well, you need some practise then. If you are unable to speak english in 2016 year, you should kill urself, pidoraha.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:58:54  119316164
Yeah, there are people like me.
Why are you surprised? It's 2ch, babe.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:59:06  119316180
It's ok I'm too. But I think the right way is not to care about the shame and other stuff when you try to achieve some goal.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 19:59:24  119316216

ты сам пидораха, картофан
анда ам ванна бройк у носе, вой? фок ю, зос вой
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:00:25  119316321
your nitrobutthurt is way too obvious, pidoraha.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:02:22  119316534

шата я фок ап, лойл скуман, думб, кант.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:03:36  119316645
What are you doing right now? I'm working from home but procrastinating a bit.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:04:24  119316727
I don't think I'll ever need speaking skills. I have nobody to talk to in Russian, let alone in English.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:05:14  119316824
Haha. Russian pleb. Dont try to act sarcastic. Without knowing such an easy language as English you become a rather stupid pidoraha-animal.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:08:19  119317151
>to don't know most light language in world
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:10:13  119317354
brit here
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:10:17  119317362
It's so fat it's even thin.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:10:35  119317401
proof lolka
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:11:32  119317499
Show us proofs, sir.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:13:47  119317739
14574572271930.png (579Кб, 1080x1920)
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:17:54  119318182
Thats a bad proof. We dont know when this screenshot was taken. Also you could just used proxy to forge your location.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:20:57  119318500
what proofs do you want
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:23:22  119318778
What up, lads?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:27:00  119319158
Pics of your room or belongings.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:29:44  119319468
Vocaroo something like "whuzzap 2ch I'm really brit ask your questions"
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:30:59  119319603
Russian 12yo voice with russky accent incoming (skrin`te)
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:32:58  119319822
Нихуя не понял,что за пидорское сборище?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:34:39  119320049
Hey, talk to me, i'm bored
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:35:58  119320196
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:36:08  119320215
Talking (typing) in english instantly makes us pidors? Have all english-speaking people you met been pidors? If so, I`m sorry for you.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:36:44  119320273
your timestamped power outlet
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:37:14  119320330
Something makes me think he's really brit. Look at >>119317739, the time is right (it was 17:12 in London), let's wait for more proofs. I think he's being truthful.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:37:54  119320400
How did you find the way here?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:38:57  119320507
How did you end up here? What happened to your life?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:39:27  119320558
Lol, you seem to be a real brit. How the fuck u reached this thread?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:40:01  119320630
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:40:16  119320656
russian 4chan anons mentioned it, so I checked it out and stayed for webm and fap threads
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:40:55  119320736
Why is it easier to find someone who speaks Russian in Israel than someone who atleast knows how to spell his name with latin letters?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:41:20  119320786
Do you understand stuff in webm threads? What do you think about russians?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:42:22  119320909
>webm and fap threads
This is why I left /b/, and you stayed for it
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:43:14  119321029
russians are cool, best posters on /int/

I understand most of it, but not the russian stuff of course
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:44:34  119321170
How does it feel to live in first-world country?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:45:35  119321280
You're a fucking genius. Srsly
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:46:49  119321417
Ficken englisch schweine.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:48:27  119321600
good I guess, but I have nothing to compare to
its probably not as easy/nice as you think it is
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:50:20  119321811
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:51:19  119321906
What do you think about Putin?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:51:23  119321912
You just didn't live in Russia.
I've moved to Europe a year ago, and i can say that it is just amazing. Especially when you have something to compare to (i've lived in Siberia all my life). It is just so much better in terms of level of life. I don't want to be rusophobic, but i can't help admitting the fact.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:51:55  119321983
Russia is a fucking disgusting shit country trust me. I wish i was born somewhere else, in europe or usa for example
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:53:06  119322129
Implying you can't escape from Russia. Only if there is no Russia in you of course.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:53:37  119322178
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:53:40  119322189
Lick him properly. He is a real stranger! Soon he will save you from that hell. He already building a house for u! Fag.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:53:42  119322194
I dont like you, go away fucktard
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:54:16  119322264
Szczałem ci w usta, kurwa.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:54:40  119322309
Anglais est merde))) 000
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:54:50  119322327
I cant yet. But i dream about that day.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:55:08  119322363
meine katze ist rot, mein mutter ist rot, ich bin funf jahre alt, schwarz, lila, danke
ich bin learning deutch for 3 years. THAT'S ALL FOLKS
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:57:43  119322642
conflicted, he's both good and bad

Where did you move to?

Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:57:45  119322645
You can't, actually, unless you:
- are rich enough to invest millions of dollars
- are at least rich enough to study abroad
- have supernatural language learning abilities
- have a european citizen to marry (Елена, не слушайте никого.jpg)
- have heritage and are able to prove it
Period. All the aforementioned methods require quite an effort to accomplish. Which your common b/tard is not capable of.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 20:59:13  119322840
Anything you're about to say about refugees is far from truth.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:00:50  119323029
>implying you are less misinformed by mass media than anybody else
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:01:49  119323127
I think Britain is a bit different to the rest of western europe tbh

I would rather live in somewhere like germany although it wouldn't make much of a difference in terms of life quality

britain is just a bit depressing, comparing to the rest of europe
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:06:03  119323588
Of course i am, i'm bloody living in the country.
I don't need no mass media, i see everything with my own eyes. The situation that russian mass media are trying to make up is happening, of course, maybe in some refugee camps (there are about a dozen in the whole country), but everywhere else — i see as much black and muslim people on the streets as in any other country. And it's not like they're stabbing everyone with a knife, shouting nasheeds and raping lolis.

Yeah, it kinda seems different, even though i haven't been to it (but plan to visit London for a week soon).
Is it true that the prices there are rather high too?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:07:23  119323735
"britain is just a bit depressing"
Why is that?
Also, always wanted to ask, what is your internet speed?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:13:06  119324336
14574607869300.png (31Кб, 300x135)
yes, prices are quite high

London doesn't really represent britain at all, especially central london

>Why is that?
I can't describe it, people on /int/ often make fun of britain too

our cities and towns are depressing, first world but depressing

>what is your internet speed?
in pic, but I pay for average copper internet
fibre optic is expensive here
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:15:04  119324555
>Which city does, then?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:25:54  119325792
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:29:09  119326174
Украiна цэ Пакiстан
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:30:16  119326320
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:35:25  119326934
14574621254110.png (351Кб, 450x600)
Hi guys. I'm a person who is very proficient in English, so you can ask me whatever you want.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:36:03  119327009
Care to provide any proofs?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:39:47  119327424
I'm sorry but I cannot understand whether your sentence is a question or a statement.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:40:39  119327524
Well, it has a question mark
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:41:44  119327646
"deft in" or "deft at"? Which is right?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:42:46  119327783
Right. However, I cannot find any question structure in you sentence. Can you help me with this?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:44:40  119328031
And now you'll provide anything that supports your words. Why in Soviet times people did emigrated from Russia, but now they can't? Ruble's value was shit then and its shit now, but back then they had no problems to run.
Look for jew roots, Luke. The Force will show you the path.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:46:26  119328244
Of course. Just put "do you" in the beginning of the sentence, and you're good to go. Although, there's nothing inherently wrong with not writing/saying that in colloquial speech.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:48:10  119328471
neither of those mean anything
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:49:45  119328671
Thanks for the explanation. By the way, how can I distinguish between "care" without "do you" and "care" meaning that you order me to care?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:50:46  119328807
Oh, they had tons of problems back then too, don't step on a slippery slope of idealising USSR.
People who fled to another countries were either scientists or writers. Well, or jews, yeah. Your common USSR citizen had no ways of leaving the country. Moreover, before 50s people who lived in villages couldn't move to a city and had special passports, different from those that people in cities had.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:51:23  119328881
Once again, question mark
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:53:17  119329118
>question mark
>colloquial speech
Are you kidding me, dude?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:53:53  119329195
it's a set expression
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:56:15  119329431
colloquial — (of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary

guess i'm not. unless they did away with punctuation in everyday speech lol
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:57:40  119329608
i lost to the technically ignorant faggot who can not swith language settings
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:58:47  119329748
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 21:59:28  119329832
My dad actually was riding through the borders for years trading goods in Poland, even was married on polish girl. But eventually decided to break up with her for my mom. Twenty years later I'm here, in Israel. Viae Domini imperceptae sunt.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:02:03  119330160
14574637237520.png (2Кб, 800x480)
>>119308134 (OP)
Dieser Handel wird von den Deutschen gefangen genommen. Deutsch am besten in der Welt, für alle Abweichler verließ die Sonderabteilung .
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:02:35  119330211
Sieg Heil!
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:03:26  119330312
14574638065980.jpg (86Кб, 682x1024)
Posoni, what is the difference among those statements:
- The process was started
- The process has been started
- The process got started
I do understand the difference between the first and the second ones, but do not understand their relationship to the third one.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:04:36  119330448
пиздите па русски заебали америкосы
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:05:32  119330544
Nahui idi, slavshit.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:06:08  119330612
"Past continuous", "Present perfect", "Past simple". Go and google that shit. You are welcome. Fuck you.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:07:49  119330803
I can't say shit about difference, but there's something common between them: they are all grammatically incorrect.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:08:25  119330868
I can't say shit about difference, but there's something common between them: they are all grammatically incorrect.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:09:09  119330948
They are correct, they just make no real sense.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:09:55  119331043
>The process was started
>"Past continuous"
Ti ohuel?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:10:23  119331090
>was started
>has been started
>got started
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:10:47  119331132
>they are all grammatically incorrect
What is wrong with them?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:11:59  119331271
What about it is invalid?
Once again, these are all correct. They just make no sense in conjunction with "the process".
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:12:20  119331315
so as i can there's a bunch of anons that are capable of expressing their thought in english quite easily, that's kinda cool. especially compared to yesterday's thread. what is your current level ppl?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:12:43  119331365
Word up peeps
Is there anybody here who has passed TOEFL?
I'll have to do it very soon and currently work on it training. The point is i noticed that it's freaking easy. So my question is - wtf?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:12:54  119331388

Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:13:43  119331476
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:15:30  119331688
No idea, m9. Where can I test that shit?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:15:36  119331706
>The process was started
It is past simple, dude.

So what is the difference, guys?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:16:47  119331841
idk. try to ask google-sensei.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:19:03  119332142
Oh. Well. You are right. Well shit, time to sleep then. For some reason I failed to notice that. Shit happens.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:20:16  119332310
>>119308134 (OP)
OP like suck dicks
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:21:05  119332420
Ok, i feel like i have to do it...
>The process was started
Wrong. You'd either want to say "the process had started", and then it'd be Past Perfect, or "the process has started", and then it'd be Present Perfect, or "the process was starting" (past continuous).
>The process has been started
You'd rather say "the process has been starting" (present perfect continuous)
>The process got started
What the actual fuck? Did you want to say "the process has started"?

I won't explain the difference between tenses in English to you though, just google it, there's a lot of material out there.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:21:21  119332454
> was started
it just was started and the exact time is not really important
> has been started
it was started a while ago and it's still ongoing / it just got finished
> got started
idk i think it's something extremely similar to the first one
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:21:53  119332535
my level is pre-intermediate, btw so i can't be sure about shit
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:23:15  119332712
Ебанутый не слышал о пассивном залоге.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:24:58  119332918
Fuck. Indeed. Sorry. Nevermind my previous post.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:26:14  119333053
Gus, what can you say about CAE and TOEFL in comparison?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:26:52  119333134
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Dude, didn't you think that some process can be started by someone, not by itself? I mentioned the first one saying "the process was started".

>I won't explain the difference between tenses
Alright. "was started" and "got started" are in the same tense (past simple). So what is the difference?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:29:27  119333477
what do you think about this one: >>119332454?

> "was started" and "got started"
i think there is no particular difference. maybe it has something to do with etiquette, politeness etc.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:29:35  119333495
Thanks man. Now I'm interested in more details of the difference between 1 and 3.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:31:21  119333711
Just nevermind it, i totally forgot about the passive voice.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:31:55  119333781
Alright. Thank you again. Look at what I found: https://www.englishforums.com/English/GetVsBe/xljch/post.htm
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:32:21  119333831
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Мы же взрослые люди - давайте просто достанем и померяемся.

Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:34:48  119334125
that's a complete bullshit.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:35:30  119334219
what is your level?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:35:44  119334252
Your skills are complete bullshit.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:36:51  119334379
well, that's simply cuz me level is pre-intermadiate
at least i don't usually forget about the existence of passive voice
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:36:57  119334394
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>>119308134 (OP)
London is the capital of Great Britian
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:37:05  119334415
ebal tebya fuck mother shieeet sage
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:37:07  119334420
> me
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:38:08  119334553
Go easy on him. Maybe he's Irish.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:38:23  119334591
It was me who forgot about it, not him, haha
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:39:41  119334759
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I usually confuse has and have, is and are. Am I a faggot because of this?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:41:17  119334968
Check yourself before you give lessons
I'm 90 percent sure that it's absolutely normal to use "a" before "bullshit" as "bullshit" in this case ain't unmeasureable subject but a representative of "cases"quantity.
Waht a failure! It's a complete misfortune. And so on
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:42:22  119335103
why do russian anons keep posting this? I see it on 4chan too
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:42:51  119335168
what on the earth did you do on 4chan?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:43:26  119335245
Cheeky breeky
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:45:32  119335533
i am >>119320196
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:45:40  119335556
I've dumb key
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:45:47  119335573
In fact, "bullshit" is an abstract notion. You can't have one or two bullshits, or different kinds of bullshit. So, "smth.'s a bullshit" sounds kinda bizarre.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:46:19  119335643
Все испортил
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:49:30  119336100
i usually confuse things without realizing i confused something lol. that's so uncool.
> Am I a faggot because of this?
lol. i think you know what i'm gonna say.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:49:30  119336103
Nah nah nah
"misfortune" is an abstract notion is well. The key point is not the abstract-real relationspis but the belonging to a group or the unicness or the uncountability
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:50:02  119336159
Belonging без the
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:50:23  119336204
Гляньте-ка, носитель языка пожаловал (нет)
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:50:39  119336249
сука подпиндосники ебаные, абу вам дал борду для общения на руSSком, а они суки не хотят на родном языке пиздеть. валите на форчан, быдло!
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:51:29  119336369
it's the most basic phrase we learn at school, so it displays that poster knows literally nothing other than this phrase. hope you get what i mean. i'm pretty bad at english.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:51:38  119336383

When one says "that's a misfortune", he means a single unfortunate event. In this sense, you can have, say, two misfortunes.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:51:58  119336420
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:53:16  119336578

Right as he did.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:54:17  119336711
i see, thanks
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:57:13  119337102
I've completed test and got a result about 9500 words. Am I faggot or not? Can't u help me teach more words (not cyka,blyat,cheekybreeky pls)? I need an analogue of 20 words per day. I'll give u a tip as usual
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:58:29  119337262
> 9500
hope you realize you don't actually know this much, right?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 22:59:42  119337425
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:00:22  119337519
>Your total vocabulary size is estimated to be:
>10,700 words
Feels batman. Studying English for 11 years now, last 2 years living in the country where my only option to communicate is English. Btw, the IELTS table of skill level definition for C1 says something like "is able to express and opinion and restore the conversation thread in case of misunderstanding". I think its totally about me, what are my chances to pass the test for atleast C1 if I'm totally retarded and can't have a grasp of these times' gramatics and stuff but able to communicate with native speakers?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:00:42  119337579
i mean to say that the test is extremely inaccurate and it marks all the synonyms and other related words as if you know them as well, but in reality you don't
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:01:08  119337643
For starters, go through that test and write down all the words you don't know (with definitions and synonyms)
That should help
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:01:37  119337702
ofc, that's why I asked for help to learn more words. But Im too lazy to keep in mind it. I need app or smth like that. Well, I know most of basic phrase verb and sentences that u could use in dialogue but seems that's not enough
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:01:51  119337735
m8,where the fuck you live?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:03:01  119337885
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:03:22  119337936
>an opinion
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:03:48  119338005
check ABBYY Lingvo and Anki out. you have an option to create your own cards with words or download them. think it's pretty useful.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:05:03  119338167
Already done.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:08:17  119338566
>>119308134 (OP)
Хелоу хаваю?
Вхуй из ондъюти тудэй?
Ай эм ондьюти тудей
Май енглиш из вери велл.

Bolshe nichego ne znaiy
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:10:53  119338826
man i'm way too lazy. i haven't really studied english in a proper way ever. it goes quite smoothly when i have to read/listen to english speech (basically, songs and movies, i'm not really sociable to hang out with people), but when it comes to writing/speaking i suck pretty hard. пассивное владение языком, я могу прочитать несложную книгу и будет окей, вижу слово - сразу знаю, что оно значит, но когда нужно писать самому - не могу вспомнить слова, даже самые распрстранённые, вообще. такой дикий контраст, пиздец.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:17:41  119339591
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:19:24  119339810
The fuck you need IELTS? Pass TOEFL, m8
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:22:40  119340222
Sucks to be you, m8. It is assumed by default that anyone older than 18 has at least mediocre communication skills. So fucking funny to see how people strugle to say a simple phrase. LOL
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:24:54  119340516
I'm just curious, I don't know shit about them. What is the difference?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:25:15  119340558
nigger nigger nigger

native speaker passing by
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:27:51  119340896
No idea, just passed TOEFL 2 years ago. It was quite difficult and exhausing, and I doubt IELTS is different.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:33:00  119341542
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I'm laughing so hard, seeing russian riffraff miserably struggling with their english skills.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:35:55  119341949
why are so mean? someone prevented you from jerking off on poorly animated guys with japanese voices? could it be it, by any chance?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:36:11  119341989
are you
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:42:45  119342854
>why are so mean?
Ok I won't bully anymore.
>someone prevented you from jerking off on poorly animated guys with japanese voices?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:43:07  119342905
Will Will Smith smith?
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:43:08  119342907
Я смеяться так трудно, смотря русский голь перекатная [кабацкая] несчастно в бедственном положении с их английский навыками.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:44:01  119343019
пошел нахуй
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:44:12  119343040
i hardly know hiragana, dude. not to mention kanji and katakana. and i won't bother using google translate.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:45:47  119343249
i translated it after all
> アニメのこと興味がないぞ。
> I am not interested in that anime.
sounds like excuse.
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:46:57  119343398
an excuse
Аноним 08/03/16 Втр 23:48:01  119343540
No excuses, just saying that I don't watch mongolian porn cartoons.

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