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polish man bulling ukrainian taxi driver in poland Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 23:47:05 125753 1
171320820884634[...].mp4 7102Кб, 576x1024, 00:01:40
polish man bulling ukrainian taxi driver in poland
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 03:25:48 125761 2
>>125753 (OP)
From the familiar vocabulary I understood that the reason was that the Ukrainian did not allow smoking in the cabin.
And... hey! Was this dude already the hero of some video with drunk Poles who wanted to kill him, or was it another one?
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 11:05:28 125762 3
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 11:30:16 125763 4
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 15:32:55 125765 5
I think he's subtly provoking them beforehand to make a show. Lmao:D
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 23:34:13 125934 6
image.png 94Кб, 358x317
Anonymous  29/04/24 Пнд 10:29:47 125960 7
If I lived in Poland, I'd have the same face.
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