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Communism doesn't seem that bad. Seems a bit cozy actually. Anonymous  23/10/23 Пнд 00:16:49 121362 1
Павел Тунев7291[...].mp4 7940Кб, 480x848, 00:01:00
Communism doesn't seem that bad. Seems a bit cozy actually.
Anonymous  23/10/23 Пнд 14:54:30 121368 2
Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 01:12:56 122664 3
Probably if your grandpa did understand this your country wouldn't turn into a such shithole
Anonymous  18/12/23 Пнд 16:34:43 123083 4
>>121362 (OP)
I know swedes are perverts. Interrational cuckolding and stuff. But finding soviet shitholes cozy, that's even more cringe.
Anonymous  10/01/24 Срд 02:15:32 123687 5
i (15).jpeg 225Кб, 983x1080
If you are not against the transformation of the country into a Swedish emirate, then we probably should not be surprised at the vision of aesthetics in Soviet life.
Anonymous  14/01/24 Вск 00:38:38 123732 6
>>121362 (OP)
USSR this is really shit, and your video is proof of that. USSR this is a country of degradation of the nation and minds of people
Anonymous  19/01/24 Птн 13:12:44 123934 7
>>121362 (OP)
What is conversion rate for eur/ruble in Russland? I'm looking at this video and there's this Croatian "Podravka" soup, was kinda surprised bcause sanctions and all that, looked it up and it seems it's 1/3 of the price here. Same with other random goods that I've checked, everything is much cheaper. What gives?
Anonymous  20/01/24 Суб 18:10:13 123937 8
Pretty volatile but aim for 90 rub in us dollars and 100 rub in eur
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