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Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:37:42 2110601121
03aaf21ac6957aa[...].jpg (382Кб, 2048x2048)
1227768[2].jpg (73Кб, 1200x675)
15772118004970[[...].jpg (13Кб, 235x290)
AnneHathaway(cr[...].png (397Кб, 526x663)
Знаменитостей, которые тебе нравятся, тред
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:39:22 2110602252
image.png (117Кб, 201x300)
image.png (770Кб, 540x720)
image.png (2683Кб, 857x1280)
image.png (930Кб, 770x699)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:40:15 2110602823
Подписывайте хоть своих зумерш.
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:43:10 2110604704
>>211060112 (OP)

Возьми всратку 3/10 и одень её как эти шлюхи - эффект будет тот же.
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:45:19 2110606155
nav.jpg (74Кб, 740x433)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:45:56 2110606576
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:46:22 2110606867
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:46:39 2110607038
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:47:22 2110607429
76419549-F0A5-4[...].jpeg (76Кб, 564x1003)
35682D8B-B537-4[...].png (2340Кб, 1242x1524)
CA2C7BAC-18B4-4[...].jpeg (48Кб, 740x490)
С одного треда уже выгнали меня сегодня
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:49:25 21106085910
drew-7-of-21.jpg (517Кб, 900x1125)
Gl-89lSMSDQ.jpg (390Кб, 1077x1346)
241252198906758[...].jpg (78Кб, 1080x1160)
443782841700663[...].jpg (80Кб, 721x901)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 21:50:14 21106092311
Сейчас веник обоссу и тоже побежишь.
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 22:01:47 21106167712
15784228435020.jpg (210Кб, 564x1003)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 22:05:18 21106188313
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 22:18:03 21106257214
image.png (232Кб, 480x320)
image.png (1616Кб, 1200x831)
image.png (128Кб, 318x320)
image.png (168Кб, 268x320)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 22:18:57 21106262715
Максим Галкин залогинься
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 22:20:20 21106272116
image.png (1042Кб, 1200x900)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 22:29:36 21106315417
15784246835390.png (208Кб, 480x320)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 22:42:26 21106380218
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:02:58 21106505519
Стикер (63Кб, 428x512)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:22:49 21106637020
tumblrp0m62aZ3L[...].png (349Кб, 472x571)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:26:57 21106666921
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:29:54 21106689322
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:31:15 21106698423
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:31:35 21106701024
15091430184230.jpg (368Кб, 1197x777)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:36:27 21106732825
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:43:57 21106782426
002.jpg (332Кб, 1512x2000)
35623d3a0ca46c8[...].jpg (94Кб, 714x1000)
244e09fc94be398[...].jpg (72Кб, 1080x1080)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:49:43 21106820227
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:50:41 21106826528
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:50:47 21106827329
15745889713310.jpg (303Кб, 582x823)
Лесли, ты тут?
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:53:50 21106849630
2c4e10d685dbd86[...].gif (670Кб, 160x160)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:53:55 21106850231
Dracula-leslie-[...].jpg (105Кб, 500x400)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:54:06 21106851232
1363610058671.jpg (637Кб, 1996x3000)
Вторую нигде кроме Сумерек не видел.
Она снимается?
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:54:49 21106855533
15655413668250.jpg (45Кб, 1000x706)
Мрачные-картинк[...].jpeg (7753Кб, 3464x4803)
Я шёл по дороге и слушал КОРОЛЕЙ, как вдруг увидел, что на асфальте недалеко от меня зашевелилась крышка канализационного люка. Кто-то пытался её вытолкнуть изнутри и падал туда вниз, как будто хотел, чтобы люк взорвался и канализационные воды вырвали его оттуда вместе с ним. Я подбежал к нему и остановился. И оттуда, из-под земли, рванул жёлто-коричневый фонтан нечистот. На гребне этой "волны" выбросило и ремонтника канализации, которого я сперва принял за огромный кусок говна. Сейчас я не помню точно, кто был ремонтник, я просто помнил этого человека – из-за его мускулистой спины, от которой веяло силой. Он упал на землю недалеко от места аварии, застонал и закашлял, а затем упал навзничь. Весь он, с ног до каски на голове, был облит дриснёй, жидким поносом и мочой. Я подошёл и протянул ему руку. Я заметил, что он сразу же в ней вцепился мёртвой хваткой – я даже не сразу понял, что она у него есть. При первой же попытки сжатия-разжатия ног у несчастного изо рта хлынули соки говн, даже нет - он блевал говном. На минуту я остановился и следил за происходящим, и когда уже собирался идти дальше, вдруг услышал приглушённо играющие знакомые звуки. Кто это играл в такие неожиданные моменты? Я почему-то сразу же вспомнил о "Гименее", которую помнил каждый вечер с той самой минуты... Слесарь засуетился и попытался залезть к себе в карман. Вытряхнув оттуда несколько кусков говна, он с трудом достал свой звонящий телефон, весь покрытый дриснёй, издающий эти звуки. Меня удивила его сверхчеловеческая реакция. Я прислушался, звуки стали слышнее. И тут я вспомнил, что это была за песня на телефоне - "Bad guy". Я хлопнул его по спине и сказал: "Берегись! Берегись!
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:55:59 21106862634
42bbcea3f25616a[...].jpg (466Кб, 772x1021)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:56:30 21106866435
ad9.gif (1669Кб, 540x300)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:57:05 21106870836
D6CBC6CD-63AB-4[...].jpeg (116Кб, 1206x1500)
5007B9F3-045B-4[...].jpeg (73Кб, 960x960)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:57:48 21106875037
163c53cc81037da[...].jpeg (104Кб, 641x1096)
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:57:53 21106875338
В щелкунчике снималась. Алсо в сумерках засветились нехуйственные актеры - Дакота няша и Паттинсон.
Аноним 07/01/20 Втр 23:58:57 21106883439
1578430705255.jpeg (38Кб, 1056x1056)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:00:04 21106891940

Как интересно, продолжай
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:02:20 21106905341
А разве нет? Сумерки стебали все кому не лень, а по итогу они чуть ли не кузницей талантов оказались лол. Сюарт и Патинсон стали популярными и значимыми актерами.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:02:22 21106905842
robert-pattinso[...].jpg (155Кб, 600x742)
Учитывая что он провалилися с треском, в крупные проекты будут звать редко.
>Дакота няша и Паттинсон
О да, и Брайс Даллас Ховард тоже няша, пока не начала бегать от динозавров.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:03:21 21106911943
7659ab7a843a0ef[...].gif (1368Кб, 245x245)
Ладно, я прочитаю это, но потом, харашо?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:03:29 21106912744
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:03:38 21106914445
9B1AB4EB-AEBB-4[...].jpeg (139Кб, 800x1066)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:03:50 21106915546
6fO-RBW0Ors.jpg (225Кб, 1033x1080)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:04:09 21106917147
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:04:21 21106918448
1выс.jpg (218Кб, 362x375)
15277083570250.jpg (72Кб, 734x685)
15676117357073.jpg (22Кб, 548x417)
эмма лягуха.jpg (285Кб, 640x515)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:04:30 21106919849
15667314419152.png (466Кб, 906x1080)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:05:21 21106924450
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:07:21 21106936951
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:07:57 21106940652
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:07:59 21106940953
n39e7kefzgcy.jpg (101Кб, 967x1063)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:08:51 21106945454
15777990719902.jpg (385Кб, 2731x4200)
1176298504showv[...].jpg (167Кб, 900x675)
>>211060112 (OP)
Квинтэссенция говна - это, несомненно, Билли Эйлиш. Что это? Предсмертное усилие ума? Вряд ли. Как бы это выразиться… Это попытка создать кайф от сексуального возбуждения - как наркотик. Короли смотрят на её песни как на говно, поигрывая блестящими от вазелина могучими мускулами, пытаясь победить мрачную тоску и раскрепощенность, которые охватывает и их собственная сексуальная возбудимость. Лишь Короли спасают /b/ от Билли Эйлиш, лишь Короли священным огнём выжигают это тупое говно. Но что такое религиозное чувство, как не красный пепел говна?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:09:13 21106947355
вот бы мне так на лицо подливой бы ебнула.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:09:22 21106948156
file.gif (1166Кб, 245x140)
Люблю представлять что я прихожу к ней в номер и она изображает девственницу недотрогу для меня...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:09:44 21106950357
Баба для секса, хули тут пиздеть про своих няш стесняш
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:11:24 21106961258
1578431452423.jpeg (77Кб, 1317x956)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:11:51 21106964059
эта недотрога с половиной флориды уже перееблась оттого и взлет ракетой пошел у этой всратки
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:13:00 21106971260
0MTV-EMAs-2019-[...].jpg (57Кб, 615x923)
3ea46f8259fc3b2[...].jpg (430Кб, 3000x1997)
14f4e433cb195e6[...].jpg (33Кб, 540x533)
511811-800w.jpg (123Кб, 800x1044)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:13:00 21106971361
cTXCvFYhCg.jpg (45Кб, 604x408)
Раньше было лучше. Пусть теперь эпизоды для душного Мандалорца за две копейки снимает.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:13:38 21106974862
6wuRm702NkI.jpg (190Кб, 1045x1080)
Потому и фантазия интереснее.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:13:48 21106976263
Вот вижу прям вторая воняет потярой и немытой пиздой с душком
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:14:12 21106978764
В чём отличие от первой, кста?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:14:23 21106980065
Каждый видит то что он хочет
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:15:01 21106985866
15740284407020.png (690Кб, 852x1180)
А ещё я вот что хочу сказать, Лесли.
Однажды в прекрасный день я встретил тебя и это было так неожиданно, что все в моем мире перевернулось вверх дном. Я никогда не забуду увиденное. Скажи, ты действительно принцесса? Ты гордая и великая? С каждым постом я проникался твоим глубоким внутренним миром, узнавал много нового и интересного, и вот я снова вижу тебя на свободе, во всех подробностях… Ну, хоть разок увиливай от ответа… Скажи честно, ты принцесса? Ты можешь?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:15:04 21106986267
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:15:32 21106989668
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:15:40 21106990669
Так и знал что это какая то психиатрическая хуйня
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:16:18 21106995270
Ну с кем-то она явно еблась, а про взлет карьеры - толстота. Она с детства в кино играет как и ее сестра, и с детства же стала любимецей.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:16:29 21106996871
Да бля я уезжаю отдыхать, наконец-то отпуск давали))
Лечись дружок
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:16:48 21106998972
15745560926650.gif (927Кб, 500x260)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:17:19 21107001773
загружено.png (5Кб, 299x168)
Хотел бы быть самым лучшим и богатым боксером в мире, а она была бы моей тянкой. Мы бы ходили по кафешкам, я бы слушал ее пустые разговорчики, целовал бы ее, няшил, она бы пела мне своим милым голоском...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:18:09 21107008274
Хуле вы все в /fag/ не пойдете? Он для вас блять и создан.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:18:17 21107009075
sample8157c5b1d[...].png (418Кб, 850x1133)
Блин. Прости. Больше не буду.
А на вопрос ответишь?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:18:17 21107009176
jenniferlawrenc[...].jpg (249Кб, 829x1000)
Jennifer-Lawren[...].jpg (105Кб, 1242x957)
jenniferlawrenc[...].jpg (50Кб, 768x1024)
Jennifer-Lawren[...].jpg (155Кб, 768x1024)
Очевиднейшая самка для траха. Таких что сейчас ебут, что в каменном веке.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:18:50 21107013377
1d0ae13dc444605[...].jpg (15Кб, 320x367)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:19:21 21107017178
Потому что пошол нахуй!
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:19:22 21107017679
Вот шипка с детства играет в кино вместе с олдом, а эта мразь после хуйтриера взлетела или кто там заснял помойный высер неоновый демон
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:19:46 21107020380
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:19:49 21107020581
D16BA31F-E524-4[...].jpeg (144Кб, 800x980)
0F8299DE-E484-4[...].jpeg (117Кб, 700x933)
9B2CDC90-6B62-4[...].jpeg (102Кб, 700x933)
Отдал бы пол жизни, чтобы быть ночь с Дженифер вот с такой прической
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:20:22 21107024882
152211233e332fa[...].jpg (712Кб, 1920x1080)
Квинтэссенция говна - это, несомненно, Билли Эйлиш. Что это? Предсмертное усилие ума? Вряд ли. Как бы это выразиться… Это попытка создать кайф от сексуального возбуждения - как наркотик. Пыталась? Пыталась, хотела. И добилась своего. Почему? Вряд ли это слово может подходить к испытываемой ею похоти. То, что заставило ее начать эту процедуру, оказалось сильнее всего на свете… Скорее это напоминало наркотическое опьянение. Все это было невероятно.

Надо ли говорить, что Короли одобряют полное уничтожение этой скверной бесталанной мрази? Не говоря уж о том, что она сама сможет забыть о том, что было с ней раньше. И жить дальше как ни в чем не бывало. По-другому она и не будет. Эх… Куда делись той весной земные розы, птицы и все остальное?! Все ушло в прошлое.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:21:29 21107032083
Бля я в ахуе, ну реально, вы вообще осознаете что у человека вообще нет жизни, ну я сейчас даже не шучу, он просто сидит в б и постит металистов 80-х ебать, там же стул уже пропержен насквозь, займись собой, хватит заниматься ебатиной анон
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:22:07 21107036384
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:22:29 21107039185
15631361805740.jpg (31Кб, 335x500)
Я потом почитаю и отвечу, ладно? Я медленно читаю.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:22:56 21107042686
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:23:48 21107048187
AthleticVagueGr[...].gif (4140Кб, 480x480)
Bryce-Dallas-Ho[...].jpg (92Кб, 579x861)
g7k0n0f9jrg11.png (398Кб, 853x481)
XFzC4dG.jpg (46Кб, 859x1080)
Сил уже никаких нет дрочить
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:24:37 21107052288
15667314419090.png (439Кб, 600x600)
Я понял.
Ты издеваешься надо мной. За то я примусь за тебя всерьез. Люблю я тебя, Сара. Это я тебе точно говорю. Прости.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:26:51 21107065589
Ее на дваче стали форсить после демона. Она с трех лет играет, и в Вавилоне и в Бенджамине баттоне например снималась. Алсо малифисента вышла раньше демона на года два-три, и уже на тот момент она была принцессой.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:26:56 21107066490
15745556713780.gif (1000Кб, 500x260)
Я не могу сейчас, что ты неуемный такой! Я занята! И я не Сара!
Потом поговорим!
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:27:00 21107066991
71VHjOy0hsQ.jpg (118Кб, 634x743)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:27:48 21107071792
По всему же видно - душная баба. Жопа наверно тепла выделяет как советская батарея.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:28:09 21107074093
image.png (1404Кб, 1180x730)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:29:37 21107082194
15740290088190.png (630Кб, 1030x900)
> Я не могу сейчас, что ты неуемный такой
Спать мне надо идти.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:30:30 21107087095
019.jpg (81Кб, 1920x1080)
08/01/20 Срд 00:31:33 21107092096
08/01/20 Срд 00:32:05 21107096397
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:33:02 21107103098
Вот только не пизди что не полизал бы звезде пизду.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:33:35 21107106799
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:36:15 211071225100
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:38:28 211071358101
Ну полизал может быть, есть ее новые фото?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:38:29 211071361102
107.jpg (126Кб, 1920x1080)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:39:03 211071396103
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:41:12 211071532104
15750104840333.jpg (375Кб, 707x1000)
Билли Эйлиш. Как много в этих двух словах. Деградация, чревоугодие, заблудшие умы. Подумайте, ведь эти юные существа — муляжи. Однако ими пользуются…» Не верится, что это правда. Похоже на любовь с первого взгляда. Я словно спускаюсь в нижний мир — только вместо земли и звезд надо мной остаются сознание и печаль.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:41:57 211071582105
sample8157c5b1d[...].png (418Кб, 850x1133)
Не беспокойся за меня. Не бойся. Но когда один человек почтил меня своим вниманием, это один раз. Понимаешь? Это не имеет ничего общего с тобой… Ты просто часть этой истории.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:42:49 211071622106
Ну да , так новые фото есть?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:43:15 211071652107
Ебать он ебанутый, это самый ебанутый долбаеб из всех что яв идел
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:43:48 211071684108
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:45:00 211071757109
tenor.gif (2771Кб, 498x280)
Ну что ты такой сердитый человек то. Разве так можно? Я же ей объяснить хотел, только она мне в ухо такой перловкой нахамила…. Ну чего ты, Анечка, опять? И есть-то ничего не будешь?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:47:12 211071920110
21EF164A-C4F9-4[...].jpeg (1054Кб, 1627x2500)
Огого вот эти сисяндры я бы помацал, ох хороша кабыла
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:47:21 211071930111
Без названия (2).jpg (9Кб, 254x199)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:47:38 211071951112
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:49:36 211072063113
Ты че черт вонючий? Я посвящён в двачера, так что могу хуесосить кого хочу! Так вот ты - дурак ненормальный.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:51:56 211072199114
7FB4F0D8-6FAE-4[...].jpeg (39Кб, 600x500)
Ахах нашёл вот про тебя
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:55:08 211072394115
Тессы нет.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:55:27 211072420116
6825AE54-0E5D-4[...].jpeg (66Кб, 450x751)
910C0143-E60B-4[...].jpeg (115Кб, 540x960)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:56:55 211072520117
DC6542A0-C928-4[...].jpeg (156Кб, 900x1200)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:56:57 211072524118
010.jpg (117Кб, 1920x1080)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:58:07 211072599119
1578074438933.jpg (396Кб, 1440x1799)
a75d3da63750764[...].jpg (41Кб, 553x983)
Camila-Cabello-[...].jpg (306Кб, 900x1492)
camila-cabello-[...].jpg (107Кб, 960x540)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:58:25 211072624120
Все помнят, как пару тредов назад ты ныл о том, что троноблядей рядом нет. Или в отказуху уйдешь?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 00:59:54 211072741121
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:00:19 211072780122
349.jpg (149Кб, 1280x720)
Я даже не знаю персонажей, что в том посте упоминались.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:01:00 211072827123
Ну аватарка-то у тебя как у одного из из подлиз, и реакция больно острая для левого чела.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:01:36 211072864124
1442779571648.png (1817Кб, 1000x993)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:02:08 211072895125
изображение.png (427Кб, 600x300)
Какой-то куколдотред. Какие-то ноунейм бабищи хуй пойми откуда.
Хотя нет, даже не так. Все их скорее всего видели в фильмах, но они тупо не запоминающиеся вообще ничем.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:04:13 211072993126
354.jpg (194Кб, 3840x2160)
Не знаю, о чём ты, но моя аватарка уникальна и о тронотреде я тут вообще не высказывался никогда.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:05:43 211073063127
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:09:18 211073259128
1wJdVvqotY.jpg (171Кб, 1280x852)
пости не ноунейм, тут тред знаменитостей в целом.
хорошо, тебе персональный привет, пидор.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:14:21 211073587129
изображение.png (3175Кб, 1500x836)
>пости не ноунейм
Сейчас подумал и вообще из всех актрис за всю историю кино только ее могу считать "не ноунейм".
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:17:34 211073802130
>хорошо, тебе персональный привет, пидор.
Тупая карафажина не может определиться, кто она - пидор или баба.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:17:37 211073804131
3ba265af-53b1-4[...].jpg (1398Кб, 3712x2088)
давай тогда еще Мэрил Стрип запостим?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:19:12 211073901132
боже иди штыняй в другом месте, бичара
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:20:27 211073972133
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:22:16 211074078134
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:22:17 211074080135
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:30:17 211074578136
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:33:02 211074754137
d9g48lt-73e2c9a[...].jpg (153Кб, 1200x800)
ergoproxyrelmay[...].jpg (100Кб, 1280x853)
relmayerbymiram[...].jpg (146Кб, 1600x1083)
ergoproxybusydo[...].jpg (240Кб, 1200x800)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:38:30 211075078138
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:39:57 211075147139
samplebd06dd8d2[...].jpg (156Кб, 850x809)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:40:40 211075192140
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:40:55 211075209141
DwllOheX4AEWM-A.jpg (206Кб, 1200x1200)
Без названия.jpg (98Кб, 1024x768)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:41:56 211075271142
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:42:03 211075275143
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:43:19 211075353144
f-45.jpg (46Кб, 1080x720)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:43:24 211075359145
Могут же у людей вкусы сходиться
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:43:42 211075378146
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:44:07 211075404147
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:44:23 211075419148
tHRba8ydEzc.jpg (135Кб, 682x1024)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:46:12 211075534149
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:46:17 211075538150
image.png (682Кб, 1200x675)
Мандалорианец в треде, все на Корусант.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:46:39 211075564151
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:47:17 211075599152
maxresdefault ([...].jpg (47Кб, 1280x720)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:48:32 211075676153
IvankaTrump34.jpg (80Кб, 715x1024)
IvankaTrump7.jpg (101Кб, 634x789)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:49:04 211075706154
1166242976.jpg.jpg (172Кб, 1400x1400)
bb8c606aa378289[...].jpg (71Кб, 772x1024)
ce60c770303861.[...].jpg (1087Кб, 1200x1800)
695841934027395[...].jpg (194Кб, 1080x1080)
Боец ММА - Хабиб Нурмагомедов
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:50:10 211075767155
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:50:11 211075768156
Вот это уже мировой супертяжеловес среди всех девочек из треда.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:50:47 211075802157
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:50:55 211075812158
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:53:45 211075976159
brie larson.jpg (31Кб, 268x270)
cara delevinge.jpg (45Кб, 500x532)
cara2.jpg (33Кб, 709x616)
kristen stuart.jpg (31Кб, 354x443)
вот эти
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:55:16 211076054160
1432922938384.jpg (711Кб, 1363x2048)
как там поживает брифаг интересно, как же его шпыняли беднягу, даже из ридонли было больно смотреть.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:56:03 211076091161
чемпион.jpg (132Кб, 1080x1080)
inx960x640.jpg (123Кб, 960x639)
великий боец.jpg (46Кб, 1020x649)
QecI9eyy.jpg (57Кб, 689x517)
Мощный борец из Дагестана☝️☝️☝️
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:56:35 211076119162
Untitled.png (1156Кб, 897x683)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:57:02 211076142163
uzn1474366284.jpg (13Кб, 560x356)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:58:02 211076203164
Какая Карочка все же шмара внешне стала, раньше была няшей, почему так.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:58:16 211076216165
131616253713160[...].jpg (145Кб, 862x1222)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:58:42 211076238166
тот что летом срал и которого банили на 2 месяца по подсети? эт я, как видишь я до сих сру в актрисо треде, как бри в августе нашла нового бойфренда, я перестал сильно фажить по ней да и надоело, вот еще и другие акрисы начали нравится, особенно кара
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 01:59:12 211076261167
FSH-15770964081[...].jpg (382Кб, 2560x1440)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:03:39 211076499168
Постьте уже быстрее
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:04:17 211076529169
125453381860414[...].jpg (29Кб, 480x600)
я уже туда не захожу. и да, вряд ли это ты, либо тебе лоботомию сделали.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:05:20 211076571170
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:05:48 211076590171
найс пикча. нет, это внатуре я, возможно я стал более спокоен
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:06:40 211076629172
InstaSave (61Кб, 552x552)
> Кара так себе

Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:06:55 211076642173
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:07:32 211076676174
image.png (153Кб, 501x190)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:08:21 211076714175
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:13:50 211076968176
чего бля

сначала фажил по бри ларсон, теперь переключаюсь на кару :3
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:15:35 211077048177
FSH-15770964088[...].jpg (527Кб, 2560x1440)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:16:58 211077114178
Пости самую любимую свою фотку Кары
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:18:25 211077178179
>чего бля

У тебя что то щека выпирает, проверь чё там.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:20:19 211077264180
tumblrmen48gUqh[...].jpg (79Кб, 635x450)
ты стал более туп, раз в сто. как называли бри в муваче?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:31:02 211077771181
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:31:17 211077790182
FSH-15770964112[...].jpg (236Кб, 2560x1440)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:32:46 211077883183
кабина выливает[...].mp4 (3280Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:14)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:37:54 211078176184
15782389879820.mp4 (1515Кб, 406x720, 00:00:14)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:39:03 211078235185
15783426034500.mp4 (10373Кб, 720x1280, 00:00:25)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:40:18 211078294186
Что-то обоссаннее мановара на форс не нашлось? Скучнее говнометалла не слышал
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:40:42 211078311187
гитара.jpg (144Кб, 960x960)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:41:15 211078332188
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:45:25 211078520189
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:45:33 211078523190
Ебать она концерты на стримах устраивала, интересно рили ебнутая или за бабки так играла
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:47:01 211078592191
08/01/20 Срд 02:47:30 211078618192
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:47:48 211078629193
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:48:07 211078640194
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:48:31 211078658195
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:48:34 211078661196
Куя бомбит
08/01/20 Срд 02:48:52 211078681197
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:49:09 211078699198
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:49:26 211078713199
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:49:48 211078733200
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:50:06 211078748201
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:50:46 211078781202
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:51:11 211078808203
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:51:44 211078838204
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:52:13 211078868205
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:52:36 211078884206
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:52:56 211078908207
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:53:18 211078933208
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:53:34 211078947209
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:53:50 211078958210
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:54:06 211078966211
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:54:27 211078981212
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:54:55 211079001213
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:55:12 211079011214
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:55:42 211079036215
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:55:59 211079057216
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:56:18 211079067217
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:56:34 211079084218
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:56:51 211079102219
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:57:07 211079123220
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 02:57:33 211079142221
29477135c50abb4[...].jpg (67Кб, 700x1049)
33d63f89b4ffea5[...].jpg (66Кб, 950x850)
4448ba0b834f49d[...].jpg (54Кб, 498x1000)
08/01/20 Срд 02:57:33 211079144222
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:57:55 211079161223
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:58:12 211079180224
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:58:35 211079197225
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:58:56 211079223226
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:59:13 211079241227
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:59:35 211079259228
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 02:59:54 211079278229
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 03:00:23 211079303230
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:01:32 211079357231
ED3uQ8eX4AE9BRM[...].jpg (211Кб, 961x1200)
Хули Лану забыли пидоры?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:02:05 211079373232
1.jpg (157Кб, 1200x1800)
2.jpg (156Кб, 1080x1350)
3.jpg (93Кб, 960x1200)
44.jpg (526Кб, 2289x1421)
недавно начал сохнуть по ней, не сказать что прям пиздец сохну, пока ни один фильм не смотрел и не планирую, всякие интервьюшки тоже нет, просто ее фотки смотрю с разных ее фан аккаунтов, так что много чего с ней не видел, но пусть пока что будут вот эти 5 фото

понял к чему, так ты обоснуй почему она так себе, а не отвечай как даун "ыыыыы защеку тебе сделал, проверяй ЫыЫы"

так я специально в актрисаче так пишу, недотролленг штоли, хз,
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:02:24 211079397233
image.jpeg (1448Кб, 2586x3744)
nb5v6612l1f11.jpg (128Кб, 1536x2048)
GettyImages-948[...].jpg (488Кб, 1200x1800)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:02:45 211079417234
FSH-15770964119[...].jpg (485Кб, 2560x1440)
08/01/20 Срд 03:02:56 211079421235
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 03:03:24 211079441236
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 03:03:45 211079460237
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:03:46 211079462238
Была норм пока в феминизм не ебанулась и всю сопутствующую хуету
08/01/20 Срд 03:04:07 211079480239
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 03:04:28 211079503240
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 03:04:53 211079521241
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 03:05:13 211079527242
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 03:05:30 211079543243
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:05:50 211079563244
08/01/20 Срд 03:05:59 211079571245
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
08/01/20 Срд 03:06:40 211079608246
Napalm Death - [...].webm (17601Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Previous times you stuck by me
Relations fine undeniably
Mutual trust and honesty
The essential recipe
There's two sides to a coin
Opinions numbered many
Yet resolve came with ease
Compromised and regret free
The change of expression
A unit of friends and the chance to be free
Your thoughts on these cast a jealous light
A consensus of hate to accompany
A vindictive acid taste
Flows from your chalice
Valued friendships tainted
Martyr of malice
Then the final straw
Violent intimidation
Your self acclaimed pacification
Brushed aside for self-gratification
Blatant ignorance
Martyr of malice
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:07:46 211079659247
o-o.png (735Кб, 746x1036)
Она косплеит Джолин из жожы?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:08:08 211079673248
кара разве феминистка? чет не особо слышал про это, так вот почему у нее в инсте много фем постов
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:08:17 211079679249
Она зашкварилась выступлениями с нигами.
Нахуй чернильницу.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:10:02 211079783250
> разве феминистка?
Сейчас на западе нельзя быть знаменитостью и не быть феминисткой.
08/01/20 Срд 03:11:23 211079864251
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:11:24 211079866252
c67f2f78aa010df[...].jpg (70Кб, 411x800)
Я вижу, тут уже праздничный салют грохочет, но фейерверкер, видимо, бухал неделю - бомбить нужно было на Новый год, а к седьмому числу порох явно отсырел, поэтому такое ощущение, будто он пытается просраться сухим дерьмом после испорченного салата.
Поскольку Рождество, каждому фажику под хвост по подарочку! Приступим.
08/01/20 Срд 03:11:39 211079881253
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:11:58 211079896254
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:12:17 211079912255
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:12:35 211079921256
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:13:01 211079934257
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:13:19 211079949258
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:13:35 211079958259
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:13:53 211079969260
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:14:14 211079982261
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:14:36 211079998262
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:14:55 211080016263
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:15:20 211080037264
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:15:45 211080060265
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:16:08 211080075266
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:16:31 211080092267
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:16:52 211080104268
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:17:08 211080118269
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:17:26 211080133270
ENqmCw5UEAAVOqp.jpg (286Кб, 2166x1425)
08/01/20 Срд 03:17:43 211080146271
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:17:44 211080147272
Даже ты лучше чем тот ебанашка со своими говнарьскими песнями
08/01/20 Срд 03:18:10 211080173273
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:18:48 211080203274
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:19:24 211080233275
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:20:01 211080259276
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:20:21 211080277277
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:20:37 211080293278
08/01/20 Срд 03:20:41 211080297279
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:21:17 211080330280
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:21:35 211080343281
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:21:59 211080358282
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:22:33 211080396283
Там же только лесли сидит
08/01/20 Срд 03:22:34 211080397284
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:22:58 211080418285
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:23:18 211080432286
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:23:44 211080457287
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:24:08 211080474288
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:24:32 211080498289
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:25:02 211080527290
ks069 (2).jpg (2670Кб, 3840x5760)
Не гони на энтумбд и напалмовую смерть, сука!
08/01/20 Срд 03:25:10 211080540291
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:25:28 211080548292

Я не Лесли. Но что же, я вас прогоню в самом деле? Ну нет, у меня сияет для всех.
08/01/20 Срд 03:25:34 211080552293
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:25:58 211080578294
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:26:11 211080586295
08/01/20 Срд 03:26:14 211080588296
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:26:35 211080605297
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:26:54 211080621298
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:27:12 211080636299
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
08/01/20 Срд 03:27:33 211080656300
Entombed - Sinn[...].webm (6568Кб, 640x360, 00:05:10)
My skin is dripping from blood
For that moment I sighed in relief
But I was not just going to be dying
I was going to bleed like sinners bleed
Paralyzed by the fear
For something I could not believe
A paradise to some
But hell to suckers like me
Unspeakable sights I behold
They're freezing and teasing my mind
Terrorized by the essence from beyond
The dimensions of another kind
Moving lights
Passes nihility in which I fell
Descent into fright
When I was slowly send down to hell
Scarlet black all I see
The void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me
Please set me free I just want to die
Palace of confusion
Castle of pain
Beneath these walls of power
I'm lost in hells Domain
I am scattered in my own blood
I am losing all my beliefs
But I was not just going to be dying
I am bleeding like sinners bleed
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:27:34 211080657301
340[1] (153Кб, 243x439)
Мне кажется или Дудь бы отлично подошел для киноэкранизации Рика и морти?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:27:38 211080661302
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:27:49 211080671303
349.jpg (149Кб, 1280x720)
Твой тред тоже завайпал уже этот шизик.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:27:58 211080678304
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:29:10 211080733305

А то я не знаю. Но что уж теперь, сейчас-то не вайпает.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:29:38 211080754306
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:29:59 211080777307
Так это же говно ебаное, лол.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:30:01 211080780308
205ec729b9faeaf[...].jpg (218Кб, 1024x1280)
4693.650@2x[1].jpg (120Кб, 1300x1271)
Лесли, солнышко. Я не знаю, сколько вас здесь, но я уверен, что вы как-нибудь разберётесь между собой о том, кто и в каком порядке будет ею пользоваться. Может, конечно, у вас тут иерархия, и тогда старший леслифаг избавится втихую от остальных пушистиков, чтобы остаться в единственном числе... Но это уже не мои проблемы. В конце концов, если конкуренция между вами так сильна, он может и утопить вас. Ещё ею можно резать яйца домогателям и кромсать всяких мелких зверюшек, но в первую очередь я дарю её тебе затем, чтобы когда я буду целовать тебя в щёку, мне не приходилось потом лепить пластырь на губы!
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:30:02 211080781309
храни господь этого вайпера. напалм дес, энтомбд. реквестирую детх.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:30:21 211080810310
Ну разве что внешность характером дудь на долбаеба похож...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:30:46 211080849311
>характером дудь на долбаеба похож...
Ни разу не Рик
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:30:48 211080855312
Лол сам себя поддуваешь уже?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:31:10 211080870313
Рик долбаеб в хорошем смысле, а дудь нет.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:31:24 211080889314
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:31:36 211080898315
Тебе действительно нравится этот кал? это же говно мамонта
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:31:43 211080909316
>Я вижу, тут уже праздничный салют грохочет, но фейерверкер, видимо, бухал неделю - бомбить нужно было на Новый год, а к седьмому числу порох явно отсырел, поэтому такое ощущение, будто он пытается просраться сухим дерьмом после испорченного салата.
Это шизик, который уже три дня вайпает все фаготреды. При этом главный Фаготред он не трогает почему-то.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:32:03 211080930317
Не внатуре, говно же а не музыка. Какие-то скрипы какая-то хуета деревенская.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:32:12 211080942318
изображение.png (16Кб, 343x60)
>долбаеб в хорошем смысле
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:32:19 211080950319
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:32:22 211080955320
34fd431219902384.jpg (1548Кб, 2000x1333)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:32:46 211080986321
этому так неприятно, что семенов под кроватью ищет. тот случай, когда тред унылее вайпа.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:33:12 211081011322
Cамоподдув не заметен ниразу...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:33:38 211081038323
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:33:56 211081059324
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:34:49 211081107325
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:34:58 211081117326
>ряяя, самоподдув
продолжай гореть от вайпа, необучаемый. на /d пожалуйся.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:35:12 211081128327
DtfbxPbWkAAs7Xr.jpg (76Кб, 500x694)
sexdolls-e15091[...].jpg (28Кб, 800x800)
А ты, кажется, большой фанат Мановара и Лесли? Я дарю тебе эту резиновую куклу. Ни один леслифаг всё равно тебе не даст, поэтому можешь распечатать лицо АСР и наложить сверху.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:35:28 211081142328
pepe5.png (63Кб, 512x512)
Хех эти попытки наебать.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:35:53 211081181329
Имплаинг что каловару кто-то вообще даст.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:38:12 211081317330
Без названия (2).jpg (9Кб, 254x199)
Чому она плакаит? Немогу смотреть как красивые/средние тян плачут
08/01/20 Срд 03:38:25 211081325331
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:38:43 211081340332
rktpTG4-Yjk.jpg (135Кб, 960x640)

Нет, я не удержусь. Злобное и чудесное ты создание, Маргоша.

Подбегаю, щекочу по рёбрышкам и убегаю из треда.
08/01/20 Срд 03:38:51 211081349333
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
08/01/20 Срд 03:39:17 211081373334
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
08/01/20 Срд 03:39:38 211081393335
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
08/01/20 Срд 03:39:57 211081409336
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
08/01/20 Срд 03:40:17 211081430337
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:40:24 211081436338
эта паранойя-семенофобство. от поиска хохлов под кроватью тебя пиздюлями вылечили, теперь семенов там ищешь. а еще эта риторика в назывании всех неугодных семенами. глупо выглядишь, даю тебе время на исправление.
08/01/20 Срд 03:40:35 211081448339
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
08/01/20 Срд 03:40:52 211081460340
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:41:03 211081469341
08/01/20 Срд 03:41:22 211081494342
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:41:38 211081505343
ебать, болтомет. такая-то группа была, ссука. у тебя хороший попсовый тяжелый плейлист. продолжаю реквестировать детх и мастера с полом спекманом.
08/01/20 Срд 03:41:47 211081513344
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:41:56 211081521345
86a7ec78029c13d[...].jpg (109Кб, 799x1200)
3728.970.jpg (48Кб, 700x700)
Карочка... Ты вечно такой стеснительный и зажатый мальчик, вечно бурчишь себе что-то под нос с маленькой буквы, либо в ногтях ковыряешься - поэтому вот тебе два самотыка, трахни ими себя наконец! Думаю, в тебе бурлит целое море энергии, нужно его в конечном счете выпустить наружу...
Мы все прекрасно знаем, что ему достаточно грифа его гитары...
А подарок забрала? >>211080780
08/01/20 Срд 03:42:10 211081532346
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
08/01/20 Срд 03:42:31 211081549347
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
08/01/20 Срд 03:42:55 211081565348
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
08/01/20 Срд 03:43:20 211081591349
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:44:54 211081662350
ronnae-art-21-r[...].jpg (392Кб, 930x1316)
1138451[1].jpg (23Кб, 412x329)
К сожалению, я не вижу здесь того-самого тессофага, который обожает тыкаться лицом в крысиное ебало Тессы и целовать её веснушки, поэтому передайте ему, пожалуйста, этот скромный презент...
08/01/20 Срд 03:45:25 211081685351
bolt thrower th[...].webm (16566Кб, 1280x720, 0-2562047788:00:0-54)
Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed
Target code
World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made
Zero rating
The life chances
Enemy evaluation rated
Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load
Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:45:57 211081714352
544848684.jpg (896Кб, 3264x4488)

>А подарок забрала?

Выглядывая из-за двери.

Я он, а подарок ей. Но ей он тоже без надобности, все АСР-фаги мягонькие, пушистые и приятные. Но спасибо большое, тебя тоже с праздником.

Последние слова уже откуда-то из далека
08/01/20 Срд 03:47:10 211081774353
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
08/01/20 Срд 03:47:34 211081797354
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
08/01/20 Срд 03:48:25 211081835355
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:48:37 211081844356
image.png (1426Кб, 900x900)
image.png (1077Кб, 700x610)
image.png (13029Кб, 1937x2928)
image.png (284Кб, 320x426)
08/01/20 Срд 03:49:00 211081863357
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:49:10 211081873358
915579640.jpg (327Кб, 714x1189)
08/01/20 Срд 03:49:59 211081927359
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:50:09 211081937360
DvUSmBUVsAEtEWa[...].jpg (25Кб, 352x550)
bejsbolnayabita[...].jpg (2031Кб, 3861x2574)
Это подарок вам обоим/обеим, нужно же хоть иногда подравнивать пушок, иначе пшеница вырастет!

Все остальные либо слишком пресные и простенькие, либо слишком сложные, либо отсутствуют. Поэтому для них подарок будет общий - моя бита, втиснутая в промежность по самое не хочу... Целую всех, зайчики! :* С праздниками, ага!
08/01/20 Срд 03:50:38 211081959361
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
08/01/20 Срд 03:51:07 211081991362
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:51:08 211081994363
CPkfvyFwOCQ.jpg (193Кб, 1242x1156)
15776175328450.jpg (99Кб, 770x749)
Только вайп-анон тут не беспонтовый пирожок.
08/01/20 Срд 03:51:42 211082027364
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:51:50 211082031365
15637185290831.jpg (182Кб, 900x719)
08/01/20 Срд 03:52:13 211082051366
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
08/01/20 Срд 03:52:35 211082072367
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
08/01/20 Срд 03:52:41 211082081368
е, диджей пластинку сменил. да! больше пионеров дета! эх, морбидов бы. fall from grace, если резать будешь.
08/01/20 Срд 03:52:56 211082096369
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:53:05 211082100370
08/01/20 Срд 03:53:23 211082118371
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:53:54 211082148372
.jpg (518Кб, 1280x1659)
Он петух, но музыка у него классная.
08/01/20 Срд 03:54:10 211082169373
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 03:54:12 211082170374
16jax0293.jpg (391Кб, 1000x667)
Что же ты за обоссанный ноулайфер.
08/01/20 Срд 03:54:35 211082189375
Immolation - Af[...].mp4 (13207Кб, 480x360, 00:05:54)
I pray that I can see beyond this life tormenting me
Tempting from inside
Come hysteric thoughts of pain, slowly I'm consumed
Into emptiness I fall
When my body's cold and dead, will the feeling be the same
Will my kingdom comfort me or reject my languid soul
Stagnant cooling blood
Starts to coagulate
My body weakens and sinks
As my soul discorporates
Resurrected from the souls of the damned, comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me, creations from below, my body rots within its grave
My soul now free to roam
I begin to seek what's been taunting me
My lifeless corpse no longer binding me
My incarnate life no more, my existence now deceased, now that I am gone I exist in misery. My unpleasant realization and my suffering begins, salvation never reached
And my kingdom never found.
Resurrected from the souls of the damned
Comes the fury of their dismay
Ungodly images unveiled to me
Creations from below
My body rots within its grave
My soul forever roams.
08/01/20 Срд 03:57:22 211082382376
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 03:57:47 211082407377
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 03:58:11 211082433378
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 03:58:29 211082452379
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 03:59:04 211082503380
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 03:59:44 211082537381
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:00:03 211082560382
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:00:23 211082579383
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:00:46 211082602384
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:01:02 211082621385
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:01:22 211082639386
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:01:43 211082654387
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:02:04 211082671388
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:02:14 211082682389
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:02:22 211082687390
15113952196420.gif (387Кб, 177x177)
Он в жопку вряд ли дает, чего не скажешь о тебе.
Это под каким углом посмотреть. Есть камни, есть животные. Первые лежат на месте, вторые двигаются. Вы аватаркофажите по несколько раз на неделе, он вайпает. Чем больше я сижу в бэ, тем меньше вижу различий между подобными явлениями. Это просто другая форма жизни, уважай её.
08/01/20 Срд 04:02:23 211082689391
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:02:46 211082709392
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:03:12 211082733393
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:03:57 211082784394
08/01/20 Срд 04:04:16 211082797395
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:04:49 211082834396
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:05:34 211082867397
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:06:01 211082885398
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:06:49 211082917399
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:07:10 211082932400
Therion - Futur[...].mp4 (8437Кб, 640x356, 00:04:58)
Chaos within laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out?
Haunted by their Master
Their holy god, their king of kings
He says outbreaks are evil
To be chained into this lake of fire
No sanity exists
Open eyes and truths forbidden
All humans should obey
Heavens gates will never fetter up their souls
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
08/01/20 Срд 04:08:22 211082987401
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:08:28 211082991402
Да ну, шлюхами тред забили. Ну лучше "кунчЯковЪ".
Стрелочка дерьма в би немного крутонулась
08/01/20 Срд 04:08:38 211083001403
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:08:57 211083025404
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:09:17 211083042405
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:09:35 211083058406
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:09:58 211083078407
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:10:18 211083100408
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:10:41 211083116409
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:10:57 211083133410
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:11:18 211083148411
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:11:49 211083171412
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:12:08 211083187413
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:12:23 211083200414
004 (10).jpg (333Кб, 1364x1989)
08/01/20 Срд 04:12:26 211083202415
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:12:48 211083220416
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:13:07 211083238417
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:13:27 211083252418
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:13:50 211083266419
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:14:18 211083282420
Дед мороз был пьяненький, половину подарков схомячил, половину распихал по дырочкам, теперь бедный мудя плачет и хочет обратно на парашу.
08/01/20 Срд 04:14:30 211083287421
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:15:09 211083321422
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:15:26 211083344423
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:15:38 211083350424
08/01/20 Срд 04:15:48 211083358425
Hypocrisy - Exc[...].mp4 (6952Кб, 384x288, 00:05:08)
Your standing, in front of, all those hidden graves.
Murdered people you what are you gonna say
Darkness is falling, its time you realize, moon eclipse is shown in your bloodshotted eyes.
Take their mind from them , have them give him mine.
Is no way to be. Pray to your lord to spare your soul, i hell we will be.
Darkness is falling and with so its tortured your life. Demons from hell will come to walk at your side.
Angels, flying through the sky, From hell, the best day will cost your life.
08/01/20 Срд 04:16:23 211083383426
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:16:46 211083402427
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:17:17 211083418428
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:17:35 211083434429
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:17:54 211083440430
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:18:27 211083468431
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:18:59 211083494432
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:19:16 211083511433
large.gif (1505Кб, 268x330)
Мерзкий ублюдок, что ты там несешь? Я ничего не понял, хотя мне понравилось про деда мороза и дырочки. Раньше у меня был дедушка, который стучал мне по лбу, но в этом году он не пришел, а без него и праздник не праздник...
08/01/20 Срд 04:19:25 211083514434
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:19:35 211083521435
dt.jpg (116Кб, 1080x810)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:19:40 211083527436
Привет Харличка пусечка пошли в доточку тебе посапорчу мой рыцарь :33333333
08/01/20 Срд 04:19:57 211083546437
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:20:39 211083577438
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:20:41 211083579439
Ты пьяная скотина оставил полтреда и суицидника мэди без подарков!!!! Тебе должно быть стыдно.
08/01/20 Срд 04:21:01 211083587440
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:21:26 211083608441
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:21:55 211083632442
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:22:25 211083657443
43d6c0414cf64e8[...].jpg (78Кб, 640x640)
карочка уже повоевала без картиночек, свои две штуки ты даришь в воздух.
08/01/20 Срд 04:22:27 211083659444
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:22:57 211083688445
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:23:35 211083712446
Ебать лохи с 1к ммр
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:23:48 211083722447
507036951644877[...].jpg (60Кб, 1080x1080)
Ну надо же, какие прогрессивные взгляды, дар речи потерял от восхищения.
08/01/20 Срд 04:25:12 211083789448
а по мне он даже лучше вас. вы фажите ежедневно, а вайпер металхед в новинку. и музыка у него хорошая, а ваши пластиковые бабы заебали уже.
08/01/20 Срд 04:25:32 211083804449
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:25:57 211083822450
Cancer - Tastel[...].mp4 (9763Кб, 640x360, 00:04:53)
Old man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
Carry on
keeping in the family
Human disgrace
The younger ones first
He thinks nobody minds
Tasteless incest
Sensless lust
Satisfiction, sickening trust
Led to believe, that it's alright
Young boy cries, into the night
He will never, change his way
When he's dead, he may repay
Hate is burning, in young eyes
When they're older, evil will rise
08/01/20 Срд 04:26:32 211083843451
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:26:50 211083858452
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:27:08 211083870453
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:27:28 211083886454
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:27:49 211083895455
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:28:09 211083913456
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:28:14 211083917457
giph54y.gif (1514Кб, 245x138)
bejsbolnayabita[...].jpg (2031Кб, 3861x2574)
Аааа, вот оно что... Вообще-то, я уже обговорил участь всех детей, которые остались без подарков потому что у меня без эксклюзивных подарков остаются не те, кто вёл себя плохо в прошлом году, а жертвы моей прихоти, но мэди готов лично размягчить очко своим языком, а потом засунуть туда пикрелейтед - если, конечно, он будет краснеть, вздыхать, дрожать ресницами и прогибаться вперёд при каждом прикосновении моих губ. У него такие нежные аватарки, поэтому его нужно наказать больше всех - просто за то, что он хороший. Хотя выше по треду он ругался петушарой - это сильно портит его образ.
08/01/20 Срд 04:28:25 211083924458
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:28:45 211083943459
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:29:26 211083972460
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:29:34 211083983461
.jpg (413Кб, 1281x2128)
Форма жизни, которая сидит и часами вручную вайпает неугодные ему треды, как по мне, весьма тупорылая.
08/01/20 Срд 04:29:45 211083993462
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:30:30 211084038463
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:30:57 211084065464
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:31:34 211084096465
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:31:52 211084112466
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:31:53 211084113467
1420409882447.jpg (118Кб, 632x636)
08/01/20 Срд 04:32:42 211084147468
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:33:05 211084166469
1498F006-D963-4[...].gif (89Кб, 600x349)
Вот она
08/01/20 Срд 04:33:16 211084178470
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:33:23 211084182471
08/01/20 Срд 04:34:07 211084221472
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:34:29 211084237473
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:34:58 211084256474
Carcass - Pyosi[...].mp4 (6803Кб, 360x360, 00:03:10)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction
Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp
As your mind is torn by encephalitis
Your cavities rot with ulcers
Your infected inflammations torn
Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay
You're infernally rotten to the gore...
Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore
Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than a bowlful of chyme
Maggot infested kidneys
Are what I choose every time
The smell of plaguing infection
Is nauseatingly emetic
Prolonged spumescence of stale pus
Stinks like hot, putrid vomit
Your body is indurate
The insides are black as tar
Your innards gnawed by septic hate
Now a mass of empyaema
Your blood is caked
Dried and inconsistent
Your bloody rotten gore
Is now vitrescent
08/01/20 Срд 04:35:21 211084280475
Unleashed - The[...].mp4 (4483Кб, 480x360, 00:03:44)
Stalking through the utter dark
Evil eyes glow in the distance
Prepared for a battle in rage
The end for the cruel adventurer
Blow to side - strike through eye
A battle-axe wields to charge
And separates head from body
Darkest blood flowing free
My eyes are filled with pleasure
Blow to side - strike through eye
A hunt for an ancient treasure
No herbs to restore his life
To die by an orchish arrow
Victorious the olog-hai
Slow you'll die - the dark one smiles
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:35:49 211084300476
original.gif (1205Кб, 540x240)
>Ну надо же, какие прогрессивные взгляды, дар речи потерял от восхищения.
Твой сарказм сосёт.
Ну он, конечно, никакая не форма жизни, а такой же фрик, как и мы. Тут правильное определение не форма жизни, нет, а "способ самовыражения". Это высказывание, написанное говном и кровью. В грязи и разрушении тоже есть свой смысл и своя красота, тем более, что в каждом из нас всё это присутствует так или иначе. Вероятно, он может сказать, что часами сидеть под аватарками - тоже весьма тупорылое занятие.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:37:07 211084359477
3fa39e0b89beac2[...].gif (1224Кб, 268x150)
>карочка уже повоевала без картиночек
Нет никакой карочки без картиночек. ) Без картиночек карочки нет.
>свои две штуки ты даришь в воздух.
Я тебе их по почте пришлю, когда тебя не будет дома - а твоя мама распакует.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:37:46 211084389478

пацаны, серьезно? В треде дохуя няш которых одна на миллион, с яркими чертами лица, точеной талией, выразительными глазами, а вы дрочите на лоуренс. Я хуею с вас. В России каждая вторая такая же. Черты лица могут чуть меняться, но фигура у каждой второй один в один. Да я сам сейчас с похожей живу. Блять, как можно дрочить на это.

Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:39:36 211084465479
Тупо с языка снял, мне кажется либо двач ебанулся, либо в треде семен
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:41:14 211084529480
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:42:05 211084563481
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:42:53 211084594482
Стикер (255Кб, 507x512)
> Да я сам сейчас с похожей живу.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:43:11 211084602483
.jpg (187Кб, 1500x1954)
По-моему этот ролеплейнг и какое-никакое общение это куда более занимательные и развлекательные занятия, нежели бесконечный вайп тредов. Не представляю каким нужно быть ебанько, чтоб бессмысленный постинг однотипных картинок и вебм с говном, гуро и прочим, доставлял удовольствие.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:43:38 211084621484
Гоблин в треде, я спокоен, традиции соблюдены
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:46:12 211084725485
102997607255762[...].jpg (74Кб, 1080x1080)
>Нет никакой карочки
карочка есть. даже когда без картиночек - карочка есть.
>а твоя мама распакует
моя мама.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:47:55 211084798486
544724480n.jpg (147Кб, 1080x1350)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:48:21 211084813487
309.jpg (194Кб, 3840x2160)
Ты слишком грубый и нетактичный и дохуя мнишь о себе.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:49:06 211084835488
> и дохуя мнишь о себе.
Это от костюма, он не виноват.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:53:00 211084982489
119179636316860[...].jpg (63Кб, 750x937)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:55:29 211085084490
Еее, музыкальный webm-тред под прикрытием.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:59:14 211085220491
хочу в e
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 04:59:44 211085248492
e63211726e22cbd[...].jpg (86Кб, 1500x881)
Ясны глазки же - подмигиваю - что для него это не удовольствие, а долг, которому он предаётся, не щадя себя. Хотя, возможно, какое-то садомазохистское удовольствие он всё же испытывает. Он видит себя борцом с ролеплеем и аватарками, с нерелейтедом и раком - и, находясь среди нас, постоянно соприкасаясь с дерьмом и гуро, можно предположить, испытывает - вполне ясно или сам того не желая - специфические чувства, которые отзываются у него ниже пупка.
А может, костюм лишь оправдание?
Не обманывай его, пускай считает хуже, чем есть на самом деле - так ему будет проще свыкнуться с моей битой в своей кишке.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:03:23 211085385493
В чём смысл-то этого борцунства против чего-то на мылачевской помойке? Перед кем у него долг, перед Усмановым что ли? Бред полный.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:03:30 211085394494
9ef099af42eb345[...].jpg (56Кб, 547x320)
f28ca28a28397cb[...].jpg (63Кб, 600x337)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:03:52 211085406495
cover-459.jpg (46Кб, 706x706)
14954453248581.[...].jpg (65Кб, 706x591)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:04:24 211085423496
scheise-0278.jpg (27Кб, 600x550)
Verylovelyandse[...].jpg (128Кб, 990x660)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:04:48 211085436497
page-45.jpg (114Кб, 706x706)
i7fa03mp9jkndzq[...].jpg (33Кб, 750x421)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:05:09 211085449498
Big-Shit-In-Bat[...].jpg (57Кб, 1024x575)
1633609348.jpg (114Кб, 871x728)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:06:19 211085494499
Eat-My-Whole-Sc[...].jpg (144Кб, 1279x715)
Scat-Training-A[...].jpg (311Кб, 706x706)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:06:51 211085514500
poop-sex-0477-7.jpg (308Кб, 1680x1260)
shit-piss-poo-g[...].jpg (22Кб, 600x449)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:09:31 211085620501
bde3a1b092c33bb[...].gif (774Кб, 160x195)
Перед собой, неужели ты не понимаешь? Перед своим видением прекрасного! В его Идеальном Дваче мы сидим в /fag/, не поднимая головы, и этот гордый джигит последовательно насилует наши треды вот уже третьи сутки.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:10:08 211085645502
cover-459.jpg (46Кб, 706x706)
c35e1f6ed88d732[...].jpg (110Кб, 1079x605)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:10:44 211085670503
kav174569428.jpg (220Кб, 801x1234)
6 (1).jpg (220Кб, 1280x960)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:11:06 211085685504
64213055.jpg (99Кб, 660x880)
7fb3cdc8cb552e5[...].jpg (83Кб, 1000x563)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:11:27 211085701505
yhOWejjJY5.jpg (60Кб, 494x600)
Anna-Coprofield[...].jpg (213Кб, 1294x724)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:11:51 211085716506
7587442366a61a8[...].gif (2055Кб, 268x155)
Мне нравится смотреть, как ты сгораешь. ) Интересно, надолго тебя хватит, ковбой?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:12:27 211085737507
> мы
> наши треды
Неплохо этот костюмчик тебе мозги прожарил
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:12:33 211085740508
0060.jpg (159Кб, 768x768)
542014314.jpg (65Кб, 600x800)
15784469042130.jpg (76Кб, 961x1200)
2019-Spankmepin[...].jpg (60Кб, 1024x576)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:13:14 211085776509
kav174569428.jpg (220Кб, 801x1234)
15784480383890.jpg (102Кб, 424x640)
lesbian-scat-sc[...].jpg (377Кб, 1280x966)
scat-domination[...].jpg (141Кб, 1280x715)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:13:53 211085798510
zip10 (1).jpg (475Кб, 1280x1132)
mmm44.jpg (98Кб, 1280x966)
15784486077523.jpg (546Кб, 936x1062)
243903980.jpg (224Кб, 1984x1333)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:14:14 211085808511
1656-990x621.jpg (40Кб, 990x621)
Где-то далеко пылает Леслитред, и слышится счастливый смех с той стороны. И далёкий крик. Всем спокойной ночи! Всем сверка...пылающих снов!
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:14:28 211085814512
20200108043239.jpg (256Кб, 816x699)
tumblrmm2okbMt4[...].jpg (47Кб, 500x666)
Anna-Coprofield[...].jpg (213Кб, 1294x724)
kinky-women-cov[...].jpg (249Кб, 1260x1680)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:15:02 211085833513
zip5.jpg (39Кб, 661x680)
15784479406450.jpg (272Кб, 1642x2160)
scat-real-siste[...].jpg (337Кб, 1280x720)
4349532.jpg (245Кб, 1920x1080)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:15:39 211085846514
973d10acfe4f3ed[...].gif (675Кб, 245x140)
Хм, и правда... Может, это внезапно возникший пред лицом врага патриотизм? Или можешь считать, что это просто адрес прописки или географические координаты. Но какое бы место я не занимал посреди вас, для меня он исключения делать не станет.
Наутро чтобы бритая была.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:15:44 211085847515
6 (1).jpg (220Кб, 1280x960)
lesbian-scat-sc[...].jpg (377Кб, 1280x966)
131616636510015[...].jpg (69Кб, 532x800)
15784463572830.jpg (149Кб, 1080x1080)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:19:22 211085975516
Eat-My-Whole-Sc[...].jpg (144Кб, 1279x715)
zip4.jpg (212Кб, 1024x1536)
15784493722100.gif (774Кб, 160x195)
page-2.jpg (329Кб, 706x706)
08/01/20 Срд 05:20:27 211086016517
15783514314660.mp4 (20348Кб, 450x360, 00:04:12)
>Где-то далеко пылает Леслитред, и слышится
Napalm Death - Suffer the Children.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:21:10 211086041518
0060.jpg (159Кб, 768x768)
5450d21de9b52.jpg (95Кб, 666x691)
2019-Spankmepin[...].jpg (60Кб, 1024x576)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:29:46 211086314519
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:42:10 211086801520
1471812551602.jpg (97Кб, 870x1110)
1427050132383.jpg (75Кб, 870x1110)
1427050331142.jpg (70Кб, 870x1110)
1427234218416.jpg (70Кб, 1023x1303)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:59:22 211087343521
1301984-cara-de[...].jpg (253Кб, 2000x1333)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:45:48 211088685522
Спасибо Абу!
<span style="color: red; font-style: oblique;">Абу благословил этот пост.</span>
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 07:01:33 211089132523
Абу сосёт за спасибо.
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