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Russia is essentially a medieval or late roman empire history book event. The leader of the mercena Anonymous  25/06/23 Вск 13:36:25 116208 1
Byzantine.png 1386Кб, 1054x758
Russia is essentially a medieval or late roman empire history book event.

The leader of the mercenaries takes advantage of the monarch's vulnerability, march on the capital in a show of power with almost nothing standing in the way. The emperor can do nothing, but lower his head and offer pardon and other promises.
Anonymous  25/06/23 Вск 14:16:29 116209 2
783309021f53f4b[...].jpg 96Кб, 679x676
Anonymous  25/06/23 Вск 14:27:07 116210 3
I'm not.
I just find it insane that a country as big and important as russia, can have coups done by mercenaries in 2023.
Anonymous  25/06/23 Вск 22:15:22 116220 4
Ur just dumb and believe in show to bite Ucrainian to counterattack. Burn leopards and others Shiites, burn.
Anonymous  26/06/23 Пнд 00:18:01 116221 5
He just escaped from being a mercenary. They are murderers and Putin was making deals with them. All that happened was someone who doesn't deserve to leave that life managed to leave it.
Anonymous  26/06/23 Пнд 00:39:29 116222 6
And his men are now in the Russian military, which means less of them die, I presume..?

The war continues because of the attempted Ukrainian drone strike on the Kremlin.
Anonymous  26/06/23 Пнд 00:59:47 116224 7
Putin would have initially made deals with them (wagner) for international attention and hardworking foreigners. And it would have lessened the bloodshed by the mercenary (murderer) group in the short term.
Anonymous  26/06/23 Пнд 15:26:30 116239 8
Angry russian.webm 567Кб, 242x182, 00:00:04
Anonymous  28/06/23 Срд 09:39:48 116416 9
khazar vs russia.JPG 171Кб, 1662x610
Anonymous  28/06/23 Срд 13:12:33 116419 10
>>116208 (OP)
Well, yeah, basically. We always did admire Vizantium.
Anonymous  28/06/23 Срд 13:14:24 116420 11
Dude, same as german did with Rome. Didn't stop you from copying them. It's normal for barbarians to admire and copy civilization they raided.
Anonymous  28/06/23 Срд 13:15:48 116421 12
It was more of the rebellion, all things considered. Although I do think that rebellion better than an election.
Anonymous  28/06/23 Срд 15:59:19 116445 13
We are in cyberpunk era. Pmc-s are larger than governments. AIs are growing rapidly.
Anonymous  09/07/23 Вск 17:21:16 117139 14
Anonymous  16/08/23 Срд 23:12:00 118585 15
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 22:31:56 118991 16
Anonymous  18/08/23 Птн 01:49:58 119020 17
Didn't the coup fail miserably, like, why is the Russian army so lacking in manpower?
Anonymous  26/08/23 Суб 04:48:37 119723 18
>>116208 (OP)
You are wrong. Just have a look at how they killed prigozhin. They have blown up his airplane while In a medieval roman empire they would poison or stab him. So modern, yeah?
Anonymous  26/08/23 Суб 08:19:44 119724 19
>>116208 (OP)
Meanwhile in very modern Western civilization : small groups of billionaires own 95% of the medias, politics controlled by a sect of sodomites who think of themselves as heirs of the templars, religious dogmas (such as progressism for example) are taught and repeated to kids every days then repeated to medias. Not submitting to dogmas will make you marginalized, if you speak out about your marginal ideas you will loose your work and social status. Wow very modern, history defintely not a loop, we are better than our ancestors and also better than savage easterns.
Anonymous  26/08/23 Суб 12:40:20 119725 20
Breaking news: people are the exact same as they were in the Middle Ages, except now we have iPhones and wear stupid business suits.
Anonymous  26/08/23 Суб 21:54:56 119739 21
Who's to say that emperor Putin didn't turn his head into a drinking cup?
Anonymous  27/08/23 Вск 06:07:28 119743 22
>We will save the world with Christ
>We will save the world with socialism
>We will save the world with democracy
>We will save the world with science
Anonymous  28/08/23 Пнд 05:34:27 119788 23
In the middle ages, people thougth that the world was in a slow decline that would eventually build up to the final judgment. Or something like that, something of that calliber I'm not sure.
Anonymous  28/08/23 Пнд 05:57:35 119789 24
16931695679150.webm 2700Кб, 460x258, 00:01:44
Anonymous  28/08/23 Пнд 09:35:16 119801 25
image.png 1119Кб, 833x561
Anonymous  28/08/23 Пнд 14:06:56 119810 26
Anonymous  28/08/23 Пнд 17:09:30 119813 27
Who'll be the next emperor of Putin?
Anonymous  28/08/23 Пнд 17:36:53 119815 28
It will be Putin.
Some his clones expire, but new ones are introduced. I give 150-200 more years of Putin reign.
Anonymous  29/08/23 Втр 00:24:21 119827 29
>>116208 (OP)
>Russia is essentially a medieval or late roman empire history book event.
Well, we style ourselves as successors of Byzanthium with all byzanthium shit, which was in fact Rome with all roman shit like political assasinations and military commanders going rogue, but with no old roman legions and only half of land. So gotta get this kind of events.
Also we are successors of the Great Horde and vikings, so gotta steal your danish cattle and loot your monasteries one day.
Anonymous  29/08/23 Втр 10:50:24 119839 30
I hope putin will live long life and be President for next 20 years or so.
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 09:23:58 119848 31
Двачую. Назло всем хочу чтоб Путин жил КаК можно дальше и правил как можно дальше. Всё равно ни-ху-я не изменится
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 09:58:50 119858 32
Even after his death I'm sure we, good russians, can find a way to him to be president. Like digital president or neuro-machine.
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 10:21:19 119862 33
Видел нейросеть Жириновского? Путин проживёт ещё лет 10 минимум. За это время мы продвинемся в этом плане на столько, что думаю, что будем сканировать мозг полностью и заливать сознание оттуда в машину компьютерную.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 09:40:52 125119 34
Ты совсем дебич что ли?
двачую. назло всем хочу чтоб путин жил как можно дальше. всё равно ни-ху-я не изменится
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 15:02:53 125124 35
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