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Cats. Do you have one? Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 03:10:43 122203 1
d414ceeda820f2a[...].webp 24Кб, 594x358
Я не пытаюсь быть грубым. Я ищу честный ответ. Действительно ли русские говорят кошкам "KcccccKcccccKccccc"? Я нахожу это очень забавным, как любитель Пккккпккпккпккккккк
Подпись: Канада
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 03:13:58 122204 2

Извините. Программное обеспечение для перевода плохое.
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 03:19:05 122205 3
I'm not trying to be rude. But do Russians really say KssssssssKsssssKsssss to their kots??? Clearly they respond to PssssPsssssPsssss. How do you call cats in your country?
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 05:23:27 122210 4
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 18:08:18 122244 5
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 18:10:27 122245 6
We say KsKsKsKsKsKsKsKsKsKs when we want to call the cat, it's true. And what's amazing is that cats respond very well to it.
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 23:07:22 122261 7
>>122203 (OP)
They respond well to both calls, I tested it long time ago, it does not even need cat to be accustomed to specific one. Maybe it reminds them rodent sounds in both cases.
As >>122245 said, it sounds more like more ksksksksks, looks hard to say but not that hard with little practice. It is written as "kis-kis-kis" and is associated with word "kiska", kitty.
Pspspspsps sound to a russian ear equally funny as ksksksksks to you, for us it is an offer/compulsion to urinate, each russian heard this from his mom in his very young years.
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 01:54:40 122284 8
>Pspspspsps sound to a russian ear equally funny as ksksksksks to you, for us it is an offer/compulsion to urinate, each russian heard this from his mom in his very young years.
also In english, they use the word piss
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 05:13:20 124986 9
>>122203 (OP)
пcccccпcccccпccccc*извините. программное обеспечение для перевода плохое.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 11:50:13 124995 10
1.mp4 3384Кб, 360x640, 00:00:11
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