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how high heat can u get in ur apartment? we used to have 28c option until the 00s. now standard is 2 Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 05:09:40 125212 1
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how high heat can u get in ur apartment?
we used to have 28c option until the 00s. now standard is 21c. i get the sense that old commieblock from former ussr have proper heating
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 16:07:32 125220 2
>>125212 (OP)
I suppose, as long as floors are warm, its nice to have 22. But personally I keep heater turned up to 24.3, cause floors are cold.
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 16:55:33 125225 3
image.png 1599Кб, 1359x641
>>125212 (OP)
21 degrees Celsius is a comfortable temperature for humans, and in new houses built since the 2000s it is. But in Soviet-era apartment buildings in the winter in the European part of Russia, you have to open a window to avoid getting fried.
In private houses, the role of heater is played by gas boilers, so their residents have flexible control over this.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 20:30:19 125408 4
russia heating.mp4 25448Кб, 404x720, 00:01:23
>21 degrees Celsius is a comfortable temperature for humans
if u are wearing clothes, yes.
but if you want to sleep naked / with underwear only, it's too cold. not comfortable to sleep with clothes on imo.

thanks for info though
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